Not sure I imply that right (or “infer”? I am lost in these details of English language, sorry).
I am in absolutely good standing with my synod and the other synods with which we are in full communion. I am at friendly terms with many other East Orthodox vladykas with which we are officially not in communion. I exercicse brotherly love and consider it a way of life rahter than policy. That being said, I am an eparch and have responsibility for my flock. It is a responsibility that the Holy Spirit placed upon my shoulders and one day I shall give account of my office. I love my flock and my heart bleeds when I, not being too well off financially, cannot be available to some dispersed through my eparchy to serve them the Holy Mysteries. I refuse to believe it is a question of “Holy Spirit wanted it this way, it is a test” when there may be something to actually do about it.
Also, unlike the Assyrian Mar in question, I seek no profit for myself, I am not doing anythng for any political reasons, I want no political capital out of this. I was already offered to enter the gate of Unia, from three different sources, and most surely with the best and most honest of intentions (no sarcasm used or intended), but I simply have a certain responsibility now and cannot accept that. I do believe there is a way the Church can breathe with both lungs and I intend to do my best to find the equilibrium. Dominus Iesus, and I beg your pardon if you RCCs see things differently than an Eastern bishop, seemed to me to be a good instrument for that. If you see a more practical way, please share. This is why I posted the discussion in the first place.
And thank you kindly for taking the discussion back to tracck and away from personal attacks and hostility towards me and my flock. I appreciate your effort.
I also appologize for taking a week offf, we had a plenary session of the synod in Greece, some ordinations, several divine liturgies (our Mt. Athos version of the Divine Liturgy of St. Ioann Chrysostomos takes between 3-5 hours depending on how many ordinations and consecrations there are and other details. It can be very exhausting).
A prayer for unity: May our most belloved mother, the Lady Theeotokos, bring us all together as her children through her immacualte heart, for she alone of all of mankind was worthy of becoming the perfect vessel for the most beautiful of all gifts to us, our beloved Lord and Master Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. Domne pomiluj, amin.
In Christ,
+Gavrilo, Bishop of Czechia
Exarchate of Vlahia of the Greek Orthodox Church