This is horrific.I just experienced this with a friend who had a stroke. Her oldest daughter had healthcare power of attorney and brought her mother home from the hospital the day after her stroke. She told all of us that her mother was dying and hospice was assisting with home care.
I and another friend went to visit her, expecting to see a comatose person, however, she was awake, eyes open, moving in the bed and clearly aware of everything we said to her. She tried to speak and pointed toward her mouth like she wanted something to drink.
The daughter refused to give her anything to drink and only sponged her lips. According to the daughter her mother had stipulated no artificial hydration or nutrition if she was dying.
My friend was clearly NOT dying. She had many visitors and we all tried to talk with the daughter but she was too busy packing up her mother’s house to speak much with us.
It took my friend 12 days to die.
@0Scarlett_nidiyilii – just so we know for the future - - wouldn’t this be a crime? We have something called a “Long-term care ombudsman” in our area - - is this something they would handle? Or some other agency - like Adult Protective Services?