Under what circumstances is a nude scene in a movie or TV show morally acceptable? Context is important, right?
To be fair, she was young and starting out in an industry where it is notoriously difficult to get any work at all. A lot of people in her situation face, and succumb to, enormous, and quite real, pressure to make.choices they regret with hindsight and added maturity.She saw her contract and signed it full well knowing what it involved. She didn’t have a problem then. She sounds very hypocritical, or possibly she’s just trying to go along with the current Hollywood #metoo trend.
The reality is many women enjoy being objectified. They enjoy the attention of being an object of desire and being pursued. For some it is also empowering (weaponizing their sexuality so to speak. Ever hear the saying “women control men”?). Women have long used sex as a form of power. Opening a history book and also studying sociology will tell you that.
It is hard enough for us Catholics to follow God’s teachings on sexuality, imagine how it is for secular society.
Unless there’s a copy made public we don’t know that. Legal text is rarely easy to comprehend. Sometimes things aren’t mentioned and then the directors may decide to take advantage of that.She saw her contract and signed it full well knowing what it involved.
People can regret things they’ve done.She didn’t have a problem then.
I think that you need to tell us so that we know.When does art cross over into porn?
Did she have to be an actress? Frankly, St. John Chrysostom was right about theater.To be fair, she was young and starting out in an industry where it is notoriously difficult to get any work at all.
Anytime I’m in the NSW Art Gallery. Last time I saw Michaelangelo’s David. When I was walking through the Sistene Chapel. But we’d all agree that that’s art.All covert snarkiness aside,
Q: When do you need to look upon a nude human body that is not:
Physicians excepted.
- your spouse?
- a baby?
A good answer. I hope po18guy reads it. But we need to fine tune this a little more.Porn is design to arouse the sexual appetite, most often that of males.
I had a similar experience with a different series.My daughter read the books by George R. R. Martin and started to watch the HBO series, but said that the book didn’t have the graphic nudity and sex in it, and she got disgusted with the series, so stopped watching it and just read the books, which she loved BTW.
They didn’t have to include the graphic sex scenes to make the series good, in my opinion.