Yes… I prefer to play other Ubisoft games, like Rayman
That is awful! I wonder how many Catholics they won with this tract!
It’s Jack Chick. I’m sure he would say the letters really meant whatever he thought, and that the official explanation was made up as a cover story.I found that really odd, especially since Chick hung out with Rivera, and remember Rivera was allegedly made a priest and then a bishop, secretly. If that was true, Chick would have known what those letter stood for. Of course, that wasn’t true.
My in-laws sure took those things seriously, and they left some of those around our house, They even mailed them to me when I was overseas along with long letters on how I was damned.I have found a lot of people that unfortunately do take them seriously
One word: catechesis.Catholics take them seriously when they should know better more than anyone?