Karl Keating:

Karl…that was my image, too…maybe because I ws in the chorus and was one of the Ladies Auxiliary in that play. I was a grecian urn…(oy!).
And you’re absolutely right.
Whenever I hear of liturgical dancers, the image that comes to mind is from “The Music Man.”
The mayor’s wife, Mrs. Shinn, and her old-biddy friends are putting on a “cultural presentation” at the social being held in River City’s park. The women float around the outdoor platform, gowns billowing, hands extended in the air. They come together in the center and strike a pose: “One Grecian urn!” They flit around a bit and strike another pose: “Two Grecian urns!”
If you’ve seen the movie, you know how closely this comes to liturgical dance.

Karl…that was my image, too…maybe because I ws in the chorus and was one of the Ladies Auxiliary in that play. I was a grecian urn…(oy!).
And you’re absolutely right.