Duquesne University punishes student for online post against homosexuality

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Traditional Ang:

We need to get hold of the Bishop and get their license to teach Catholic Doctrrine pulled as per Ex Corde Ecclesiae!

So, as I said earlier, we need the contact information on Duquesne University’s Bishop and Archbishop!

I’d look it up, but I don’t know the name of the Archdiocese… So, we need some help from our fellow posters…
The Archdiocese over Pittsburgh is Philadelphia. Cardinl Justin Rigali is the Archbishop.
In conversation with LifeSiteNews.com, Miner said that his use of ‘subhuman’ to describe homosexual acts “certainly wasn’t the most prudent of words”, but what he meant to say was the gist of the teaching in the Catechism.
As punishment, Miner was ordered to remove the comments from the website and to write a ten page “objective, expository essay on the viewpoints for and against homosexuality using specific readings.” While Miner removed the website comments he refused to write an essay in support of homosexuality as he said it was a violation of his faith.
Mr Miner should use this as an opportunity for a student to teach his teachers. He should write the essay exactly as directed, with help if necessary, enumerating every viewpoint which has been put forward in favour of homosexuality, and objectively exposing and analysing each such viewpoint according to human reason and the Church’s teaching, coming inevitably to the conclusion that all pro-homosexuality arguments are fatally flawed.
I do not think you are right here. Universities have a moral code and rules to live by. If this was done on campus or from a campus computer or even on a University forum then I believe they would have the right to discipline this individual. This student has not been charged with nor accused of a crime.

While we do have the right to free speech we can be held accountable for that speech.

Now if the article is correct then the school really does not have any right to act but then I do not think we have the whole story.

Where did this student access the forum from? A school computer? or maybe he used the school’s network from his dorm room?

Again, really too much infromation is missing.

This took some piecing together…

Ryan Miner and some other students posted their objections to the University’s planned Gay Straight Alliance on a forum called “Facebook”, which is registration only forum primarily for college students.

He said that homosexual ACTS were “subhuman” not homosexuals themselves, a fact even Gay groups admit to.

Some students who heard about his objections to the Gay Straight Alliance got registered to “Facebook” and found his remarks, whch they then objected to as “objectionable and inflammatory” to the appropriate aiuthorities at the University.

Mr. Miner was then given a hearing in front of 5 people whose names and titles he did not know, was never allowed to confront his accusers, and was ruled to be in violation of the university’s “code of conduct”, in spite of the fact he was able to show that what he said was consistent with the Catechism of the Catholic Church regarding Homosexuality and the Homosexual Act.

The school then handed down a penalty which included the demand that Ryan Miner write a 10 page paper explaining why what he said about Homosexual Conduct was wrong, that he pull the original post from Facebook.com and that he post an apology on Facebook.com.

In defending it’s actions, the university and groups allied with the university misrepresented Miner’s comments and stated that he said, “Homosexuals are subhuman”, not, “The homosexual ACT is subhuman.” This is a clear violation of the 7th Commandment by an Institution which claims to be covenanted to uphold God’s Laws, including those against that kind of slaunder against a fellow Catholic.

In spite of the fact that we can’t read the original post, I think those facts are enough to make some prudential judgments in this case. One of those judgments is that the University of Duquesne seems to have violated Canon Law and Ex Corde Ecclesiae.

Ryan Miner used language he should have, - What he did was wrong, but what the school did endangered the soul of every student attending that Duquesne by helping them to think that the Homosexual Act was OK and that the ECF and others were simply being bigoted when they condemned the acts as being destuctive of one’s spiritual life! Then, to compound their error, the school denied Ryan Miner even the appearance of due process and then knowingly lied about what Ryan said in his blog

I think there are far worse than anything Ryan Miner said.

In Christ, Michael
Traditional Ang:

He didn’t call them “Subhuman” - He called their activity “Subhuman”.

In Christ, Michael
Good points in your entire post, Michael. I guess what gets me upset is when there is a great effort to demonize homosexuals, when hetrosexuals are not condemed with the same vigor. I don’t mean you are doing this, but often some people do.

Where I work, a guy who has a wife with mutiple sclerosis has put her in a nursing home and is divorcing her so he can “get on with his life.” Isn’t she his life? Meanwhile, he is talking all the time about his crush on this other women, who is also married.

A couple of offices down the hall is another guy who is on his second wife and he is cheating on her with a young college intern who works with us.

In my family and friends, if you take the number of marriages and divide that number by the number of people, you get some number greeater than 2, maybe even greater than 3 and a half!! And in all of these marriages and divorces not one failure had anything to do with some guy sleeping with or marrying another guy.

In California there was a Defense of Marriage Act to outlaw same gender marriages. It is not the gays or lesbians who are wrecking our marriages, it is us.

In other words, I think we all have mortal sins and we should expend our time working on our own sins and forget about the other guy’s sins.
  • Kathie :bowdown:
Yes, the promotors of the Duquesne “Gay/Straight Alliance” should quit focusing on the sins any homophobes that may lurk about campus, and focus on their own sins.
Yes, the promotors of the Duquesne “Gay/Straight Alliance” should quit focusing on the sins any homophobes that may lurk about campus, and focus on their own sins.
That’s true. We all should focus on our own sins. You are so correct. :clapping:
  • Kathie :bowdown:
Yes, the promotors of the Duquesne “Gay/Straight Alliance” should quit focusing on the sins any homophobes that may lurk about campus, and focus on their own sins.
So tell me what exactly is a “homophobe”? In my experience it is a loaded term used to shut down debate with anyone who dares criticize the homosexual lifestyle.

This is a Catholic forum. The Church is clear that homosexual beahvior is a mortal sin. Does that make the Catholic Church homophobic or just those Catholics “nieve” enough to adhere to their teachings?
So tell me what exactly is a “homophobe”? In my experience it is a loaded term used to shut down debate with anyone who dares criticize the homosexual lifestyle.
You’re right. Calling people names does no good.

I am not familiar with the “Gay/Straight Alliance” or what it does. Why not join yourself and show what Catholicism is by just setting a good example and showing how happy your regular marriage, or dating situation, is. If you don’t preach, your example may bring people to Christ. Even helping out at a AIDS hospice would show such Christian love, that people would be moved to want your happiness. Think of Mother Theresa and the good she did by just leading an exemplary life :clapping:
  • Kathie :bowdown:
Good points in your entire post, Michael. I guess what gets me upset is when there is a great effort to demonize homosexuals, when hetrosexuals are not condemed with the same vigor. I don’t mean you are doing this, but often some people do.

Where I work, a guy who has a wife with mutiple sclerosis has put her in a nursing home and is divorcing her so he can “get on with his life.” Isn’t she his life? Meanwhile, he is talking all the time about his crush on this other women, who is also married.

A couple of offices down the hall is another guy who is on his second wife and he is cheating on her with a young college intern who works with us.

In my family and friends, if you take the number of marriages and divide that number by the number of people, you get some number greeater than 2, maybe even greater than 3 and a half!! And in all of these marriages and divorces not one failure had anything to do with some guy sleeping with or marrying another guy.

In California there was a Defense of Marriage Act to outlaw same gender marriages. It is not the gays or lesbians who are wrecking our marriages, it is us.

In other words, I think we all have mortal sins and we should expend our time working on our own sins and forget about the other guy’s sins.
  • Kathie :bowdown:

Thank you - I try to be thoughtful, but I don’t always succeed.

It’s hard to talk about marriages where the guy’s every bit as bad as I was about 15 years ago (I’ve been changed through multiple divine interventions, Praise be to Jesus Christ), partly because it comes so close to home for some of us.

I don’t really care what people do in the Secular world, or what is done with Civil marriage as long as they don’t irreparably change the nature of the institution. But, I care deeply about the message Catholic Institutions and the Hierarchy send when it comes to activity that is sinful and must, by its nature, seperate those who do it from God.

I know just how hard and how much God had to do to get me back once I was lost, and I, therefore, don’t want anyone lost because the Church, or an institution attached to the Church, sent a message as wrong as one the Duquesne seems to be sending by sponsoring an organization which promotes the “Gay Lifestyle” and Gay Relationships as “Normal” and Potentially Beneficial".

I would feel the same way if the Duquesne had a “Swingers” or a “Hook-up’s” club or sold contraceptives or had an Abortionist on campus.

I think we have to deal with the problem at Duquesne right now, since it seems emblematic of so many “Catholic” Universities.

I would only hope that, if you started a thread to deal with the problems you outlined that the posters would deal with it with as much persistence.

In Christ, Michael
Good points in your entire post, Michael. I guess what gets me upset is when there is a great effort to demonize homosexuals, when hetrosexuals are not condemed with the same vigor. I don’t mean you are doing this, but often some people do.

Where I work, a guy who has a wife with mutiple sclerosis has put her in a nursing home and is divorcing her so he can “get on with his life.” Isn’t she his life? Meanwhile, he is talking all the time about his crush on this other women, who is also married.

A couple of offices down the hall is another guy who is on his second wife and he is cheating on her with a young college intern who works with us.

In my family and friends, if you take the number of marriages and divide that number by the number of people, you get some number greeater than 2, maybe even greater than 3 and a half!! And in all of these marriages and divorces not one failure had anything to do with some guy sleeping with or marrying another guy.

In California there was a Defense of Marriage Act to outlaw same gender marriages. It is not the gays or lesbians who are wrecking our marriages, it is us.

In other words, I think we all have mortal sins and we should expend our time working on our own sins and forget about the other guy’s sins.
  • Kathie :bowdown:
Seems to me that some of your friends at work are all wet. Oh, well. But I do think that what Duquesne University is doing is morally irresponsible. It seems to me that they lost their Catholic heritage a long time ago. Time will tell. Just look at how foolishly Notre Dame is acting, by doing “queer festival.” They tried to supress the pro-homosexuality group, but the Supreme Court beat it down, with their “big brother policies.” But to me this whole thing stinks.

Who tried to suppress the pro-homosexuality group at Notre Dame?

Who tried to suppress the pro-homosexuality group at Notre Dame?
My understanding is that the priest over there tried to stop it, but the Supreme Court stepped in and told him no. In my view the pro-homosexuality group should have been stamped out.
You’re right. Calling people names does no good.

I am not familiar with the “Gay/Straight Alliance” or what it does. Why not join yourself and show what Catholicism is by just setting a good example and showing how happy your regular marriage, or dating situation, is. If you don’t preach, your example may bring people to Christ. Even helping out at a AIDS hospice would show such Christian love, that people would be moved to want your happiness. Think of Mother Theresa and the good she did by just leading an exemplary life :clapping:
  • Kathie :bowdown:
Why would i join an organization that preaches acceptance of sinful behavior?r
Why would i join an organization that preaches acceptance of sinful behavior?r
To straighten it out.:whistle: Pardon the pun.

Actually people seeing someone leading an exemplary life might envy the happiness and want to change. People become more open when they are really sad and down in the dumps, and if you are around, you can lead them to happiness and rightousness. :clapping:

It is a delicate maneuver because if there is a hint of self-rightousness, it will not work. :hmmm:

Good Luck.
  • Kathie :bowdown:
Time to stop “messin’ 'round” with institutions like this that claim to be “Catholic.” Send the information to the Pope and let him issue an edict to them. Become staunchly Catholic or have your Catholic charter removed and just be a secular university like you seemingly are for all intents and purposes. Truth in advertising. You cannot advertise being a Catholic university and oppose the Church and Her teachings.
To straighten it out.:whistle: Pardon the pun.

Actually people seeing someone leading an exemplary life might envy the happiness and want to change. People become more open when they are really sad and down in the dumps, and if you are around, you can lead them to happiness and rightousness. :clapping:
  • Kathie :bowdown:
So should I join NAMBLA in an attempt tp reach out to Pediophiles? How about Joining the KKK to reach out to racists?
So should I join NAMBLA in an attempt tp reach out to Pediophiles? How about Joining the KKK to reach out to racists?
I have no idea what NAMBLA is. The Straight/Gay group is hardly equivalent to the KKK, which conducted lynchings.

Hey, you don’t have to help anyone if you don’t. I was just putting out a suggestion.
  • Kathie :bowdown:
Help may be on the way -

See ARCHBISHOP: POPE WILL ‘PRUNE’ INSTITUTIONS WITH WEAK CATHOLIC IDENTITY [from a recent address at Notre Dame by Archbishop Michael Miller, secretary of the Vatican’s Congregation for Catholic Education.]
The archbishop suggested that the Church could take two approaches to such institutions: the Pope’s “evangelical pruning” or a method of hopeful patience that the institution will eventually come around, the archbishop said.

He said the Pope “appears to be more inclined to avoid scandal and lead a path of evangelical pruning, but we don’t know. We await."
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