Dear brothers and sisters,
The argument of how small or big this or that stream of Eastern Orthodoxy is, honestly, is absurd.
Argument that I may not be an Eastern bishop bears no relevance, as this is a discussion on implementation of Dominus Iesus in practice. I hoped the dialogue would not take this twist, but it did. I have experienced this many times before, with RCC and Greek Catholic priests in my country, when trying to explain why our people who complained to me, their bishop, should receive the Eucharist and should be allowed to confess their sins when I or one of our priests are not available (with some out-of-reach places, often).
Of course you can argue those people have the right to officially request in written from their local Catholic bishop to pass through the door of Unia. But they do want to retain their Orthodox faith and traditions, they do not want to become Orthodox. And they kind of believe that Dominus Iesus says there is a way for them.
Taking the thing to the local priests did not help in several cases but one. In the others they smiled and told me they well know of the existence of Dominus Iesus, but unless we adhere to the “ten points” or “twelve points” --my memory serves well, it is just two dioceses had different “lists of their own” coming from the diocesan bishop himself, there “is simply nothing they can do”. So, the terms specifically set forth in Dominus Iesus were met, I proved to the priests they were met, and still they would, with a smile on their face, and this is no hyperbole, refuse to act upon the document of the Magisterium. Now I am not here at the forum to complin and whine, but I must make a simple statement that thi made me sad.
Did I ask for the meeting with the bishop himself? Not in any of the two dioceses, as one of the “priests with the list” was the vicar basically speaking for the very elderly and very ill bishop, and the priests confirmed for me this is the situation in the whole country. They were quite well versed at the matter at hand. They did not know if the situation is as this in our neighbouring countries, though.
So, should I request a personal visit at the bishops office? I do not think that would resolve the unwillingness to act upon something with which obviously diocesan bishops and diocesan priests do not agree.
I cannot go anywhere with my fellow bishops, as our synod is dispersed over four different states, and I am alone in my country.
My synod will not write a letter to anyone, as they believe each bishop in his own eparchy should be able to take care of problems of his faithful on his own (not very happy about it, but some synods are more “do what you can on your own” than others).
So, this is why I asked about the implemenatation of Dominus Iesus in practice.
My brother bishop in Ohio has the same problem, so does my brother bishop in Melk, so it is not “bad luck”, but rather a line of practice, I think. Also, I wrote to the diocesan bishop in Columbus Most. Rev. Frederick F. Campbell and wanted to meet him about this when I was on a pastoral visit to Ohio, and the Bishop´s office never even bothered to reply to my written request to meet. This did not add to my great effort to try to communicate with Catholic bishops on official level. With my brother bishops we do not think they accept us as partners for discussion. Do you remember the Ruthenian and Ukrainian mater in the US? I can understand the Uniates being given the “second-class citizens” approach saying “enough” and returning to us. The hierarchy in Vatican may be a different matter, yes, but honestly, we need to resolve local problems, locally. We are not pro-Uniate in the meaning we want our parishes and people to pass through the door of Unia. We just want to share in what is offered to our people by the Magisterium, as long as it is an offer at all, or an offer in good faith at that. So far we have only had bad experience in trying to accept what it purportedly offers.
And thank you for all the benefit of the doubt, despite, due to absolute irrelevance of my clerical status for this thread, I do not think I need that. No disrespect intended. I simply believe that those that want to help in good faith will help and write their ideas and experience. Those that are here for starting fights and phariseic talk will do just that. As I explained, because I am not here to request any honors or whatever of that kind, nor am I pressing anyone to address me with any of the official titles, if anyone chooses to not accept me as an Eastern bishop, that is absolutely up to you. No one can force you to do that. I am only interested in your views and expereience of the matter at hand. So, if you feel a need to addres me in any way and would like to think I am not bihop, adddress me simply “Gavrilo”. I am here on more important business than titles. So, as I believe this is my thread, please speak on topic. If you want to open any polemics with me, I most kindly ask you to choose the private messaging tool.
Blessings, +Gavrilo