English Catholics

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Most of us get on fine with each other, multicultural Britain is here to stay and we should concentrate on being good neighbors as most of us are
And, from a numbers perspective, around 80% of the world believe in one God. That’s something you can say when people try to laugh at you 😉

Edit: I got my numbers wrong… close to 80% of the world believe in some kind of God.
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I hear that . Let them get on with it and just pray for them, you know the truth
I am a true Englishman.
Yes, you are. Englishness isn’t about geography; it is about a shared culture, history, language, attitude. You’re in New Zealand but your family has passed on English values. As a result, you’re probably more English than many who now occupy the actual English territory.

As I’ve said before, England underwent a social revolution due to a century of Fabian socialism and a determined effort by political leftists to promote multi-culturalism. This new multi-culture has supplanted traditional English culture; an example of this is the dying Cockney accent which has been replaced by multi-cultural London English.
I’m an American with a great affinity for Britain. I don’t have much to add, as my personal experience in the country totals exactly one day spent in London during a layover on the way home from Scandinavia.

However, I will make a pitch for the TV series Secrets of Great British Castles. It’s a fascinating history lesson, with each episode a depiction of British history from the perspective of events occurring in that one castle. I think some of you would enjoy it.

It’s on Netflix streaming, but Season 1 is leaving Netflix at the end of March. I’m trying to plow through the season before it leaves. Here’s a one minute trailer for season 1 (there are two seasons of six episodes each):

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I am English. I like JRM though I am a floating voter. I love my country but am becoming ever more disenfranchised by society. It is woefully intolerant of those who don’t accept ‘progressive’ mores.

St John Fisher Ora pro nobis!
Glad you enjoyed it but you missed out on the best bits (the north 😉 )
I’m British born having lived in London and Chicago. It strikes me as interesting to hear that England is growing Muslim while I have Muslim neighbors in a Chicago suburb. I’m okay with it though as I helped them find their cat and they help me shoveling snow. No bitterness here. That’s the world we live in.
I’ve had Muslims around as long as I can remember, also Hindus and Sikhs. If you work in tech or health care in USA they come with the job for many decades now.
(Says the British Columbian ;)).
I’ve taken two trips to British Columbia in recent years, both train trips between Calgary and Vancouver. Interestingly, a significant minority of our train companions were vacationing in Canada from Britain and Australia/NZ.

I am absolutely in love with the climate and British feel of the city of Victoria!
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British Columbia!

Beautiful Canadian province.

I hear Vancouver has become prohibitively expensive due to Chinese people buying up all the real estate.
Pax Christi,
I’m an English Catholic convert from Anglicanism,
I heard that around eight percent of English people are Catholic so it could be worse,
I do feel like Catholicism in England needs more traditionalism in it, rather than just submitting to the spirit of Vatican 2 (not the council itself) and neglecting our amazing heritage and history in the sake of modernism and ecumenism,
In faith
I read Joanna Bogle’s blog sometimes. She seems to know all the Catholic communities in her area. She leads Catholic history tours in London–I hope to be on one soon.
You are assuming birth rates will continue as it is, but it has been observed that the later generation of immigrants will match the current fertility rate of the native population.

By the way, fertility rates around the world are plummeting and yes this includes the Muslim countries of the Middle East, Central Asia and Southeast Asia.
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Been to Ireland and love it. Celtic crosses everywhere. Lamb everywhere. Try the lamb shepherd’s pie :plate_with_cutlery:
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