I couldn’t agree more…This is a time to shift gears away from the legislative approach to the one of education and conversion, as you well noted.
We don’t have the political clout because we don’t have the numbers. I’ve always stated we need to start the education/conversion process at home. That doesn’t just mean literally in our own individual houses, but the Home of the Church.
If we cannot get our own family members to see the Truth why should we expect to change the minds of secular-minded people, let alone politicians, judges, doctors, etc?
When we start seeing the efforts of our evangelization, preaching, teaching and role-modeling take hold in our own parishes then we will see our united numbers increasing. It’s difficult to wage the battle when the opposition can so readily hold a mirror up to our House to show how few of us there are who buy our arguments.
I think the pro-life movement needs to take advantage of this 2 year period to clean house in our churches - starting with the Cathlolic faith, then moving down the list from there. If they can succeed in that effort the votes and political clout will be more present at the 2008 elections. It may not be enough to turn things around, but if we can get a significant increase you know the MSM will pick up on that and comment about it. That helps build/maintain momentum.
If only more priests and bishops in America would openly support the cause of life. It seems to me that most of them are more concerned with avoiding scandal and maintaining their parish or diocese’s tax exempt status. Though I’m not suprised their laying low considering the abuse scandal thumping they recieved in 02, and have largely yet to recover their moral authority and trust from.
So I would say, yes, these do appear like bleak times for both the pro-life movement as well as the Church in America. And it will take much faith for pro-life Catholics to pull through. As for myself, frankly, I am at my wits end…