This is not the only reason for large government–if a reason at all. Much government regulation is the direct result of the bad behavior of many of the countries citizens–
Actually most often there may be a problem sure, but to then rile up the stupid and get support to add a thousand over the top laws.
The citizenry need all but one bad thing to happen and have it given a buzz word label and they will let the gov do anything that even remotely seems connected to the buzz word.
Imagine telling the founding fathers about the NSA data collection! lol they’d be going ape.
Yet the gov uses the fancy word “terrorism” and we collectively sort of kind of like “eh that ins’t nice…but yeah terrorism OKAY! DO IT”
The gov can say terrorism, drugs, child safety and near pass any legislation if they sell it well.
Sure the mass populace who doesn’t know any better goes forth thinking they are stopping terrorism, stopping drugs, or helping kids…
but surprise! they rarely are. And the smart people who laugh at their subjects, know what corruption they have just had the people greenlight.
The greatest subjects for them is not those they must fight to hurt, but those who they can convince to beg to be hurt.
Mankind lived without it for thousands of years. I had a Great x4 grandfather who fought in the Revolutionary War. Smoked, ate fatty foods, etc. and lived to be 106.
It’s all in how you define “necessity.” Without a roof, clothes, or food, you will die. Without medical care you may die.
Yes, and I think they are often missing a point.
One has equal capability to get clothes, food, shelter etc
NOT affirmative equal distribution
As do they have equal capability to get medical care and not equal distribution.
It is also that the government does not allow actual healthcare.
For example if I am a smart guy I can fix cars on the side if I learn how, I can buy all the parts and tools I need.
If I am a smart guy and learn some doctoring and offered free healthcare and tried to acquire what I need, I would be thrown in jail…
What blows my mind is all these near communist healthcare for everyone types do not seem to care they can not buy penicillin for an infection. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO by the same government you want to control your health :banghead::banghead:
AND IF the gov did not MANDATE monopolies on access, then the prices of these things would be more laughable…
In fact proof is that if you buy pet medicine from a company that uses human grade, and literally puts the exact same pill just in a diff bottle, the costs are rather cheap. WHY??
Because you can just go buy it like everything else… ugh.