If you truly want to converse about my position on sola scriptura
What’s the point of debating the truth of a lie? Give your head a shake.
There is one father of all lies, LetsObeyLetsObeyChrist, and he is called Satan. Except that’s his REAL name. You’re the one who keeps insisting Martin Luther’s authority beats God’s hands down any day. That’s what we’re all trying to flag you down about.
you will have to know what I believe and not propose someone else’ ideas as mine.
Hey, you’re the one who so proudly stuck the ‘Sola Scripturist’(sic) label on yourself, then used non-biblical sources to “disprove” the Holy Eucharist. Sola Scripturist, my quill pen.
Changing horses in mid stream? The worst that can happen is you won’t be defending lies anymore. How bad could that be?
You might start with post #281, address those particulars I raised.
If 281 is an actual response to me and not another one of your proofs that you know how to press Ctrl-V, you got it, LetsObeyLetsObeyChrist. If you’ve just blowing out your clipboard again, I’m not going to waste my time, because you can paste 16k WAY faster than I can type a word. And you don’t need to waste any time having integrity that way, either.
As I am trying to answer all posts to me and have only just finished replying to post # 146 it will be some time before I respond.
Must take a long time to do all that pasting. You’ll notice the people who respond to you are putting in an honest effort at expression and debate. You’re just filling the server with paste. That’s disingenuous.
But if you actually do address what I say and not fictional narrative of your own creation
Fiction? You’re the one who callls yourself LetsObeyChrist. Nice disguise.
Let’s review our positions for fictionality, shall we?
You are a self-styled “Sola Scripturist.”(sic) Whatever that means.
Therefore, you follow the sayings of the man Martin Luther. Oops. So much for following the Bible only and no man’s sayings.
Sola scriptura says only the contents of the Bible are true. You can’t prove that using only the Bible, but I guess putting your fingers in your ears and singing “lalalalalala I can’t hear you lalalalala” loud enough is more “experiential” than admitting you bought lies when it comes to faith.
Sola scriptura is not in the Bible. Anywhere. In any sense at all. Not even in the books Martin Luther threw out. You can’t prove it.
You can’t even imply it using the Bible only.
Satan can’t even prove it, because it’s a lie. All he can get you to do is buy it. So you proudly stick the label “Sola Scripturist” on yourself and preach that Jesus was a Divine trickster.
This is THE ONLY PLACE S.S. leads. I don’t think anything can possibly get more false than Sola Scriptura.
Why do you believe these lies? They profit nothing. You’ve already realized Eucharistic accidents have no effect on substance. ‘Disconnect’ I believe was the word you used. Correctly, I might add. You’re still getting there.
Let’s look at me:
I believe that when Jesus said we must eat his body and drink his blood, that’s exactly what he meant because as the Son Of God, He was materially incapable of the subtle duplicity of purpose you have staunchly accused Him of through all these hundreds of posts.
Regarding eating His Body and drinking His blood, I believe that he meant EXACTLY what He said with no exigetical, hermaneutical, semantic Rube Goldberg machine needed.
Who’s the “Bible Christian” now?
It is likely I will respond.
Yeah, with four posts in a row of scripture? What, do you get paid by the word? I can find a Bible myself, thanks, and you did agree to put links in place of paste when you signed up.