I think my high school did not technically allow spaghetti straps, now that i think about it, bt they didn’t say anything about necklines. So a girl with spaghetti straps, but no cleavage would get spoken to, and another girl could get away with a disgustingly low neckline and push-up bra, exposing at least half the flesh of her breasts. It was ridiculous.
Yup. Some people just seem to be offended by strange things, like I don’t know… not the degree or the “slutty-ity” of it but the kind of it? There’s no automatic and unfailing link between the amount of skin or flesh shown and the decency of an outfit because slutty designs do their part, but it looks like some people are obsessed. I mean, how much can one care about stupid clothes anyway?
The same I’d say to Goth_Catholic. A normally sensible and especially sensitive person would never behave like that. It’s not like I’m oh so mellow about clothes myself, I’ll grant you that, but what you write about is horrific. It wouldn’t have happened at my highschool. Considering myself Catholic and an old-fashioned gentleman (who does have a clothes pet peeve), I’d cut that kind of talk in mid-word and in no tentative tone if I were present at it.
I agree. But cleavage limit? How bout cleavage: not allowed at all?! And also, it should apply also to guys having their shirts buttoned all the way up.
Hmm… Don’t know. I think if one is not sexualised, one can take an honest look and appreciate what he sees to some extent. But my dad was a painter and sculptor (and some more), so I may be different. What puts me off is the saggy kind because it’s sexualised, as well as the really low ones because they are absurd (what need for that exists, rationally?). As a rule, if the cleavage is “sexy”, it’s bad. But if it’s comfy (don’t know, air circulation, light summer clothing, whatever), I don’t care. I’m not offended by trousers and a bikini top at all, whereas I totally can’t stand the “fishing” designs.
As for guys, you have no idea how it puts me off when they remove shirts at parties. Come on. Mine stays on unless I’m sunbathing on the beach or working physically in such conditions that I could stain clothing and have no rough clothes at hand (translates as unexpected cleaning up into normal language, I guess). But buttons? I believe the top button should not be done unless a tie is worn. I just hate done-to-the-last-button collars without a tie (I won’t be caught dead wearing that). I’ll sometimes undo two buttons especially in the summer. But I guess it’s different when guys with a lot of chest hair undo half the buttons in a city space.
I agree with the no underwear showing, but i don’t see anything wrong with bra straps being visible under a tank-top. Maybe that is what you meant by accidental though.
Accidental I meant like I don’t know, something shows here or there now or then obviously unintended and unforeseen. We’re all just human and we have better things to do with our time and attention than to dwell on such things. Besides, it can be rather cute anyway. But I think when the girl knows the bra straps will be showing, she should make sure the straps are of the same colour (or close, let’s not be obsessive) as the top’s ones. I think I would be hesitant to ask out or ask to dance a girl habitually showing bra straps like that, which has more to do with my paranoia than anything inherent in the straps, but nonetheless I’d rather bra straps didn’t show. If they are white and lacy, it can be quite uncomfortable.
Right on with the transparency thing. It’s one thing if you only have a white bra to wear under a white shirt (you should really wear a beige one- then it won’t show) but i have seen people wearing dark bras, like black and red under a white shirt. Really inappropriate.
Yep, I don’t like that. In fact, I don’t like how male dressy white shirts let body colour shine through, but I guess it doesn’t really matter that much.