Don’t need to read your mind when I can read your words and consider them in the context of the various debates along with your posting history. By the same token, I wear my heart on my sleeve; this you know about me already, you don’t need to read my mind to figure that out.Impugning motives - only acceptable for certified mind-readers. Are you so certified?
I didn’t see a response from you in the thread about the setback in Remdesivir testing. But then I see that you cited the original article above in this thread. With a cursory remark and no hint about your previous touts for Remdesivir. Were you a bit invested in that one to beat out HCQ? Held a position in GILD? If you were, I really have no issue with that because my take is we need all the help we can get. While cautions such as you call for are merited, your overall sentiments are not as open minded as you as tell us they are. Again, your words.