I understand well the diference beween impecability and infalibility, a distinction you conveniently make in the face of clearly less than honorable characters occupying the highest office in your church. As far as quotes…you first from the Bible guaranteing any bishop freedom from error…ex-cathedra or otherwiseSerafin:
*Honorious and the Borgia Popes, Theodora and Marozia Theophylact were not mythical figures! *I assume you realize that impeccability is a very different thing from infallibility; that popes can be heretics (unlikely, but possible) and the worst sinners on earth—but the Spirit will prevent them from officially teaching, as binding on the Universal Church, false doctrine. So then, if you are suggesting that these popes officially taught heresy, you are incorrect. No one has been able to demonstrate that any pope officially taught heresy. Please find any heretical quotes from the officially ‘ex catedra’ statements of these popes.
The beliefs of individuals within the Church has no bearing on the truth of the official teachings. The Anglican Church has 70 000 000 members, but that’s assuming that the majority of the English nation are Anglican Christians. Do you think that the average Joe in England actually believes everything your church teaches? England is quite a secular nation, in reality. I don’t remember exact numbers, but isn’t it something like 80% of the English are baptized Anglicans, yet only 5 or 9% attend church on a regular basis?*Popular catholicism is a different breed from the catechism kind. … talk with an average Hispanic catholic about their faith and pious practices…try to keep a straight face
Such with many Catholic countries as well…including Italy and Spain! That’s the point!
Perhaps stayed Christian, but why are the Anglican bishops still undecided over the issue of same-sex marriages and the like? There is no supreme authority to ensure the faithful maintaining of the deposit of faith. (And even with the Orthodox, some of them now support contraception).*The Pope , the Magisterium, Tradition and Scripture sound great for converts to the RCC…a little overated if you ask me. The Orthodox have managed to stay Christian without the fist two as have many Anglicans and a myriad of others. "
Supreme authority without checks and balances can be as evil as no authority at all. As far as Anglicans go the one bright note is that they can change institutionalized error should they awaken and God will it so. In contrast, you seem to be stuck with dogmas not of your generation’s making… that you have no choice but to accept, defend even against common sense and call it the deposit of faith!
Before you dismiss the Catholic Church, ask the tens of thousands of Protestants who have come home to Rome why they have done so. The Church is losing members, true…but there are millions of nominal Catholics, in some ways a faithful remnant is better than a mass of lukewarm Christians (I’m not saying all who leave were lukewarm, I’m making a point)…as well many of these Hispanics do not properly understand their own faith. In Latin America, it is part of the culture. *Before you join, ask some former Roman Catholics why they left(and are still leaving at a rate of 20,000 a month in Latin America).
People will change churches for a variety of reasons, Catholics there Protestants here! I wonder how true the proverb is about “the grass on the other side of the hill…seeming greener”.