Drinking alcohol and smoking pot – what are your thoughts?

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Well maybe we should dive into the Christian aspect. Let me ask, if it is so that this is no issue what-so-ever. Then its OK to attend Church stoned?

Christian, no, you’ve never had that thought as your driving alone to get a drink as you drive by an old frequented area? This is what I’m saying about thought by thought, as quick as one comes, so too they dissipate as you think them through. As these situations [whatever it may] occur and you reflect you begin to see the basis.
You still didn’t answer my question, directly. An alcoholic or any addict can never think of God adequately or anything for that matter, as I mentioned in some of my original posts on this thread. I also feared losing God being sober, if you remember my unusual story. Believing in the right to use marijuana and knowing that it is far less destructive than alcohol, which we both know is a fact, not to mention that I liked using it, makes me no less a Christian than you or anyone else. Don’t make me use those tired antiquated statements and jokes about why God would allow marijuana to exist if He didn’t intend for us to use it.
catechism aka from man

and confessors again, just a man. and a man with his own sins.

You are asking us to follow man again. I already told you, I only follow the word of Christ. There is also a lesson regarding false proffits. I truly beleive many people today make the mistake of following those you mention here, simply because they told you they speak the truth.

As a Chritian, your job should be to reject thoese who claim to “speak for god”, even if those people are your priests, bishsops, and other “men” who are no more or less closer to god, than you, me, or the homless man on the street.

Jesus had no issue with people having a good life. That was what he tried to teach us. What you are fallowing is tradition designed by “man”. These are the same doctrins that would have had me burned by your church - should i have said any of this a few hundred years back.

My point is, as a Christian, our jobs should be to above all, and above all those who say they speak for god… is to follow Christ. Even if it means dismissing the false profits of today.
For all you Catholics attempting to justify smoking marijuana recreationally…I refer once again to your catechism. It would also be helpful for you to speak with your confessor.

CCC 2291 The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense.
I know you have not seen pot destroy anyones life. simply because it cannot.

people distroy thier own lives. Pot has nothing to do with it. Millions will argue that if anything, it has made them better people.

You seem to bring up pot as something that destorys lives. and you ask people to go to confession over it. Have you ever heard of a confessor raping a child? you know darn well it happens, and its happend a lot in the past. Does that not destroy more lives than pot? you know, that is not an argument you would win… so I will not start it here… as I will practice “non-jundmenent”, and ask you do the same.
I had my time. And I thank God I was delivered from it.
Alcohol can definitely be destructive. And I have seen pot destroy lives.
Big problem.
Very disturbing. I would say it’s time to speak to your confessor.
Well maybe we should dive into the Christian aspect. Let me ask, if it is so that this is no issue what-so-ever. Then its OK to attend Church stoned?

Who would ever even suggest that, Rastafarians don’t even do that. We are just saying that when used by adults for recreational purposes does not mean that you are “bad”, “sinning”, or anything else. I attended church drunk and probably stoned at Christmas Midnight Masses for years and I am deeply ashamed of that. Nobodies path is laid with roses and I don’t expect you to get a response in favor of mixing our beloved celebration of the Eucharist with marijuana use. While in church we owe God, as well as our brothers and sisters in Christ in attendance, our undivided attention and being high would only violate that and one would be better off staying at home staring at the TV or the walls.
I already told you, I only follow the word of Christ.
So you keep saying.

But you calumniate the priesthood (Holy Orders) and confession. You calumniate the CCC (most of which is derived from Scripture and Sacred Tradition). You hurl insults at the Catholic Church…all while advocating the consumption of drugs for recreational purposes.

You are following something…but I do not believe it is the word of Christ. 😦
Neither of us has more than anecdote, “more than enough professionals” notwithstanding. But I have seen nothing to recommend dope smoking to me. As I mentioned earlier, why, when safety is the issue, do corporations shy away from employing users? Because the data they have likely tell a different story - that and common sense. The suggestion to write your dissertation on dope was a joke. I’m starting to think that marijuana makes people a little over serious, but that can’t be right. Maybe it’s being a marijuana crusader that makes one over serious?

Yesterday at the library, which is full of homeless, I overheard a guy skyping with his ex “woman” (ex-wife, baby-momma, who knows?). He didn’t have a job, or prospects really, he was off the drink, but he still smoked the herb - and then his daughter came on the line. That’s how you talk to your daughter when you are homeless and not drinking but still smoking the herb: Skype in the public library. Don’t want to be that guy. But I’m sure the herb had no contribution to that situation.
Marijuana is not without it’s consequences, we both know that! However, if responsible adults would like to engage in that behavior that’s fine with me. BTW, there are city jobs here in NYC that don’t even drug test, one of my friends who smokes has held his city job for over a decade now and has been promoted a few times since, I also know 2 lawyers, a nurse, 4 successful construction workers,3 educators, and a successful plumber, all of whom get high. We all came up in the same neighborhood and faced the same struggles and despite the fact that we only talk on Facebook now for the most part, their marijuana use has not impeded their success. My neighborhood was as culturally diverse as you would expect an NYC neighborhood to be, we had Asians, Whites, Blacks, Latinos, etc. so the ethnicity of our neighborhood had nothing to do with anything. There were like 50 kids on the corner when we were growing up and many didn’t make it, but marijuana used exclusively never did any more than have someone spend a weekend in jail or cause someone to raid the fridge.
You still didn’t answer my question, directly. An alcoholic or any addict can never think of God adequately or anything for that matter, as I mentioned in some of my original posts on this thread. I also feared losing God being sober, if you remember my unusual story. Believing in the right to use marijuana and knowing that it is far less destructive than alcohol, which we both know is a fact, not to mention that I liked using it, makes me no less a Christian than you or anyone else. Don’t make me use those tired antiquated statements and jokes about why God would allow marijuana to exist if He didn’t intend for us to use it.
There’s not different degrees of destructive with drugs in relation to God. I don’t see Him as legalistic.

I can only view that from a Catholic perspective of contrition. From there I know of no-one better than the mystics such as Catherine of Sienna to explain better. My personal experience and from others in conversation working with addicts, yes it distorts your relationship with Grace when intentionally sought out, and as said it really doesn’t matter in the sense a drug is a drug. Its taken your focus off the Lord and for no good reason. Why would you get stoned and pray? Surely doing this and in knowledge places you in need of a spiritual director. Which none of this isn’t something a Confessor hasn’t heard many times. So in this sense and with addiction there is nothing unique here. Very old problem.
So you keep saying.

But you calumniate the priesthood (Holy Orders) and confession. You calumniate the CCC (most of which is derived from Scripture and Sacred Tradition). You hurl insults at the Catholic Church…all while advocating the consumption of drugs for recreational purposes.

You are following something…but I do not believe it is the word of Christ. 😦
Kush believes in Religious Syncretism, which includes believing in Christ, he may be a Christian, but I don’t know the entirety of what makes up his belief system. I also respect and admire Buddha, Muhammad, and the story of Krishna, does this make me less Christian? Keep in mind that I said that I admire them, none of them are my Saviour and I consider even our lowliest saints to be greater than they are, but that doesn’t mean I can’t admire Buddha who challenged India’s caste system. I am a servant of Christ and His Church and believing in marijuana use for recreational purposes makes me no less His servant than you are. I follow the word of Christ, in fact tonight I am going to a service for Holy Thursday, I hope I defended you adequately Kush. To be continued, upon my return…

Oh BTW, I don’t watch Bill Maher as I previously stated and I spoke in jest in that post. He is our faith’s enemy and I support the Catholic League for taking a stand against him.
I know. I think syncretism is considered to be heretical.
I don’t know. Ask your confessor.
Why are you so selective in quoting me? You are like MSNBC, when they covered the news of our Holy Father Pope Francis, which was essentially a smear job. Perhaps you should go work for them you’d make a killing. :rotfl:

I am the one who believes it is Religious Syncretism he believes in, I suggested that to him yesterday and got no reply, but that is what it seems to be. Actually, the first time I learned about Buddha and Krishna it was from a priest who taught the Religions of the World class and he led me to admire those people in how he presented them in a manner which was devoid of condescension. Islam and Judaism, I grew up with both in my own household, so I love those faiths as I know first hand of the good they are capable of doing.

Ok, I really have to go now, my service begins at 7:30, to be continued… :signofcross:
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