yea, if it would look funny without a tie, that is understandable, but if sometimes a guy shows so much chest it’s like the equivalent of cleavage.Hmm… Don’t know. I think if one is not sexualised, one can take an honest look and appreciate what he sees to some extent. But my dad was a painter and sculptor (and some more), so I may be different. What puts me off is the saggy kind because it’s sexualised, as well as the really low ones because they are absurd (what need for that exists, rationally?). As a rule, if the cleavage is “sexy”, it’s bad. But if it’s comfy (don’t know, air circulation, light summer clothing, whatever), I don’t care. I’m not offended by trousers and a bikini top at all, whereas I totally can’t stand the “fishing” designs.
not sure wht all those things re that you’re talking about lol.
As for guys, you have no idea how it puts me off when they remove shirts at parties. Come on. Mine stays on unless I’m sunbathing on the beach or working physically in such conditions that I could stain clothing and have no rough clothes at hand (translates as unexpected cleaning up into normal language, I guess). But buttons? I believe the top button should not be done unless a tie is worn. I just hate done-to-the-last-button collars without a tie (I won’t be caught dead wearing that). I’ll sometimes undo two buttons especially in the summer. But I guess it’s different when guys with a lot of chest hair undo half the buttons in a city space.