If any other poster attempted this I’m sorry my search for “results in life” didn’t turn it up.
You missed this one:
Now look here, LetsObeyChrist. You keep cutting and pasting, but you don’t answer the central question, buddy.
Who told you “My Body is real food and my blood is real drink” means instead, “Eat is my code word for Believe”? If that’s what Jesus meant, LetsObeyChrist, He was engaging in a subterfuge, instead of proclaiming the Truth for sinners like me. That’s what you think He was ‘really’ doing?
I think someone has indoctrinated you:
Jesus: “LetsObeyChrist, My Body is real food and my blood is real drink”
Someone: “Now listen to me instead, LetsObeyChrist, this isn’t what Jesus really meant. What He really means is…”
You refuse to take Jesus at His word because somebody you trusted more said “don’t believe that, believe this.”
Careful, LetsObeyChrist.
Do you refuse to take Him literally in other cases? Aren’t you a Bible Christian like we Catholics are? Don’t you believe He spoke ONLY truth? Of course you do. So what makes this Divine Truth a “special case” needing a tap dance? Belief in the Catholic Real Presence. You don’t want that.
“I believe exactly what Jesus said, except for the part where he said… Then, I believe what he REALLY meant was… Because ____ told me so.” (I know, other posters… unbroken ordination… one doctrine at a time, like Cardinal Newman…)
This equivocation doesn’t come from Jesus, because it denies Jesus. Truth can’t contradict Truth, right?
This reasoning doesn’t trust Him to get it right the first time and make His true meaning stick through all ages, languages, cultures and possible developments until the smoke of battle clears and time gives way to eternity.
I personally don’t believe that you mean Him any disrespect. As a Catholic Christian, I cannnot buy the premise of your argument that Jesus commanded us to “figure out My tricky word game or else.”
This is the underlying premise of this argument whether you mean it to be or not, and whether you understand that it is or not. By His Divine nature, Jesus was incapable of lies.
“This is my body = Choosing with your free will to believe in me”
This is a lie because someone is inserting the part after the equals sign IN PLACE OF what Jesus said. They are telling you if you don’t believe the part after the equals sign INSTEAD of the part from Jesus, you go to hell.
Ask yourself, where did the part after the equals sign come from? Who said it? Not Jesus. He said the part on the OTHER side of the equals sign. Who?
Besides faith is a gift of the Holy Spirit and not an acquisition you obtain by act of will.
Caveat emptor.
Jesus is Lord, Alleluia: “Satan is the father of all lies and a murderer from the very beginning” is another of His Truths. Does it need an equals sign and somebody’s interpretation after it? Not for me it doesn’t. If you think “This is my body…” needs interpretation, then why not this, too?
You keep insisting He was playing some kind of cruel semantic trick that could cost us our eternal souls to misunderstand. That is the underlying warning you are presenting here, isn’t it? Someone you trust more than the Magisterium of the Church of Christ told you that if we don’t believe in all this semantic equivocation, we must end up in hell.
I can’t speak for you, but that’s not MY personal Lord and Saviour. He was the ORIGINAL straight shooter. He isn’t trying to trick anybody.
I’m a Christian so I believe ALL the promises of Christ. He promised “unless you eat my body and drink my blood.” How’s that for a “simple gospel message?”
Count up all the stuff you posted. You call that simple?
Jesus didn’t make salvation conditional on solving a semantic and verbal Rubik’s cube.