English Catholics

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You’re proving my point. A traditional culture dies through a process of change. A culture that changes is not the same as it once was.
Every culture everywhere is always changing. The pace of change might be faster or slower, and the changes might be for good or ill, but nothing is ever just static. Whatever date youd pick as the height of “real English culture” was a change from some earlier state.

And even then, many people probably complained that the change was for the worst and England was going down the tubes.
The point I’m making is that our English culture is dead. It’s dead for many reasons. I think the main one is the loss of Christianity. I think the other main one is unrestricted mass immigration. I’m not bothered about race or skin colour; I am bothered about the failure of immigrant groups to assimilate and embrace British values.
I guess that’s fair if you’re seeing a different picture. Good walls do make good neighbours… just as you wouldn’t want people just walking into your own home as one would be alarmed. I also think that we may have had a little too much freedom of movement, in the sense that we have potentially allowed rapists and murderers into the country without any kind of background checks.

I agree that our British culture is changing, though I reckon it’s more to do with globalisation… and as evidence, just check out much the BBC news covers international politics.
I seriously doubt sharia law will ever reign supreme here as let’s be honest can you imagine thousands of people a. giving up beer … ?
I agree, and we do like our beer 😉
If people who are nominally Church of England actually believed and went to church maybe some of the traditions you are alluding to would still be in place. Much of the change has been of the UK becoming a much more secular nation and often downright hostile to Christianity as well as other religions. People definitely mock you for being any flavor of Christian.
The international emigration to the UK from outside the EU has always been entirely within the control of the UK government. With the threat of Brexit there has been a decrease of immigration from the EU and an increase from outside the EU.
Agree. I work in a faith environment but like for sure the average person on the street doesn’t takes you seriously if you believe. Stuff I’ve had ‘how are you an intelligent person and believe this …’ , priest sex abuse jokes sent to me, people blaspheming in front of me. And these are my friends! And before people say oh well they’re not really then, that’s just how it is here. They would have my back but they believe I’m deluded
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I find it is now at a stage where people are getting profoundly ignorant of Christianity’s actual beliefs. I have had people ask me about things we don’t believe. The UK is mission territory.
My experience is exactly the same as yours. Humour masks the hostility people feel towards religion.
Those pesky Romans/vikings/insert as appropriate coming over here building their aquaducts and challenging our rich Druidic traditions
It certainly touches a raw nerve way beyond what you would expect it to which is further evidence for me that it’s real when I have doubts. People are rebelling against the truth
Of course there were Christians in the British Isles before the Vikings. They were attacking and pillaging monasteries.

*edited for a typo
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Isn’t it weird tho how it’s still endured you would think the church would be gone now but it’s not and I am so grateful. I honestly think atheism and indifference is a bigger threat than other religions tho
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Regarding change, it’s worth noting that Tolkien saw many of the changes coming even following the Second World War. He believed, with hindsight, that the Empire had been disastrous for the English people, and greatly mourned the passing away of the old things: England’s songs, food, dress, traditions, etc. But then, it’s worth noting that he also felt the crushing of the Saxon culture by the Normans as a catastrophe of the first order. Yet the Saxons too had once been invaders, and so it goes. I’ve always wondered what his response to this would have been. He was a genius, and surely had one, but I’ve never seen it.
So much, this! I have met people who think I believe in the young earth and the literal mark of the beast and you name it .
Although the Saxons and Angles seem to have won out as we speak English and not Norman French (admittedly with many borrowed words from French).
Oh yes


St. Patrick is one of the saints who I ask for intervention.

I would like to visit Killarney and Dublin.
I agree with Tolkien. But I always say that the Reformation was the most traumatic event in English history. It literally destroyed the rich Catholic culture that was the envy of Europe; remember, the English were renowned for their devotion to Mary and Walsingham was one of the most important shrines in Europe.
He is still patron saint of Ireland.

I think Ireland needs him now more than ever.
I think Patrick was captured and taken to Ireland from what we now call Wales.
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