I don’t believe it has gone downhill, Coder, for the network is totally devoted to truth, and as you stated, I have never seen anything presented that is in opposition to truth or morals.
The only dissatisfaction might relate to one’s personal preference for certain types of programs according to their spiritual hunger/need.
Personally, I am not inclined to view several hours of devotions which occupy a good part of program air time. It might be more suitable to give solid instructional programs that teach the faith in depth. So often I look at the line-up in the evening, and turn away disappointed, for it is basically just another “talk” program, good in itself, but not my personal need.
And Sunday is a real downer, since the entire afternoon (when employed persons have the luxury to seek religious truth) is filled with Diane Bish or some classical concert, that is, when they are not endlessly repeating a recent papal mass.
It seems to me that the donations are less abundant, and maybe that is the cause, since good speakers are costly. Nowadays, the old scripture “freely ye have received, freely give” is seldom practiced without a stipend.