Evolution according to the Catholic Church

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denial of science
The charge of denying science is a bunch of malarkey. It is scientism that is the issue. In addition, science by its own definition is provisional and has a limited say about the universe. Then we have faulty human reasoning of its observations.
So one has the galactic amount of evidence for evolution versus the first chapter of the bible. Your call.
But I think the issue is it isn’t my call. Or really anyone’s “call.” It’s that we are slowly reverse engineering how God did it. It doesn’t matter how He decided to do it. The Bible isn’t a science book, it’s a spiritual one. That means some things may or may not be literal. I’m not understanding the conflict between evolution and the Bible?
Me neither. You need to speak to the fundamentalists who post here about that.
Oh ok I’m sorry I thought that’s what you were arguing in favor.
Me neither. You need to speak to the fundamentalists who post here about that.
For the life me, I can not understand the refusal to accept the science…especially in a religion that loves science and has contributed so much to our knowledge. Why the obstinate refusal to accept the evidence and theory? Are they so afraid of the science that their entire faith will crumble before it? They see their brothers and sisters in the faith having no problems with evolution. They see God in the process. They know it makes no difference to their salvation.

Yet, here some sit, adamantly refusing facts, nit picking and cherry picking little parts of evolution that are still unclear or in dispute and claiming it destroys the entirety of evolution! Which it doesn’t…it just shows it is science at work. Why spend so much energy, often looking foolish or uneducated (which they aren’t). Just leave the topic alone instead of rushing in with long debunked anti evolution ideas. What is the motivation to constantly fight with others, the church and science itself? I’m just at a loss…
For the life me, I can not understand the refusal to accept the science…especially in a religion that loves science and has contributed so much to our knowledge. Why the obstinate refusal to accept the evidence and theory? Are they so afraid of the science that their entire faith will crumble before it? They see their brothers and sisters in the faith having no problems with evolution. They see God in the process. They know it makes no difference to their salvation.

Yet, here some sit, adamantly refusing facts, nit picking and cherry picking little parts of evolution that are still unclear or in dispute and claiming it destroys the entirety of evolution! Which it doesn’t…it just shows it is science at work. Why spend so much energy, often looking foolish or uneducated (which they aren’t). Just leave the topic alone instead of rushing in with long debunked anti evolution ideas. What is the motivation to constantly fight with others, the church and science itself? I’m just at a loss…
Post of the thread right here.
Your sources are lying to you again. Are you an identical twin to both your parents? Your sources really are stupid if they are pushing such rubbish.
I’m a mixture of my parents and i’m different from them because of the genetic mixture, not because of mutations.
The Cambrian explosion took millions of years. I do not call that “sudden”. Again, your sources are lying to you.
It is sudden because it presented many new body plans.
Yes evidence. Genetics and the fossil record shows that modern Felids diverged from a single ancestral species in the Miocene.
Darwin knew nothing about genetics
Fossil record only shows that an organism lived and died, nothing more.
I have, it’s just another speculation.
Hold up. This sounds eerily familiar - it’s like what various atheists and agnostics say about miracles, Gospel narratives, etc… “It’s just something people say happened, there’s no evidence.” It’s equally ridiculous here.

Also, the “ring species” point goes to my question about what a “species” is at all. Which is not insignificant (and makes sense of why Genesis would call whales “fish”).

What is so controversial about things that live not dying, with some occasional helpful genetic mutations that help organisms stay alive?

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What is so controversial about things that live not dying, with some occasional helpful genetic mutations that help organisms stay alive?
Mutations kills organisms, it doesn’t help them stay alive.
Oh dear.

I’ve concluded it is not worth continuing to discuss the matter with you.

Good luck.

You need to Google ‘ring species’ and have a good think.
I have, it’s just another speculation.
It is not a ‘speculation’. It is a repeated observation. If you see a car drive past you are not speculating that it drove past. You are observing it.
It is not a ‘speculation’. It is a repeated observation. If you see a car drive past you are not speculating that it drove past. You are observing it.
Some observations are just hazy, like we are told that we are transitional. We are on transit to be a new species- is this the observation you are talking about?

Something that takes 1000s of years can only be speculated. Experiments have been done on bacteria with hundreds of thousands of observable generations- no speciation observed.
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That doesn’t answer the question how do you know there are omissions?
Can you name the generations between Abraham and David as given in Luke 3? Are those generations all named in Matthew 1:1? Do you really have to ask such an obvious question?
One must also consider C14 dating on bones that show thousands of years in rocks that are assumed to be many millions of years old. Which is the correct age?
One must consider that anyone who sees a 30,000 year old date from C14 dating and yet insists on a 6,000 year old earth is misusing the evidence. To a YEC both 30,000 year old ans 65 million year old dates are equally wrong. You cannot base you arguments on dates you think are wrong.
I’m a mixture of my parents and i’m different from them because of the genetic mixture, not because of mutations.
The average human has about 70 mutations, not many but some. Over time those mutations accumulate. I am glad you agree that you have genetic differences from both your parents.
It is sudden because it presented many new body plans .
That is not “sudden”, because “sudden” relates to time elapsed. Millions of years is not sudden. Perhaps you mean something like punctuated equilibrium?
Darwin knew nothing about genetics
Which is why genetics was added to the theory of evolution between about 1910 and 1930. The theory has changed a lot since 1859.
The average human has about 70 mutations, not many but some. Over time those mutations accumulate. I am glad you agree that you have genetic differences from both your parents.
We had this conversation before. There’s no such thing as accumulation of genetic variation and i remember posing the idea of the primate tail. If the tail developed through a series of accumulated beneficial mutations, then what can we say about its recession?
That is not “sudden”, because “sudden” relates to time elapsed. Millions of years is not sudden. Perhaps you mean something like punctuated equilibrium?
You can identify it with fancy names but is evidence against and not for evolution. I call it sudden appearance of body plans with no prior history of development.
Which is why genetics was added to the theory of evolution between about 1910 and 1930. The theory has changed a lot since 1859.
Yeah, it was wrong then and it is wrong now even with the patch work until it is demonstrated.
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