Election Lawsuits

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Well, while you shouldn’t expect them to show you any evidence, it seems to me that, if there is no evidence, the courts will determine such, and Biden’s election will be affirmed when the states certify and the EC elects. Isn’t that a good thing?
Jon, you have to show evidence when you file a lawsuit looking for an injunction or some other immediate relief.

There is no evidence of widespread fraud. We should all be glad. There are just spaghetti-against-the-wall allegations meant to undermine confidence in a Biden win. We should all be sad at that.
I don’t think that irregularities in the election of the President of the U.S. is a frivolous lawsuit.
Law suites are not frivolous because on the importance of the claim, but on the strength or lack of evidence or legal grounds. Of all the law suits filed so far, only one has had enough merit to even be heard.
The president and the Republicans are once again standing up for Americans and searching for the truth about all the irregularities in this election.
Great example of begging the question.
I highly doubt you said the same things about Al Gore in 2000.
As has been said multiple times, 2020 has little in common with 2000.
You do realize that this was engineered mainly by Democratic, liberal LAWYERS, who know well how to cheat and make it look legal.
The lack of evidence of conspiracy proves a conspiracy. I know the term “conspiracy theory” has been slammed, but it might not be used as much if the logic errors of a conspiracy theory didn’t keep popping up.
And yet some people seem to think that the president shouldn’t access the court process that helps prevent us from being like Venezuela.
He can, and he has. It is just that there is nothing that a judge has deemed acceptable. So the better question would be how long does it take a man with a team of lawyers ready on election day to file a law suit? I am really okay with him not conceding now. I am not okay with him claiming victory and moving forward as if he has another four years while blocking any funding for early prep at transition. That is down right hypocritical, un-American, and egotistical.
And from the court rulings I’ve seen, that’s because they don’t include any evidence .
Some of the court cases don’t even state a cause of action.
You do realize that this was engineered mainly by Democratic, liberal LAWYERS, who know well how to cheat and make it look legal.
It sounds like you might not have watched any of the hearings in court. Many are available to the public. I can share a link if you like. When Trump’s campaign lawyers have appeared in court they have presented hearsay’s of hearsay (not admissible) or speculations and at worst had nothing to present.
while you shouldn’t expect them to show you any evidence, it seems to me that, if there is no evidence, the courts will determine such
They have failed to show courts evidence. This has been directly stated in the text of the dismissals of the court and in the recorded words of the judges that have seen the cases.

The Trump campaign has a hotline asking people to provide them evidence. There’s also a Tik Tok challenge to prank the hotline.
Jon, you have to show evidence when you file a lawsuit looking for an injunction or some other immediate relief.
In the court room. Not in the media, especially since said media has worked against you for four years.
There is no evidence of widespread fraud. We should all be glad. There are just spaghetti-against-the-wall allegations meant to undermine confidence in a Biden win. We should all be sad at that.
If that’s true, then Biden’s election is confirmed.
Isn’t that a good thing?
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He can, and he has. It is just that there is nothing that a judge has deemed acceptable. So the better question would be how long does it take a man with a team of lawyers ready on election day to file a law suit? I am really okay with him not conceding now. I am not okay with him claiming victory and moving forward as if he has another four years while blocking any funding for early prep at transition.
I generally agree with this.
They have failed to show courts evidence. This has been directly stated in the text of the dismissals of the court and in the recorded words of the judges that have seen the cases.
I hadn’t heard that all the cases had been determined.
Once they are all dismissed, which is probably what will happen (it isn’t enough to prove fraud, he has to prove fraud large enough to change the outcome), then Biden will proceed.
I hadn’t heard that all the cases had been determined.
They have not. They just made a second attempt to appeal a case that was dismissed. The first attempt to appeal was rejected because their filing was defective.

I don’t think they are actually trying to make anything move forward. Either that, or they have first year law students handling the filings.
it isn’t enough to prove fraud, he has to prove fraud large enough to change the outcome
When nothing is provided that confirms to the rules of evidence (ev: personal speculations are not acceptable under the rules of evidence) expect a dismissal.

Also when a lawsuit makes no claim for which there is a cause of action, expect a dismissal.
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They have not. They just made a second attempt to appeal a case that was dismissed. The first attempt to appeal was rejected because their filing was defective.
Should it be illegal to appeal?
When nothing is provided that confirms to the rules of evidence (ev: personal speculations are not acceptable under the rules of evidence) expect a dismissal.
I expect a dismissal because the chances of proving fraud numbering in the tens of thousands of votes are virtually nil.
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Should it be illegal to appeal?
That sounds like a philosophical question. I haven said anything on the legality. I do question the ethics of the filing and the appeal.
I expect a dismissal because the chances of proving fraud numbering in the tens of thousands of votes are virtually nil.
I expect a dismissal on any case for which there is a failure to make a claim for which relief can be granted or when there is nothing to present that conforms to the rules of evidence.
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I expect a dismissal because the chances of proving fraud numbering in the tens of thousands of votes are virtually nil.
I think it can easily be tied up in court for years; proving tens of thousands of fraudulent votes would depend on that “Dominion” software so then? The Speaker of House might become President? That looks like a possible scenario now. Nothing that can be quickly resolved.
The Speaker of House might become President? That looks like a possible scenario now. Nothing that can be quickly resolved.
Perhaps the US will become like Italy: the country just chugs along disregarding the gong show in the capital. Meanwhile China and Russia eclipse the fallen empire on the world stage.
That sounds like a philosophical question. I haven said anything on the legality. I do question the ethics of the filing and the appeal.
That sounds like you think only appeals you approve of are ethical. There is nothing unethical about the appeals. They will probably lose, for the reason I stated, but they are not unethical.
I expect a dismissal on any case for which there is a failure to make a claim for which relief can be granted or when there is nothing to present that conforms to the rules of evidence.
Again, you’re not a judge, so let’s let judges decide that.
I don’t think anyone challenged the results of the election in 2016, as Trump is baselessly doing now in 2020.
Give those lawyers some credit for being good at their profession! This isn’t the type of cheating that a sweet little ol’ lady schoolteacher can smell a mile away. This is some well-engineered, well-thought out cheating by lawyers who were filled with hatred and vitriol towards a President who didn’t respect them and their self-serving and evil ways.
What an excellently unbiased, facts-only presentation!
Since you know all this as fact, you can answer some questions for those of us who aren’t privy to the secret knowledge:

Who are these lawyers? Since you know as fact that they did this, you must know at least a few identities. Name 'em and shame 'em!
Was this a national organization, or smaller cabals at the state level? County level? Precinct level?
How did they suborn all the local and state elections officials? Are there bank records? or was it cash? blackmail?
How was this “fraud” produced? Were fake ballots printed en masse? If so, what printing companies carried out the work? How was it determined ahead of time exactly which precincts would need the fakes, and how many would be needed? Why didn’t these fake ballots also vote for Democratic House & Senate candidates, if they were votes for Biden? How were they delivered to counting locations all over the country? And without anyone noticing? How were the printers and drivers paid? How was there not one single one concerned about being involved in an illegal enterprise?
Or did they pay legitimate voters to vote for Biden when they wanted to vote for Trump? How much does that cost? Why didn’t they lay out a little extra to get the House & Senate, too? Why was not one single voter honest enough to call out the alarm that someone had tried to buy their vote?
If not printed, or bought from legitimate voters, did they go door-to-door looking for people ineligible to vote, and have them fill out ballots? Where did they get these blank ballots? How were these ballots delivered to the precincts? Why did nobody notice the door-to-door effort? Were these folks paid, or did they just do it for fun?

Enquiring minds want to know.
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That sounds like you think only appeals you approve of are ethical.
That assessment is overly general.
There is nothing unethical about the appeals.
Also very general. I encounter that a lot in these forums; where there is a specific set of circumstances that are involved in something problematic and something overly general becomes the subject of discussion. If someone were to drive through a town in a blue car yelling insults at pedestrians I’d expect someone to say there is nothing wrong with driving blue cars.
They will probably lose, for the reason I stated, but they are not unethical.
I wouldn’t look at the dismissal of a case as “loosing” unless it is a “dismissal with prejudice.” It can mean that some technical problem occurred and the problem can be corrected and legal action can still be pursued.
Again, you’re not a judge, so let’s let judges decide that.
I thought it was already known that the person assigned to make judgement is the person that will make a judgement. But I shared my view in response to you sharing yours.
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