Donald Trump’s Approval Rises Nine Points Among Black Voters During RNC

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I asked him once if he/they know the views/partisanship of people who didn’t answer polls. He said they didn’t. That’s the big imponderable.
In my puny little world. I know some who support Trump. I have heard a few times that people are afraid of sating they support Trump, because people loose friends over this, or get doxed and so on. I told one of them, hey I’ll get you a trump hat if you’d like. And I was told, No Way! I do NOT want to get in to confrontations.

I wonder how widespread this really is.
I know of several off the bat. Most of us say we don’t want to talk about it because we get attacked.
For those of us who cannot access the article as it is behind a paywall, can you give us an idea of her main point(s)?
For those of us who cannot access the article as it is behind a paywall, can you give us an idea of her main point(s)?
When white men respond to their life circumstances with gun violence, it’s treated as a public health problem, brought on by mental illness and stress. When black men do, it’s portrayed almost solely as a criminal issue, caused by lawlessness and moral failing. The multiplier in both epidemics is lawmakers’ blind devotion to the NRA. Zealously protecting their right to bear arms has come at a huge cost, and as quiet as it is kept, it’s not just the black community that is paying.
No science that I know of indicates that blacks have a genetic predisposition toward violence or crime.
I didn’t say that. Race and crime are clearly correlated, though. As are race and poverty, and numerous other factors. You can’t just appeal to the tautology of “crime is caused by criminals!” Something about the social situation that a lot of the black American population is kept in leads to high crime rates.
Covid-19 kills more blacks than are killed by white police officers.
Oh, so the virus is racist. Wow! Who knew.
Vehicular traffic accidents kill more blacks than are killed by white police officers.
Viruses and vehicular accidents are not chosen actions by individuals.
Tell your statistical factoid to a black person who has experienced police brutality.
Tell your intentional minimizing of criminal activity against blacks that they’re not important.
Why do white folks
The start of a race bait comment. I’ve heard many blacks speak about this very issue. So, the non-racist question is, how is this important in the conversation.
black violence statistics in conversations not related to that issue?
Why do you want to ignore this important information? Even before the consideration of whether or not the actions of the police officers were justified, there were 14. Again, one is a tragedy, but 14 is not evidence of a wave of racist police violence against blacks. And here’s where the other stat comes in. Most American blacks want the same amount or more policing. They know where the real threat comes from.
My social media timelines of late have been filled with outrage over the police killings of unarmed black citizens, but after a violent Fourth of July weekend around the nation that left several children dead, I noticed an uptick in snarky posts asking: “What about black-on-black crime? Why aren’t you protesting about that?”
So you think that asking about dead children is snarky. Got it. But the fact is we still don’t know if race played a factor in any of these deaths, not even the death of the kid in North Carolina. We don’t know if the police involved with Floyd and Blake acted out of racial malice.
We do know that the charge of “white privilege” is of racial malice, as is critical race theory and intersectionality.
The “what about black-on-black crime” rejoinder usually is meant to imply that African Americans are indifferent to the thousands of young black men — and increasingly, black children
No. I think it is progressives who are indifferent to it. That’s why they complain when it is brought up. American blacks want policing. They care about other American blacks.
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Let me get this straight: You think a 24% approval rate is good?
Had you paid appropriate attention to any presidential election, if this 24% approval number is true and translates to actual votes, Trump would win this coming election by a landslide—and some.

Putting it in proper context, only 8% of black Americans voted for Trump In 2016, and Trump still won over 300 electoral votes.
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I wonder if there is a significant number of people who won’t even tell a pollster they are for Trump.
I don’t know. But I would be slow to do it because I wouldn’t know that it wasn’t someone other than a pollster who would be there in front of my office with a protest group the next day, perhaps breaking out the windows as well.

Thinking more about it, I don’t think I would respond at all.
For those of us who cannot access the article as it is behind a paywall, can you give us an idea of her main point(s)?
" With so much media focus on urban homicides — many local news outlets keep a running tally — suicide, which kills twice as many people, gets comparatively less coverage. Some argue that suicide is a private matter that doesn’t affect the broader community. Prevention experts discourage news media outlets from reporting intimate details of suicide cases because research has found that can lead to imitation in vulnerable people. But even general news stories about suicide have tended to focus more on the increasing rates among other demographic groups than on white men’s stark overrepresentation in the statistics. That seems to be changing now as the numbers climb. Still, the result of such historically lopsided coverage is that the public face of gun violence in this country is that of a young black man rather than a middle-aged white one.

“Reporting the truth about who’s committing suicide would require acknowledging that the contemporary narrative — in which men in general and white men in particular are a universally privileged class and have no legitimate problems — is false,” columnist Armin Brott wrote last year in a health and wellness newsletter.

When white men respond to their life circumstances with gun violence, it’s treated as a public health problem, brought on by mental illness and stress. When black men do, it’s portrayed almost solely as a criminal issue, caused by lawlessness and moral failing. The multiplier in both epidemics is lawmakers’ blind devotion to the NRA. Zealously protecting their right to bear arms has come at a huge cost, and as quiet as it is kept, it’s not just the black community that is paying.

Shirley Carswell

Shirley Carswell is a lecturer at the Howard University School of Communications and a former deputy managing editor of The Washington Post. Follow
I didn’t say that. Race and crime are clearly correlated, though.
Yes. All races commit crimes.
As are race and poverty, and numerous other factors.
As are race and wealth. Asian Americans, Indian Americans, etc.
American blacks are the richest blacks in the world.
Something about the social situation that a lot of the black American population is kept in leads to high crime rates.
Well said. Perhaps we should look at the 50+ year progressive Democrat control over the major cities.
What people should realize by now is the reason behind Trump photo ops with black folks: He is not seeking black votes but he wants to tell white people that he is not a racist.
What people should realize by now is the reason behind Trump photo ops with black folks: He is not seeking black votes but he wants to tell white people that he is not a racist.
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Nepperhan . . .
The “what about black-on-black crime” rejoinder usually is meant to imply that African Americans are indifferent to the thousands of young black men . . .
I disagree.

I think it is not meant to imply blacks are indifferent.

I think it is meant to imply that the leftist-controlled media is indifferent to black-on-black crime. Not completely, but by and large.

And the leftist-controlled media IS INDIFFERENT to those black deaths.

Just like they (and many other people) are indifferent to pre-born black babies deaths too.
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Like this:

"Woodward discussed the Black Lives Matter protests and suggested to the President that people like the two of them – “White, privileged” – need to work to understand the anger and pain that Black people feel in the US. “You really drank the Kool-Aid, didn’t you? Just listen to you,” Trump responded, repeating his outrageous talking point that he’s done more for the Black community than any president besides Abraham Lincoln. "

So Woodward had it from Trump that there was a really dangerous virus out there, and Woodward… sat on that information?

"Woodward discussed the Black Lives Matter protests and suggested to the President that people like the two of them – “White, privileged” – need to work to understand the anger and pain that Black people feel in the US. “You really drank the Kool-Aid, didn’t you? Just listen to you,” Trump responded, repeating his outrageous talking point that he’s done more for the Black community than any president besides Abraham Lincoln. "
I have from time to time been peripherally involved with the media, and I am very suspicious of things like pictures taken from odd angles, fragmentary quotes, etc.

They had the audio of that part of the interview. It was 55 seconds long. 50 seconds were of Woodward saying the two paragraphs from which the above quote is taken; 5 seconds of Trump’s reply, and then a dismissive characterization of what Trump went on to say.

My radar is beeping like crazy.
Would that be like providing a higher amount of funding for African American colleges each year instead of less funding that the colleges have to come and beg for on an annual basis?

Or encouraging investment in disadvantaged communities and neighborhoods so there are jobs and services for people?

Both are programs that Trump has done.

How about criminal justice reform?

Do any of those three programs help the African American community?
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