Don't marry HER if

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This is not a biggie but I think that I do think that it contributes to the overall happiness of marriage.

Marry someone who is has the same level of desire for nonsexual physical comfort as you do.

My hubby and I are admittedly clingy people. We like to touch often and usually hold hands when we drive. We even follow one another into the bathroom to talk.

Some people would find this exasperating and I know perfectly happy couples who don’t show a lot of outward affection.

If though you get people with drastically different levels of physical affection there is going to be some difficulty. The person who doesn’t have as great a need will feel smothered while the one with the greater need will feel resentful.

I’ve had some sad conversations with wives who wished that there hubbies were more openly affectionate and are envious of my relationship with my husband. I’ve also spoken with women who have seemed surprised that I wasn’t annoyed with my husband for holding my hand so much.

Because my hubby and I have the same level of need for physical contact, we are very happy in this regard. I would be miserable with a man who didn’t like to have his wife show affection in public and I would probably unintentionally make him uncomfortable.

I think that sometimes people get unfairly labeled with terms like ‘clingy’ or ‘cold’, when they are neither of these things but instead are paired with someone who’s need for affection is different.
Yes, though I think it would be less painful with someone who needs more of it than you do than with someone who needs less. It’s better to smile and be generous than to feel deprived. 😉 I wish I weren’t so cold at times (not like I haven’t ever been a motion blocker), for instance, so I guess the problem can be realised and dealt with. 😉
Don’t marry a materialistic woman who believes that if only her house were more orderly and the clutter was out of her life, that her spiritual well being would improve, especially, if her house already looks like it belongs to Martha Stewart.:eek:

Don’t marry a woman who goes out of her way to be wronged by coworkers and family, and cannot let any perceived wrong slide, or refrain from telling people how she does things correctly.

Don’t marry a woman who can’t drive or go to public places without a cell phone attached to her ear.

Don’t marry a woman who has had any plastic surgery, unless it was to repair scars from an accident or illness.
she is ignorant. If she is unable to listen and learn then she is not going anywhere and is pretty much useless to anyone.

she is selfish. I think the number one reason for that a marriage ends is because someone is only thinking of themselves. There are no “me” in marriage only we.

Obviously this is a two way street.


God’s humble servant
John A.H.
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