That’s not entirely true. See most scholars do except a person named Jesus existed, but that is even questionable. Some scholars argue that Jesus might have been the result of multiple people being lumped into one story. As far as the evidence that Jesus was the son of God is very little.Ok, but regarding Jesus the vast majority of historians affirm that He did exist. Even if you went against them, you’d have to have some reason why there was a following of Jesus from the very first century and churches that still exist today were from that time.
It’s important to use the same standards also. As it is said, there is far more evidence that Jesus existed than for Julius Caesar. So, you’d have to start questioning the existence of all sorts of historical figures.
The four gospels are all anonymous works, which later on names put on them. The earliest fragments of the new testament is papyrus 52. It dates back to around 125 ce and its from the gospel of John. All other fragments show up later in time. This means that we don’t have any original copies from these sources and we don’t know how accurate the later sources are. Around the second through third century we see other gospels appearing such as the Gnostic gospels, which would be later rejected by the early churches. csntm.org/Manuscript/View/GA_P52
As far as eyewitness accounts from outside sources, we have none. Many people point to is Tacitus. However, Tacitus was born after the supposed death and resurrection of Jesus. His work was written around 116 CE and he was getting his source from some else. Not only that, but he never said the person was Jesus. All other early writings are similar. None are eyewitness testimonies. Now I’m not saying that Jesus didn’t exist. Its just that we have little evidence to go off of and we have nothing to confirm any of the miracles. I will absolute agree that a man named Jesus most likely existed.
Now as for Caesar we have coins with his name dating back to just a couple of years after he would have supposedly died. We also have letters and documents as well as images of him dating to around a similar time. Yes, I will absolutely agree that many of events that pertain to Caesar are questionable and we shouldn’t assume them to be true.