With a saintly long-ranging spiritual vision, Ven. Fulton J. Sheen saw the roots of today’s crisis firmly planted and growing in 1974, but he gave us an antidote.
Archbishop Sheen’s warning
The good bishop noted we were living in the fourth 500-year period of Church history, explaining “the Church is not a continuing thing — it dies and rises again. It proceeds on the principle of Christ himself as priest and victim.
“And there comes the defeat, the seeming decay, we are put in the grave, and then we rise again. We have had four deaths in our Christian history.”
First Three Falls and Rises The first time the Church was in dire straits was in the fall of Rome, the first 500-year period. It had a rebirth when great saint missionaries like Augustine in England and Patrick in Ireland spread the faith.
Then came a second “decay” around the year 1,000 with the Moslem invasions and the split of the Church with a schism in Constantinople. “It seemed to be the end of everything. And then we came to life again,” Sheen said.
In the third 500-year period he said the Church became “rotten” as nuns and priests were defecting. Then came the reformers who “almost always reform the wrong things. And they began reforming the faith, and there was nothing wrong with faith — it was the morals that needed to be reformed. It’s not renewal — it’s really a moral reformation that is needed today, too.” Remember, that was 44 years ago.
All the more so in our day. On just one point, how many listened to, and took to heart,
Humanae Vitae ? Even theologians defected from it.
After that period the Church came to life again, Sheen said. “And now we’re at the fourth period, and we’re rotting — we’re spoiled — no great zeal, no great learning, no great fire.” Yet there’s hope because “anyone who knows history is not particularly disturbed.”
Church’s Enemies “But the enemy in each of the 500-year periods has been separate and distinct,” he continued. “We had, and here I am speaking generally of enemies within the Church, in the first 500 years, false doctrine centering around the person of Christ…the Christological heresies. So the Church was just split open, and that was one of the reasons that made it possible for the Moslems to develop.”
The next period saw attacks on the head of the Church, leading to the Eastern Church breaking away.
By the 16th century the attack was on “the body of Christ, the mystical body, the Church.” It was Reformation time.
Today’s 4th Enemy “Our enemy today is the world — the spirit of the world,” Sheen made clear.
“Today we have to conform to the world or we’re branded” he said. Must be politically correct. “Our Lord said,
I have taken you out of the world . We say, ‘No we have to win the world, and to win it you have to be one with it.