Donald Trump says US should consider giving drug dealers death penalty

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We should either have the death penalty or give up the war on drugs. Without a death penalty it is a waste of resources to try to stop drug use via the state and its prisons. The worst thing would be to ‘get tough’ on drugs without making it a capital crime to deal and use. The biggest drug deals are doctors and pharmacists.
The worst thing would be to ‘get tough’ on drugs without making it a capital crime to deal and use. The biggest drug deals are doctors and pharmacists.
Executing drug users would be insane, and it wouldn’t end the war on drugs. In all likeliness the people targeted would be poor users of drugs like opiates and meth rather than middle-class white kids snorting cocaine and MDMA. It would just exacerbate the problems of criminalising drugs.
I see you’re a fan of his ego driven and childish pranks. Obviously, you have no interest in having a government of the people, for the people and by the people. Enjoy your cynicism of all things American 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸.
You should lighten up a bit. What is this world coming to when you can’t enjoy watching the left have their weekly aneurysm and go full tilt anti-Trump rant.
It doesn’t seem commensurate with the crime.
I don’t see this as being applied to the rank-and-file user or streetcorner seller; I see this as being using against those in the upper ranks of the illegal drug food chain, with the possible inclusion of a streetcorner purveyor who sells someone what turns out to be a lethal dose.

I likewise don’t see this as making it thru Congress any time soon. Some state legislatures might pass it, but on the Federal level – nuh-uh. And also, remember how long it takes to get a perpetrator from the sentencing hearing to the gurney.

I don’t see this as being applied to the rank-and-file user or streetcorner seller; I see this as being using against those in the upper ranks of the illegal drug food chain, with the possible inclusion of a streetcorner purveyor who sells someone what turns out to be a lethal dose.

I likewise don’t see this as making it thru Congress any time soon. Some state legislatures might pass it, but on the Federal level – nuh-uh. And also, remember how long it takes to get a perpetrator from the sentencing hearing to the gurney.

Well even mafia dons don’t get the death penalty for being at the head of their food chain; why is drug dealing any worse? I think the death penalty should be reserved for crimes such as directly murdering someone.
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George H. W. lost his re-election bid.
A truly bizarre characterization. If you want to criticize Trump for damaging any institution that doesn’t agree with him, be specific. What institution, and what, exactly, did he do to cause what harm?

But dating conservative opposition to the liberal agenda to G. H.W. Bush’s defeat is truly weird. Most conservatives didn’t much like him.
I don’t support the death penalty in any case, but I wouldn’t mind seeing many pharmaceutical company executives getting life sentences.
Well even mafia dons don’t get the death penalty for being at the head of their food chain; why is drug dealing any worse?
I don’t say that it is; I am just guessing that the head honchos will be the real targets of any new laws.

It doesn’t seem commensurate with the crime.
But have you known people who got their brains fried by drugs? It’s life-destroying.

I’m against the death penalty because JPII was. But objectively, I could see some utility in it, particularly to the extent it was carried on clandestinely in foreign countries like the War on Terror is.
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But have you known people who got their brains fried by drugs? It’s life-destroying.

I’m against the death penalty because JPII was. But objectively, I could see some utility in it.
Certainly not in every case or for every drug, no?

I actually don’t know anyone who has lost their mind to drugs, although I’ve read of some hard luck stories of drug addicts (these tend to be more about them spiraling down into vagrancy and criminality, not so much losing their minds). Harrison Ford in his public appearances has seemed a lot spacier in recent decades, allegedly due to drug use.
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I don’t support the death penalty in any case, but I wouldn’t mind seeing many pharmaceutical company executives getting life sentences.
Hard to imagine you and me agreeing on anything, but I could see this, and for a number of physicians as well.
I am completely lightened up on this topic. People on the Right have made an industry (Fox News, Talk Radio,etc.) out of hating liberals, the Clintons, progressives, etc. since George H. W. lost his re-election bid. They are the crazies who have accused the Clintons of being murderers and Obama being from Kenya. It’s that same craziness that powered Trump to the Oval Office and have kept his fellow Republicans quiet as he smears every American institution that does not agree with him. But we who see this for the stupidity that it is do have a life. So we don’t need to get one like our counterparts on the other side. It’s just that cleaning up the Nirsery in 2 years is going to be a lot of work! 😉
I suppose everyone is free to have their own opinion no matter how ridiculous it is! 🤣
It doesn’t seem commensurate with the crime.
But have you known people who got their brains fried by drugs? It’s life-destroying.

I’m against the death penalty because JPII was. But objectively, I could see some utility in it, particularly to the extent it was carried on clandestinely in foreign countries like the War on Terror is.
Should beer company execs get the death penalty.
If there are no users there are no dealers. Blaming drug dealers for drugs use makes no sense. I don’t see why you’d think any particular group would be targeted. I don’t see that regarding other crimes. I mean it isn’t like wealthy White kids get to drive drunk while everyone else is arrested.
You should lighten up a bit. What is this world coming to when you can’t enjoy watching the left have their weekly aneurysm and go full tilt anti-Trump rant.
He plays the media to shift their focus where he wants it. It was trade a few weeks ago and today it’s drugs.
You should lighten up a bit. What is this world coming to when you can’t enjoy watching the left have their weekly aneurysm and go full tilt anti-Trump rant.
He plays the media to shift their focus where he wants it. It was trade a few weeks ago and today it’s drugs.
Yeah it seems he plays on their hatred of him thereby falling right in line!
Yeah it seems he plays on their hatred of him thereby falling right in line!
Yet the topic of discussion is where he wants it to be, same as during the campaign.
Since he’s not going to win their hearts and minds (mainstream media), he’ll settle for directing their coverage.
CIA, FBI, Judges, State Department, HUD, EPA, Dept. of Ed. and, basically, America’s standing in the world, just for starters.
Pretty typical. No details. Just assertions.

Which of Trump’s creditors didn’t actually get paid? You do understand that all claims are paid in Chapter 11 if the judge believes they’re legitimate and if the person filing gets to keep anything? Do you not?

Bingo is still gambling. 🙂
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