English Catholics

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I’m an American living in the UK (almost 3 yrs) and haven’t experienced any issues other than friendly banter when I wear my Seattle Seahawks jersey 🤣

If you ever do make it out this way, I definitely recommend adding Ireland to your list 😍
Given that the Muslim population is only around 10%, with a birthrate tending to be the same as the host country, I don’t really see how that can happen, except in Muslim majority areas like Bradford, perhaps. .
I imagine it’s because a lot of Muslim immigrants come from countries where actual religious practice is much higher, so they appear as much more noticeable when they enter a highly secular country like the UK. If I had to guess, I’d say their grandkids will be nominal, lukewarm Muslims, just like a lot of Christians in Europe are Christian only in the most technical sense.
Erm…How can I provide a source for a recommended visit to three English cities.
Erm…How can I provide a source for a recommended visit to three English cities.
Surely you can provide a source for your claim about the Islamisation of Luton, Derby and Birmingham.
I don’t need to look at government statistics. I have the evidence provided by my own eyes. I’ve been to the southern cities and I’ve seen the Muslim ghettos. I’ve heard about the Sharia courts. I’ve seen the Islamicist marches proclaiming that “Islam will rule the world.”

The English Defence League is a response to the Islamicism in our towns. They reacted to the Muslim rape gangs and the failure of the police to do anything.
I’m American, but granddad was born in England and lived there till he was 12. Because he and his family were displaced Irish, they didn’t really embrace their time in Stoke-on-Trent and went to the States as quick as they could. Great-granddad worked as a Police officer in England, Great-grandma who married him was Scottish and “in service”.

I did summer study at Oxford and am a registered solicitor.
I have been over quite a few times.
Have several good friends in England, two are US expats who moved there and the rest are all English-born.

I don’t have political opinions about UK as I leave that to the folks residing in the country and prefer it when they return the favor for my own country. About the most political I get these days is wishing for one united Ireland. I hope and pray one day St Dominic Savio’s vision comes true and UK all returns to the one true faith.
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I’m not condoning them. I’m simply saying that they sprang up for a reason. Something caused their existence.
I don’t need to look at government statistics. I have the evidence provided by my own eyes.
I was just trying to give a balanced view of Islam in the UK for everyone else. I intended no offense to you personally. I’ve heard of the ghettos in some of the cities, too. I’ve seen the call for Sharia Law, also. I was offering figures to see whether we can see Islam growth in the UK overall or not. As yet I have no other figures for comparison.
The point I’m making is that our English culture is dead. It’s dead for many reasons. I think the main one is the loss of Christianity. I think the other main one is unrestricted mass immigration. I’m not bothered about race or skin colour; I am bothered about the failure of immigrant groups to assimilate and embrace British values.
I am a British Catholic living in the US. I admire the Queen but am not a huge Royalist. I do not share the politics of the original poster. My children are bilingual and speak other European languages including German so by leaving the EU they will no longer be able to work and study in the other 27 European nations without needing a Visa. Although Germany recently changed their laws making it much easier for German companies to employ non EU citizens.

My grandfathers and great grandfathers fought in the two world wars and my parents were both evacuated from their respective cities as children as they were being heavily bombed by the Nazis.

Time had moved on however and my family and I have lived in continental Europe including Germany. I see the UK as weakening it’s position in the world by coming out of the biggest Economic block (the EU) and being at the mercy of the policies of the USA and China. Putin is very keen on Brexit so that should give one pause.

The UK is a very secular nation, much more so than the US. Although I do know plenty of very devout Catholics in the UK and love to visit Walsingham.
I seriously doubt sharia law will ever reign supreme here as let’s be honest can you imagine thousands of people a. giving up beer and/or b. actually practicing a religion?
I disagree with you the culture has just changed since the 1950s. I don’t know one single immigrant who hasn’t embraced british values either.
I disagree with you the culture has just changed since the 1950s
You’re proving my point. A traditional culture dies through a process of change. A culture that changes is not the same as it once was.
And that’s ok. Still plenty of cream teas and warm beer to be found if people seek them out. I don’t see anything wrong with things changing.
The OP is describing a culture that doesn’t exist. This is my point.
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