Firstly let me say that I love your dedication to our improvement, you are like grit to the oyster and therefore a wonderful gift from Our Father. Sincerely.
I can only speak for myself but I do not disregard the possibility of punishment, in fact I have said earlier that what I fear most is the eventual separation from God, that’s a horrible idea and I don’t like the sound of eternal damnation in hell either but the former is far far worse. If a cell of my body could think and speak do you imagine it would be indifferent to union with me?
My aim is to be acceptable to God to experience His love and not the avoidance of punishment. That would be a genuine and healthy approach rather than to simply want to avoid obliteration.
I can only speak for myself but I do not disregard the possibility of punishment, in fact I have said earlier that what I fear most is the eventual separation from God, that’s a horrible idea and I don’t like the sound of eternal damnation in hell either but the former is far far worse. If a cell of my body could think and speak do you imagine it would be indifferent to union with me?
My aim is to be acceptable to God to experience His love and not the avoidance of punishment. That would be a genuine and healthy approach rather than to simply want to avoid obliteration.
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