The state election administrators have said there’s been no funny business. It’s just Trump and his lackeys alleging fraud. Please don’t let him get away with disparaging our democracy.
Please tell me you are joking? @PaulinVAMikeInVA:![]()
So far, the Trump team hasn’t even gotten a base hit.Only if the allegations are true. If not, only Trump may be embarrassed.
Trumps actions and the actions of the Republicans are the embarrassment.
Yes, they are an embarrassment. This is coming from someone who criticized the childish actions of the Democrats for the past four years.After the insulting behavior by the democrats the past 4 years trying to do everything in their power to destroy President Trump and kick him out of office you are saying the actions of the Republicans are an
embarrassment? That is outrageous!
They haven’t “gone back” RCP never declared them in the first place.Several States have already gone back to undecided bringing Joe Biden below the 270 votes needed to win.
I highly doubt you said the same things about Al Gore in 2000. Seriously, just because you hate the man doesn’t mean he doesn’t have rights. I think so many people hate Trump for personal reasons and nothing else. Has his policies hurt you at all? I’m sorry I didn’t realize lower taxes, standing up to China on trade / spying, peace deals with israel, and a strong military were so painful and hurt your feelings.No I wouldn’t. It is absolutely his constitutional right to be an #$%Q%@ and throw sand in the wheels of a peaceful transition of power.
after they allegedly cheatedafter they cheated
No they’re not. Since when, in America, is exercising your rights an embarrassment.Trumps actions and the actions of the Republicans are the embarrassment.
If there has been no funny business, it will be affirmed in the courts, and Biden’s win is affirmed. That’s what the courts are there for. The process confirms our republic and its election process.The state election administrators have said there’s been no funny business. It’s just Trump and his lackeys alleging fraud. Please don’t let him get away with disparaging our democracy.
Yes, we each have our opinions.After the insulting behavior by the democrats the past 4 years trying to do everything in their power to destroy President Trump and kick him out of office you are saying the actions of the Republicans are an
embarrassment? That is outrageous!
Frankly, no, this isn’t the American process.But this is the American process and it is not an embarrassment at all.
Of course it is. There are legal statutes to protect the vote. The process includes the right of a candidate to challenge in court.Frankly, no, this isn’t the American process.
He can say whatever he wants. That’s the American process, too. And frankly, when the Secretaries of State certify their state’s votes, that comment doesn’t matter. When the EC elects the president on behalf of the states and their people, his opinion will mean nothing.The American process is not to say that you won’t accept the results of the election if you lose.
Yes, it is. Access to the courts is absolutely part of the process. Al Gore used it, too.The American process is not to decide to sue about the election results and then look for reasons, all of which are shot down in court.
It is exactly how it works, and thank goodness.That’s not the way this works. That’s not how any of this works.
And from the court rulings I’ve seen, that’s because they don’t include any evidence. If there were this alleged massive fraud, illegal votes as far as the eye can see, then surely these lawyers would have some evidence to include in their court filings.all of which are shot down in court.
President Obama transferred power peacefully because he had served two terms, which is all a U.S. President is allowed to serve according to the Constitution.And yes, Obama did transfer power peacefully.
Oh, really?And from the court rulings I’ve seen, that’s because they don’t include any evidence . If there were this alleged massive fraud, illegal votes as far as the eye can see, then surely these lawyers would have some evidence to include in their court filings.
Presidents Carter and Bush Senior also transferred power peacefullyPresident Obama transferred power peacefully because he had served two terms, which is all a U.S. President is allowed to serve according to the Constitution.
So, the absence of proof of fraud, is proof of fraud. Gotcha.You do realize that this was engineered mainly by Democratic, liberal LAWYERS, who know well how to cheat and make it look legal.
Oh, now I get it!Give those lawyers some credit for being good at their profession! This isn’t the type of cheating that a sweet little ol’ lady schoolteacher can smell a mile away. This is some well-engineered, well-thought out cheating by lawyers who were filled with hatred and vitriol towards a President who didn’t respect them and their self-serving and evil ways.
I am totally against abortion, but, no, I don’t think it advances the Republican cause, the cause of the Christian Right, to demonize the opposing side as evil. Sounds really petty.You don’t think they’re evil? These are the people who advocated and voted FOR access to abortion throughout the nine months of pregnancy, and want the taxpayers pay for it even if their religion forbids participating in such sin. Joseph Biden used to be pro-life, but switched so that he could remain in their favor–a coward.willing to sell out the unborn and his professed church even in his old age.
And yet some people seem to think that the president shouldn’t access the court process that helps prevent us from being like Venezuela.The US is not Venezuela.
Well, while you shouldn’t expect them to show you any evidence, it seems to me that, if there is no evidence, the courts will determine such, and Biden’s election will be affirmed when the states certify and the EC elects. Isn’t that a good thing?And from the court rulings I’ve seen, that’s because they don’t include any evidence . If there were this alleged massive fraud, illegal votes as far as the eye can see, then surely these lawyers would have some evidence to include in their court filings.