A better solution would be to draft our representatives in the House of Representatives and the Senate like we do a jury vice electing them.I disagree.
We can have sinners in the government. We just won’t have them that have the sin of “I want to sell my power to the highest bidder.” (i.e. cronyism, accepting bribes)
There are many types of sins, and only some of those sins cause crony capitalism.
OK, so Politician A keeps cheating on his wife. But he’s honest about serving the people and doesn’t take bribes. Let him serve, even though he’s an adulterer.
Politician B is wrathful and angry, takes revenge against anyone who hurts him. But he’s honest about serving the people and doesn’t take bribes. Let him serve, even though he’s an angry kind of guy.
Politiciian C says insulting and uncharitable things. But he’s honest about serving the people and doesn’t take bribes. Let him serve, even though he’s a big mouth.
For the above, I define “bribe” as “pay to play” (i.e. I pay money, I get something out of it) - this includes campaign contributions given with the expectation that a favor is going to be returned.
So no, we won’t have nobody left in the government or business.
Takes the loyalty to a party for career support/progression out of the equation. It also takes the money factor out, the politicians aren’t dependent on funds from donors to get elected. They’re not beholden to them in office, most folks will just want to serve their 2 or 6 years and get on with it. Government would be more representative of the people than the millionaires/inside the beltway club we have now.
They also would probably be more energetic and skeptical in auditing/supervising the executive agencies and holding them accountable.
No more revolving door between government, corporations, lobbying firms.