Where to begin? Ok, if you would like to suggest that in some ways Jesus’ teachings were Aristotelian, in that one should not abuse such things as drinking, but drinking is not bad in and of itself, fine. Yes, he hung around with prostitutes, so what? I talk to and hug homeless friends of mine in my neighborhood and my “normal” friends, some are very liberal BTW, think I am nuts for doing that and yes I really do that! Jesus went to the outcasts and marginalized to show that God loves every human being and hell can probably mean separation from God, which is a punishment. We all have a choice to make, follow in God’s ways or not, it’s very simple and no I am not, nor did I ever say Jesus was conservative, but conservatives are not wrong in everything with regards to him, nor are they always right. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I am not a conservative, but to reiterate Jesus was not an “anything goes” type of guy. From what I can gather from the few posts that I read, you and I both like marijuana (can’t smoke, but wish I could) and are former addicts, drunks, or whatever. We are both probably around the same age (late 20s or early 30s) and you are probably educated, as I am. If so, I encourage you to go for the highest degree possible, as I intend to do when I continue my education after receiving my master’s degree and go for my doctorate. However, I part with you completely in one sense, you have left the faith and I have chosen to stay, I am not contemning you by saying this I am just stating the facts and coming from an interfaith family I would never condemn anyone for having different beliefs. When I think of Christianity I think about Francis of Assisi or Therese of Lisieux and many others (the friars who feed the homeless here in NYC every morning on 31st street in Manhattan), while you probably think of Richard the Lionheart (Richard I of England) or King Leopold II of Belgium (look it up if you are unsure of who he was) and many others. I see the world through Christian eye’s, not through religious syncretic eye’s as you seem to see the world, nothing wrong with that, but don’t expect Christians to see things the same way. PeaceSo he hung out and drank with ate with “sinners” yet you think he somehow fit into a conservative crowd? He chilled with prostitues dude! He knew and said we are “all gods children” Not by birth, but by the fact that we are all from the same source. We are all one.
What kingdom are you refering too? Jesus never said such a thing. He actaully said - and I quote “man will search high and low for the kingdom of god, and he will never find it… for what he does not know is… the kingdom is inside him”. Its not a destination we are heading towards. We are already there J. Live your life to its fullest. Eat, drink and be marry… that is the true gift from god. Heaven is real, it just does not exist out in space somewhere. it is inside you… where else do you think it would be. and if that is the case, there really is nothing you can do to prevent yourself from getting there… as you are already there.
These are not my words, these come from Jesus.
Hell, and all those places are just man made stories. they don’t really exist… you have been in heaven for a very long time… He gave you everything you need, you just simply need to start living the eternal joy… that part is up to you.