Anyone have any experience with Dynamic Catholic and their products, or know anything about the goings on there?
I have several of his books. They’ve all been given to me at no cost by local parishes.Cincinnati Archbishop Dennis Schnurr also is a Kelly fan. “It was St. Pope John Paul II who said we have to find new methods and approach evangelization with new ardor and new materials,” Schnurr told Cincinnati magazine. “I think that’s exactly what Dynamic Catholic is doing.”
Does he suffer from night terrors?I have heard him sleepwalk in person and was moved by his words.
There’s nothing wrong with praying for someone, and whether they’re in circle or have their hands up makes no difference.Once roles are discerned, each person sits in a chair with the rest of the group surrounding them in a circle, hands over the head “in prayer.”
Really? They were literally tracing pentagrams above your head?Would you want someone involved with santantic symbols praying over you ?
Can’t you people see this is money being taken from your parishes and not serving the church? Wake up!