Europe Slding Down the Slippery Slope at Top Speed

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Europe is not sliding down a slippery slope, they are jumping of a cliff. Perhaps anyone considering a Europian vacation should consider another place. What if you got sick and they found out you were a conservative American?
What if you got sick and they found out you were a conservative American?
After a psychiatric report, they’d probably encourage you to return home. It would probably be all free though.
Europe is not sliding down a slippery slope, they are jumping of a cliff. Perhaps anyone considering a Europian vacation should consider another place. What if you got sick and they found out you were a conservative American?
Well, speaking as someone who once upon a time was a conservative American sick in Europe, they took care of me just fine. 🙂 And as far as vacations go, yes it may be wise to stay home in the States right now… but only because the exchange rate is so bad!

Give me a break!!

Europe is great, I love all the travels I have had here. My only wish is that more than 15% of the American population would have a passport- and use it!!
Europe is not sliding down a slippery slope, they are jumping of a cliff. Perhaps anyone considering a Europian vacation should consider another place. What if you got sick and they found out you were a conservative American?
Europe has been sliding down this slope since the “Enlightenment” after the French Revolution. They are just approaching the bottom now. Someone should have warned them that the bottom of the slope end in the Lake of Fire.
Well, speaking as someone who once upon a time was a conservative American sick in Europe, they took care of me just fine. 🙂 And as far as vacations go, yes it may be wise to stay home in the States right now… but only because the exchange rate is so bad!

Give me a break!!

Europe is great, I love all the travels I have had here. My only wish is that more than 15% of the American population would have a passport- and use it!!
No thanks! I prefer to Bloom where I am Planted. In my younger days, I might have been interested, but had no money and too many responsibilities. Now, I just don’t care for travel.

As to health care. I think it may be a mixed bag. It depends on where in Europe you might travel. I have heard some good things and some bad things on that one. Insurance Companies usually have a list of places to avoid and places which are good for Health Care issues.
Europe has been sliding down this slope since the “Enlightenment” after the French Revolution. They are just approaching the bottom now. Someone should have warned them that the bottom of the slope end in the Lake of Fire.
Oh NO! Somebody… anybody! Warn the Pope! Surely he doesn’t know that the continent he’s living on is sinking into hell fire! lol, ha ha, that is a good laugh Scott. Where in the world did you get that naughty little man? 😃
Actually, the Vatican has mentioned more than once that Europe is in trouble.
Well add to the headlines the Dutch “doctors” killing infants and indeed they are very very close to the precipice.

Here is a continent that was rescued from such evil, yet they seem bound and determined to repeat the past. Hugh Hewitt’s show focused on the infant homicides and his two guests reminded the audience that it hasn’t yet been a century since we liberated the death camps. Why do they want to return?

Lisa N
Actually, the Vatican has mentioned more than once that Europe is in trouble.
Sorry I didn’t clarify, I meant somebody that the European Union was inclined to listen to. Oh wait, that would be the U.N., and they are in the same boat. Oh well.
Hm, as a soon to be resident of Italy, I wonder whether anybody (apart from Rome tourist business) would be very bothered if the Vatican was moved stone by stone to somewhere it would find more condusive?

Mind you, I’m Jewish so the cynicism is built-in!
Actually, the Vatican has mentioned more than once that Europe is in trouble.
yes, the Vatican is extremely concerned about the state of Europe. They are constantly battling to keep the faith alive there. It doesn’t look too promising though. 😦

Holy See on the New Europe

Among the most debated political topics in Europe, increasingly ethical issues arise, ranging from those affecting the family to those related to scientific research. The liberal principles in which European states are inspired tend to exclude interference in the options of the individual. The Church, however, seems to be appealing to states to establish norms, in other words, to interfere in the private life of individuals to orient their behavior. Isn’t there a danger that these appeals will be perceived as an attempt to impose a truth even on those who do not acknowledge it? Isn’t this one of the possible reasons for the atmosphere of anti-Catholic prejudice that, according to some, is growing in Europe?

Vatican Assails Genetic-Testing Decision in Britain

A British agency’s decision to allow the screening of embryos produced by in-vitro fertilization for the purpose of destruction was roundly assailed by a Vatican official.

“Obviously, to procreate in vitro embryos to subject them later to pre-implantation diagnosis in order to screen the healthy and eliminate the unhealthy represents, before any conscience, the suppression of a living and innocent human being,” Bishop Elio Sgreccia, vice president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, explained on Vatican Radio.

“The decision is perfectly and fully negative,” he said Tuesday.

He was reacting to the decision by Britain’s Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority to approve the screening of embryos obtained from in vitro fertilization and the destruction of those that might be genetically predisposed to develop a type of cancer.
Hm, as a soon to be resident of Italy, I wonder whether anybody (apart from Rome tourist business) would be very bothered if the Vatican was moved stone by stone to somewhere it would find more condusive?

Mind you, I’m Jewish so the cynicism is built-in!
😉 Cynicism is allowed. Very cool you are moving to Italy, what an opportunity!

Well, I guess another way to look at is is that if Europe/Italy where ever are SO bad then is there a better place for the Vatican? Are we as Catholics/Christians called to be insular or instead be in the world (mind you, not of it!)?

Just my own :twocents:
AHKK!!! Europe is sliding into hole… so does that mean when I goto Italy I’ll be doing the Electric Slide or is it the “Enlightment slide” 😛
AHKK!!! Europe is sliding into hole… so does that mean when I goto Italy I’ll be doing the Electric Slide or is it the “Enlightment slide” 😛
Its not the electric slide, its the “Infernal Slide”
The article on France said, “The measure allows patients to request that doctors remove them from life-sustaining machines or medicines.”

So what?
The article on France said, “The measure allows patients to request that doctors remove them from life-sustaining machines or medicines.”

So what?
Since this is a Catholic Forum…It is a BIG, What. :rolleyes:
wrote in the encyclical “Evangelium Vitae,” making it clear that “by euthanasia in the true and proper sense must be understood an action or omission which by its very nature and intention brings about death, with the purpose of eliminating all pain”; such an act is always “a serious violation of the law of God, since it is the deliberate and morally unacceptable killing of a human person” (No. 65). Besides, the moral principle is well known, according to which even the simple doubt of being in the presence of a living person already imposes the obligation of full respect and of abstaining from any act that aims at anticipating the person’s death.
Since this is a Catholic Forum…It is a BIG, What. :rolleyes:
OK. So, what’s the problem with a person requesting that treatment cease? I believe we have that right in this country.
Does the church hold a person should not have this right over his own treatment?
Marie said:

Yes, saw this on the news yesterday,pretty diabolicial one of the reasons why I resent Brussels, they have too much power.
I didn’t have a vote when we joined the EEC, still at school, all this will do is draw down the wrath of God on us, and we deserve it, pity the innocent have to suffer too.

It’s not just Europe that is sick, this planet is in a bad mess.
OK. So, what’s the problem with a person requesting that treatment cease? I believe we have that right in this country.
Does the church hold a person should not have this right over his own treatment?
The article referred to a paralyzed man whose mother attempted to help him commit suicide. When the attempt failed and the man was left in a coma, the doctors basically unplugged life support and he died. This was apparently a catalyst for the new law.

I think the issue is that the PATIENT did not request that treatment cease. One might ASSUME that was his wish but in taking away the patient’s right to speak or make a directive, that act stepped over the line. Although the letter of the law says a patient must give the directive, it’s clear that the letter is not being followed. This brings the “slippery slope” argument into play.

I spoke to a Catholic ethicist regarding “heroic measures.” For example when my father was dying of metastatic lung cancer, he had a DNR directive. IOW he gave EXPLICIT instructions that should his heart cease they were not to ressusitate. The ethicist said that was perfectly OK. Also pallative care without continuing active treatment such as with a cancer patient who has run out of options, is also fine. IOW there is no point in continuing to aggressively treat a patient if the treatment is not having any effect and may have painful side effects. However not aggressively treating is much different than active “assistance” in dying or withholding food, water or pain medication.

Lisa N
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