Drinking Alcohol, Ok. Legalized Marijuana?

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From the Greek, “pharmakia” literally means “drugs”, and appears five times in the New Testament: in Gal 5:20, Rev 9:21, 18:23, 21:8, and 22:15.


Of course the modern derivatives, pharmacy/pharmaceuticals etc refer to the (mostly) proper use of drugs in medicine but in biblical terms it refers to the illicit use of drugs by the practicioners of sorcery and witchcraft. It was they who concocted the ungodly uses of substances as hallucinogens and consciousness altering stuff for pagan practices. (They also concocted abortificants .)

According to Paul “pharmakia” is listed as a work of the flesh of man as opposed to the Spirit of God working in us.
  • But I say, walk by the Spirit, and do not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh; for these are opposed to each other, to prevent you from doing what you would. But if you are led by the Spirit you are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are plain: immorality, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, selfishness, dissension, party spirit, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and the like. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God*.- Galatians 5 16-21
Revelations then indicates these practices as part of the culture of the last doomed days.

Just for the record, I’m a herbalist and one hardly needs to “concoct” an abortificant.
All you need to do is drink tea made with Blue Cohosh, Mugwort or Penny Royal to name just a few… (just saying…)

~ Niffer
I didn’t realize boiling water counted as a recipe.
My point being that making tea is hardly comprable to making magic through pagan practices.
The act of ‘concocting’ something isn’t what makes it wrong, it’s what outcome you intend to achieve by the concoction that gives it moral value. If you mix herbs to create an abortifacient, that certainly deviates from the godly use of herbs making it an ungodly practice.
The Apocalypse of St. John The Apostle:
9:21: And they did not repent of their murders or of their sorceries or of their immorality or of their thefts.
18:23: And light of lamp will not shine in thee any more; and voice of bridegroom and of bride will not be heard in thee any more; because thy merchants were the great men of the earth, for by thy sorcery all the nations have been led astray.
21:8: But as for the cowardly, and unbelieving, and abominable and murderers, and fornicators and sorcerers, and idolaters and all liars, their portion shall be in the pool that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.
22:15: Outside are the dogs, and the sorcerers, and the fornicators, and the murderers, and the idolators, and everyone who loves and practices false-hood.

Some scary stuff (especially 18:23 considering current events) but I’m having trouble connecting “pharmakia” to “sorcery” or “enchantment.” Whether pot was used in connection with sorcery or not, I’d be shocked it it wasn’t always used by Christians at least up until its first regulation in the 1800s when all it was before was just another plant growing in the backyard. To even call the naturally occurring leaf a “drug” in the first place is questionable. I’ve heard about mystics down in down in South America that smoke it then pray for hours to the Virgin Mary. Surely they’re not sinning. I’ll even admit I’ve prayed the rosary after smoking some and it was spiritually lifting in a way that I can’t really describe.
The Apocalypse of St. John The Apostle:
9:21: And they did not repent of their murders or of their sorceries or of their immorality or of their thefts.
18:23: And light of lamp will not shine in thee any more; and voice of bridegroom and of bride will not be heard in thee any more; because thy merchants were the great men of the earth, for by thy sorcery all the nations have been led astray.
21:8: But as for the cowardly, and unbelieving, and abominable and murderers, and fornicators and sorcerers, and idolaters and all liars, their portion shall be in the pool that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.
22:15: Outside are the dogs, and the sorcerers, and the fornicators, and the murderers, and the idolators, and everyone who loves and practices false-hood.

Some scary stuff (especially 18:23 considering current events) but I’m having trouble connecting “pharmakia” to “sorcery” or “enchantment.”
‘Pharmakeia’ was the actual word written in the original Greek script. It’s been translated as sorcery or witchcraft in the English, but technically means…
  1. the use or the administering of drugs
  2. poisoning
  3. sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it
  4. metaph. the deceptions and seductions of idolatry
Whether pot was used in connection with sorcery or not, I’d be shocked it it wasn’t always used by Christians at least up until its first regulation in the 1800s when all it was before was just another plant growing in the backyard.
Do you mean Christians have always smoked marijuana for the consciousness altering experience? You’re so wrong. The ingestion of anything of this nature has always been an ungodly practice in Christianity.

CCC 2291 The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense. Clandestine production of and trafficking in drugs are scandalous practices. They constitute direct co-operation in evil, since they encourage people to practices gravely contrary to the moral law.

To even call the naturally occurring leaf a “drug” in the first place is questionable. .
There are a number of naturally occurring plants used as drugs. Opium, Psilocybin Mushrooms, Betel Nut, morning glory seeds, etc. All these can be used solely for the drugging effects.
I’ve heard about mystics down in down in South America that smoke it then pray for hours to the Virgin Mary. Surely they’re not sinning. I’ll even admit I’ve prayed the rosary after smoking some and it was spiritually lifting in a way that I can’t really describe.
This really is a gravely dangerous practice and a very serious sin.
This really is a gravely dangerous practice and a very serious sin.
Complete and utter bull; the only possible related sin in my opinion is for having been talked into trying it as a young fool 19. Regardless of that I never lost my way or forgot where I came from. How anyone could say that praying the rosary or to Mary under any circumstance could ever be deemed “a dangerous practice and a very serious sin” is beyond me. I guess doing so after a cup of coffee and a no-less ungodly cigarette is also out of the question? And no more praying after alcohol either… oh wait, that wouldn’t work!? It’s clear your understanding of marijuana and what it can do for some people is from the standpoint of ignorance. Many that use it I believe do so on therapeutic grounds and again it’s a plant created by God to be used or consumed by us at our own discretion. What doesn’t help is that many that do use it also happen to be not very good people but the thing is they were always that way. And while opium is a plant, as far as I know there is a process to make it into that powerful and harmful drug that can be consumed in several different ways. Marijuana on the other hand just grows and that’s it, plus has fewer negative effects than most “drugs” you might consider acceptable. Mushrooms… well that’s something completely different; I believe one ends up with visions on those things. This surely won’t be something you’re going to want to hear nor is it something I believe but who’s to say some of the visions recorded in the ancient scriptures that our church teaches didn’t come about after the writers had consumed similar mushrooms? Even if this were the case would it all of a sudden make the visions false? Didn’t God create all of this stuff for a reason after all? To say that no Christians or even no Jews or Muslims, you name it, have used marijuana (or for that matter, mushrooms) since Jesus’ time would be so blatantly false it’s unreal. The stuff grows wild all over the world and always has! We haven’t always had Google at our fingertips for instant canon law searches.

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Another note: Seems my account “Buick” has been banned for circumvention. A little background: my first account “Peerce” I requested they close after having received an infraction that I couldn’t have removed. It was all over a post where I basically said “attending an SSPX mass isn’t as bad as converting to Orthodoxy.” “Catherine Grant” (gee I wonder who banned Buick?) disagreed with this and so did someone else I emailed to complain about her infraction. It upset me enough that I either wanted the infraction removed or the account closed. I don’t see why they thought it was fitting they should close my new account too when the first was only closed at my request. Perhaps they just don’t like me for my no-nonsense approach to many issues; fact is I’m likely even a more old school Catholic than these mods. I’ll take the issue of unbanning “Buick” right to the top if I have to. Anyhow I made this account just to reply to you and I don’t see how they’ll be able to ban it for circumvention since I’m being as transparent as I can about it and have from the beginning. Since it will more than likely be banned I may not reply on this thread again (and honestly I’m sick of the topic anyways). However I WILL NOT QUIT THIS FORUM when there are so many people posting questions out there that need different opinions on several issues. Unfortunately the moderators’ ideas of dealing with what they deem a problem thread is to just close it and hope it goes away instead of perhaps making a posting to clear things up or put them in the right perspective. This sort of thinking doesn’t work in real life nor does it on an online forum.
Complete and utter bull; the only possible related sin in my opinion is for having been talked into trying it as a young fool 19. Regardless of that I never lost my way or forgot where I came from. How anyone could say that praying the rosary or to Mary under any circumstance could ever be deemed “a dangerous practice and a very serious sin” is beyond me.
It perverts prayer gravely, to deliberately abandon your sober attention and raw presence when turning to God or meditating on the mysteries of Christ. The idea of fabricating an altered consciousness whether it be through drugs, alcohol, yoga rituals or pagan incantations, to find ‘union’ with God, is contrary to all we have ever been taught about prayer by God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

It’s a practice used in pantheistic religions including New Age, occult and satanic ‘prayer’ rituals, but never in genuine Christian prayer. Any cosmic experiences that come from these practices are of the dark spirit world overseen by the devil.

Jeremiah 2 12-13 “But my people have exchanged their glorious God for worthless idols.
Be appalled at this, you heavens, and shudder with great horror,” declares the Lord.
“My people have committed two sins:
They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water”.

I guess doing so after a cup of coffee and a no-less ungodly cigarette is also out of the question? And no more praying after alcohol either… oh wait, that wouldn’t work!? It’s clear your understanding of marijuana and what it can do for some people is from the standpoint of ignorance.
Using marijuana to bring about an altered consciousness is of a different nature to drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette. Even someone coming before God in a stoned stupor, contrite and in despair of his addiction, is drawn to the heart of the true God unlike what you promote.
Many that use it I believe do so on therapeutic grounds and again it’s a plant created by God to be used or consumed by us at our own discretion. What doesn’t help is that many that do use it also happen to be not very good people but the thing is they were always that way. And while opium is a plant, as far as I know there is a process to make it into that powerful and harmful drug that can be consumed in several different ways. Marijuana on the other hand just grows and that’s it, plus has fewer negative effects than most “drugs” you might consider acceptable. Mushrooms… well that’s something completely different; I believe one ends up with visions on those things. This surely won’t be something you’re going to want to hear nor is it something I believe but who’s to say some of the visions recorded in the ancient scriptures that our church teaches didn’t come about after the writers had consumed similar mushrooms? Even if this were the case would it all of a sudden make the visions false? Didn’t God create all of this stuff for a reason after all? To say that no Christians or even no Jews or Muslims, you name it, have used marijuana (or for that matter, mushrooms) since Jesus’ time would be so blatantly false it’s unreal. The stuff grows wild all over the world and always has! We haven’t always had Google at our fingertips for instant canon law searches…
Your pantheistic worldview is not a Christian justification. Your allowing yourself to be deceived.

2 Cor 11 3-4 * “But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ. For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough.”*
The difference between alcohol and marijuana is this:
When you drink alcohol you can drink enough to prevent yourself from getting drunk.
When you smoke marijuana, unless you smoke so much that you’ve become immune to the effects, then no matter what you will get high.

We shouldn’t be going out and getting hammered. Alcohol should be had in moderation. I can see someone getting drunk on occasion (feast, wedding, etc), but it should not be a regular occurrence. In the same way, people shouldn’t be smoking marjiuana because they will get high every time.
LOL. I dont know about the medicinal marijuana but from my past experience (ie I have smoked weed before) you do not neccissarily get high every time whether or not you are so use to it, or it is your first time. Low grade types might not get you anything more than dry mouth. Im not saying that that makes smoking it ok. Im againts it. Just saying, where did you get the idea that you will get high everytime?
So legalization of marijuana is right around the corner, here in Canada.
Now to preface this, I have no issue with alcohol, but I avoid it because I just do not like the taste of it.
But when marijuana is legalized, if used in moderation, like drinking, can it be enjoyed without committing a sin?
I’ve heard from friends and people who I believe as respected Christians, that once its legal, and used correctly, then it shouldn’t be accounted as sin.

Not that long ago alcohol itself was illegal as well…🤷

So I don’t know what to think…thoughts?

~ PetiteFoi
You can enjoy whatever you want. But ask yourself the following question do you REALLY want to waste money buying weed that could be say, invested into nice new clothes or some nice meals with friends?
I am a new Catholic, confirmed at Easter this year, in my mid-fifties. I do, and have for most of my adult life, struggled with alcoholism. It has demolished my life. I know a lot about alcohol, and I’m still struggling with it.

Most drinkers I have known drink for the effect it offers. It’s all about the effect. To say, “Well, you can have a drink or two and you’re just fine and there’s no significant intoxication and it’s all good but you can’t do that with marijuana because you always get intoxicated on marijuana, you always get an effect . . .” is to make a moot point. The reality is, people who *drink * – and there are hundreds of millions of us – aren’t going to have a drink or two: we are going to keep going until there is a tangible effect. We are drinking for effect, for intoxication to one degree or another. Perhaps we want to get a little tipsy, uninhibited at a party; perhaps we want to rent a sleazy motel room and get semi-comatose for two weeks (been there and done that). It’s all intoxication. It doesn’t matter that it’s possible to have a beer or two and not be significantly intoxicated. That’s not the way that, every day, millions and millions and millions of people drink! We drink for effect; we smoke for effect.

The difference, as far as I can see, is that drinking alcohol is often about being under the influence of something that is physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, devastatingly harmful; potentially addictive; and a thing that contributes, more than any street drug – and certainly more than marijuana – to every imaginable form of violence and wreckage in the world. Alcohol is very prone to evil, believe me.

“Marijuana is a ‘gateway drug.’” Really? Listen, I’ve tried just about every kind of street drug out there, and in every case I tried it because I’d been drinking at the time it was available. I don’t know why anyone would imagine marijuana is, to any significant extent, more a “gateway drug” than alcohol is. In fact, I’m sure that the opposite is true. Because it is legal, plentiful, and accessible, alcohol has just *got * to be the most commonly occurring gateway drug on earth. It totally loosens inhibitions, and if one is bent on evil, one is likely to get a little evil.

Marijuana - I have smoked it off and on since 1974, about 40 years. I’ll pick up smoking for maybe two months, maybe four, and then loose interest in it. I may not have another smoke for eight years after that. Just don’t want it. But when I smoke, I smoke for effect. The effects I experience from marijuana don’t compare to the effects from alcohol. Alcohol makes me all kinds of stupid. Behind alcohol, I will do all kinds of violence to myself and others that I would never, ever, EVER do sober.

Marijuana doesn’t have that effect. When I smoke, I stay true to how I am sober: I maintain my wits, values, beliefs, morals, the quality of my physical health (I don’t smoke enough to hammer my lungs). Marijuana’s effect for me: if I were to sum it up in one word, it “gentles” me. I loose my rough edges and become especially thoughtful and exceptionally meditative, patient, and compassionate. I smile more than I usually do. I wouldn’t say that I’m especially virtuous when I smoke, but I’d say that I’m way more virtuous when I’m smoking than when I’m drinking or when I’m sober but getting stoned on fast-food. (I get really stoned on most fast-food: it makes me mean-spirited, restless, irritable, and discontent.) (Seriously.)

Marijuana is proving to have legitimate therapeutic uses, and our church condones the therapeutic use of drugs (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2291). So is its use, in and of itself, sinful? Apparently not. The sin seems to be not about use. I think it is about intent. It is sinful if it is “inflicting very grave damage on human health and life.” I can tell you, alcohol inflicts a whole lot of grave damage. So does fast food and soda pop: obesity inflicts very grave damage.

Earlier in this thread someone asked would I smoke marijuana with Jesus or our Holy Mother? I think I’d enjoy that as long as they didn’t have a problem with it. Would they have a problem with it? DO they have a problem with it?

I think they do, and they don’t. I think they care about grave damage, but I doubt Jesus has a problem with effective, herbal medicine. I think they may not like our intent in most cases. Jesus and the Blessed Virgin want us to get high on them! Their graces provide infinitely greater joy than does any substance on Earth. They want us to discover them, to have them.

Do they have a problem with a diet consisting largely of fast food or with obesity? Yes: grave damage. There are a lot of chubby bishops in the Church; I trust that those bishops have passionate love for Our Lord and Blessed Mother, thus They have made Their home in those bishops’ hearts.
I smoke medical marijuana as a sleep aid, and I believe it’s better than taking habit forming sleeping pills.
I smoke medical marijuana as a sleep aid, and I believe it’s better than taking habit forming sleeping pills.
Yes, indeed. Marijuana is a legitimate substitute for many harmful substances out there – both legal and illicit substances. Many are seriously addictive and/or have seriously adverse side effects.

Marijuana has very gentle therapeutic effects. Negative physical side effects? Marijuana is hard on one’s lungs, and the smoke may be carcinogenic. That’s a moot point: if one vaporizes THC from marijuana, one is not affected by harmful and potentially carcenogenic tars and resins. If one eats candy that contains marijuana in an amount to produce a needed effect, there is no toxic effect as long as it is organically grown.

I, too, use a prescription sleeping aid: Seroquel. This is, technically, an anti-psychotic. It was, for me, instantly addicting. As of now I have used it for about five years. Now, if I don’t take it, I do not sleep for more than three hours at a time, and that little sleep is restless. Check it out: I know men who take 600-800 mgs of Seroquel every day; all I need is 50 mgs to sleep nine, ten hours. I take an extremely low dose, yet I am addicted to it.

Seroquel has been significantly associated with the development of diabetes in folks who are genetically or otherwise predisposed to diabetes. This stuff is not good. If I could legally substitute marijuana for Seroquel, I would.

Consider Vicodan, a very widely-used prescription pain medication. Vicodan, for those who don’t know it, is largely acetaminophen, and that stuff *hammers * ones liver.

As does alcohol. Alcohol can poison and wreck stuff. Negative physical side effects: brain cells die, livers and kidneys are hammered and rot, hearts burst. Strokes, diabetes, peripheral nerve damage are direct results of alcoholism. Alcohol can be straight-up evil.

Marijuana is gentle. Is it Satan appearing as an angel of light? That is my only concern with it, and I don’t know the answer to that. The Church seems to have no problem with therapeutic drugs or substances. It does seem to have a problem with the *intention * behind other (e.g., “recreational”) uses.

I firmly believe that marijuana has legitimate, healing uses, and it can be safely applied for medical purposes and as a healthy substitute for drugs of addiction.
Anyone who says marijuana is not addictive is either an outright liar or has bought into a lie. I will stake everything I own and my very life on the truth of that.
Anyone who says marijuana is not addictive is either an outright liar or has bought into a lie. I will stake everything I own and my very life on the truth of that.
Do you speak from experience? I do. Marijuana can be addictive, I guess; not physically addictive, but mentally addictive. I have an addictive nature. I have used marijuana off and on for 40 years, and it has never, ever been addictive for me. I usually enjoy it for awhile, then walk away and forget about it, often for years at a time.

I have been addicted to nicotine and alcohol all of my life. *This * stuff is problematic for me. My addiction to alcohol has significantly negatively affected my life and health. Please believe me, alcohol addictions wreck lives. Marijuana has never been a problem for me, and from what I have seen, it’s really not problematic for most people who enjoy it.

We are talking about marijuana vs. alcohol. Alcohol is very, very problematic for people who are addicted to it. Alcohol can be an incredibly destructive force in a person’s life. Marijuana addiction, if there is such a thing, cannot be much more of a problem in most cases than addiction to TV. My concern, as a Christian, is this: am I using anything to fill a need that I should, instead, be relying on God to fill, that He dearly wants to fill?
Do you speak from experience? I do. Marijuana can be addictive, I guess; not physically addictive, but mentally addictive. I have an addictive nature. I have used marijuana off and on for 40 years, and it has never, ever been addictive for me. I usually enjoy it for awhile, then walk away and forget about it, often for years at a time.

I have been addicted to nicotine and alcohol all of my life. *This * stuff is problematic for me. My addiction to alcohol has significantly negatively affected my life and health. Please believe me, alcohol addictions wreck lives. Marijuana has never been a problem for me, and from what I have seen, it’s really not problematic for most people who enjoy it.

We are talking about marijuana vs. alcohol. Alcohol is very, very problematic for people who are addicted to it. Alcohol can be an incredibly destructive force in a person’s life. Marijuana addiction, if there is such a thing, cannot be much more of a problem in most cases than addiction to TV. My concern, as a Christian, is this: am I using anything to fill a need that I should, instead, be relying on God to fill, that He dearly wants to fill?
Yes. I speak from experience. My 20 year old son who has thankfully now overcome his addiction, had spent the last 2 years on a rapid slide into deep depression, pre psychosis and committed to hospital for suicide risk after trying to buy a highly lethal chemical from a jewellry shop… all as a result of marijuana addiction.

I hate marijuana with every ounce of flesh in my body. Our mental health is sooooo much more important than physical health. My father in law had a problem with alcohol and died of alcohol related causes. I would choose that road for my son anyday (if one were forced into such a Sophies choice), than the absolute soul destroying anguish of mental health disease.

Go visit the mental health unit one day and sit in the foyer. One of the first things every professional we dealt with asked us when my son was being treated was does he use marijuana. It’s such a common factor in the presentation of mental illness. Why does it have this aura around it that it that the truth can’t be told in the public arena? There seems to be some taboo where people can only tell good stories about the wonderful marijuana. It’s a cute little joke to know a ‘pothead’.

I believe that making marijuana a Class A drug is the only road and even that is too good for the sinister, deceptive. sheep in wolfs clothing, theif of the spirit that it is.
Yes. I speak from experience. My 20 year old son who has thankfully now overcome his addiction, had spent the last 2 years on a rapid slide into deep depression, pre psychosis and committed to hospital for suicide risk after trying to buy a highly lethal chemical from a jewellry shop… all as a result of marijuana addiction.

I don’t intend to sound callous. I am sorry for your son’s difficulties. I have spent years in institutions, primarily and directly due to my alcohol addiction. What was your son’s addiction? You don’t clarify that above. Was it marijuana? You mention something about depression, pre-psychosis, committed to hospital; I have been there, done that. And you mention a “highly lethal chemical from a jewelry shop . . …” This chemical, was it related to marijuana, or was there some other chemical involved as a factor that explains your son’s mental health difficulties?

You say, “. . . all as a result of marijuana addiction.” Really? You think so? I don’t think so. There are too many possible other important variables – and interactions between these variables – in your son’s life that may help explain what’s going on with him. You are blaming all this on marijuana. There is more to your son’s struggles than marijuana. Brother, be honest with yourself: this isn’t all about marijuana.

You are demonizing marijuana. Good luck with that. Your views on marijuana are not going to help your son. You want to help your son? Understand him. You concerned about your son smoking marijuana? Smoke some with him, get to understand it. (You clearly do not understand marijuana.) You don’t have to condone marijuana, but for your son’s sake, smoking out with him will help him to know: Dad understands, at least a little, about where I’m at. You are so very violently opposed to marijuana that you are just alienating your son. Smoke out with your son, then go for a walk out in the woods, talk.

Look, brother: marijuana, be it good or be it evil, is just another thing. The damage that it may do in reality – the reality of about 50 million Americans who smoke it every day – is comparable to the damage done by American fast food. If there is potential for great evil in marijuana, it doesn’t compare to the evil in alcohol and all other street and pharmaceutical drugs.
The difference between alcohol and marijuana is this:
When you drink alcohol you can drink enough to prevent yourself from getting drunk.
When you smoke marijuana, unless you smoke so much that you’ve become immune to the effects, then no matter what you will get high.

We shouldn’t be going out and getting hammered. Alcohol should be had in moderation. I can see someone getting drunk on occasion (feast, wedding, etc), but it should not be a regular occurrence. In the same way, people shouldn’t be smoking marjiuana because they will get high every time.
The above is false, I know a large number of people who smoke pot and use it in very small amounts never getting stoned and use it in moderation for ADHD. They live very successful lives and in small amouts it isn’t dangerous but anything can become addictive. Saying this I do not smoke. The main problem is because it is illegal dealers treat it as a drug and not as medicine with thier breeding. It is very difficult if you don’t know the right people to obtain a mild form.
It’s OK to drink Alcohol in moderation but NOT to get drunk. Marijuana ALWAYS gets you high, so I believe it is wrong to smoke it.

I don’t smoke it anymore because it really intoxicates me, whereas I can drink a couple, even a few beers and not get drunk.
It’s OK to drink Alcohol in moderation but NOT to get drunk. Marijuana ALWAYS gets you high, so I believe it is wrong to smoke it.

I don’t smoke it anymore because it really intoxicates me, whereas I can drink a couple, even a few beers and not get drunk.
False look I what I wrote above
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