
Why are you reluctant? The only reason I would be reluctant to travel right now is the exchange rate.I love travelling in Europe also, but have been reluctant to go lately as you can imagine. However, just what do you mean that you wish 15% of all Americans should use a passport? Not getting your intention here…
If it’s a safety isse, I really don’t think things are dangerous- not more than they ever are anyway. If it’s an anti-American issue, I’ve had very few problems with people being rude to me. Usually they just want to talk to me and ask me about where I’m from, etc. Once in a while the occassional person can spout off about “American tourists this…” or “American tourists that…” and while it bothers me to an extent, I’m like, whatever. Just by us being here being tourists we add to your economy. Get over it.

I didn’t mean that 15% should use a passport, I wish that more than 15% had one and used one. Most the stats I’ve heard are that between 10-15% of Americans have passports (which doesn’t mean that they are all used). So that means if I walk into a room of 10 people back home, I may be the only person who’s ever left the country. Wow! Actually, probably less where I come from b/c I’m from Nebraska and I’m sure less Nebraskans leave the country than say your average New Yorker.
Being abroad- traveling, etc- had been the most influencial factor in my experience for shaping the way I look at the rest of the world. I feel really privileged to have gotten to do this, and I wonder if more Americans did the same thing how that would change the way we run our country and the way we make assumptions (often false!) about other countries- or other continents as a whole.