Evolution and Creationism

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Yeah, go learn some biology.
From where?
Good ol’ MIT has some courses.
Yeah, go learn some biology.
From where?
Good ol’ MIT has some courses.
It’s worth a few minutes to browse that link to realise how many courses are being offered. Literally hundreds. And how many of those contradict the idea of a young earth. It is simply a gargantuan amount of science that you have to reject.

It’s not much of a stretch to say that you’d need very many years worth of specifically detailed education at degree level to even begin to know enough to even start making any suggestions that aparticular aspect of that particular branch of science wasn’t entirely correct. Let alone make an attempt to reject it in it’s entirety.
s worth a few minutes to browse that link to realise how many courses are being offered. Literally hundreds . And how many of those contradict the idea
I did not see an evolution course. I see something of interest - Biological Engineering.
What does natural selection mean?
It’s a vague term evolutionist use to mean evolution can do it all.
Natural Selection results in a loss of Biological Information.
Natural selection means that you have an advantage in surviving. The very definition (by Darwin) explains this:

“But if variations useful to any organic being do occur, assuredly individuals thus characterised will have the best chance of being preserved in the struggle for life; and from the strong principle of inheritance they will tend to produce offspring similarly characterised. This principle of preservation, I have called, for the sake of brevity, Natural Selection.”

It seems that you consider changes that offer ‘the best chance of being preserved in the struggle for life’ a loss.

I don’t think you meant ‘natural selection’. Maybe you were thinking about something else.
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Natural selection means that you have an advantage in surviving.
Not necessarily any more than what preceded a natural selection event =

Natural Selection is a loss in Bio-Info - ie., a micro-devolution.

Which in a very few incidents - such as a Malarial Parasite - to certain medicines
can result in a temporary advantage over one medicine - but never any and all.

Evolution preaches a gain in New Bio-Info

Ergo - a Series of Natural Selections can never lead to a new and improved being aka Macro-Evolution
Natural selection means that you have an advantage in surviving.
Natural Selection is a loss in Bio-Info - ie., a micro-devolution.
So an advantage in surviving is a backward step. OK, roger that, ET.

Look, if you want to argue against evolution then you can’t change the definitions of the terms used within the theory. Natural selection, by it’s very definition, is a positive outcome.

Maybe we need an example to put you straight…

If a creature by some genetic hiccough gets slightly better vision than his peers, how on earth is that a disadvantage? In what Bizzaro world could that be described as a backward step?
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Natural selection means that you have an advantage in surviving. The very definition (by Darwin) explains this:

“But if variations useful to any organic being do occur, assuredly individuals thus characterised will have the best chance of being preserved in the struggle for life ; and from the strong principle of inheritance they will tend to produce offspring similarly characterised. This principle of preservation, I have called, for the sake of brevity, Natural Selection .”
Sorry but Darwin knew nothing about Genetics and his form of inheritance was a laughable theory of Pangenesis. Our current understanding of Hereditary science does not support evolution; the expression of dominant genes is not affected by external forces.
Natural selection, by it’s very definition , is a positive outcome.

Maybe we need an example to put you straight…

If a creature by some genetic hiccough gets slightly better vision than his peers, how on earth is that a disadvantage? In what Bizzaro world could that be described as a backward step?
“Backward Step” is your spin…
Natural Selection is as a slight loss within the averaged Genome of a population…
No ‘better vision’ came about via a loss in the BioInfo of a Genome.
Sounds as if you’re positing a speculated Mutation event?
Natural selection means that you have an advantage in surviving. The very definition (by Darwin) explains this:

“But if variations useful to any organic being do occur, assuredly individuals thus characterised will have the best chance of being preserved in the struggle for life ; and from the strong principle of inheritance they will tend to produce offspring similarly characterised. This principle of preservation, I have called, for the sake of brevity, Natural Selection .”
Sorry but Darwin knew nothing about Genetics and his form of inheritance was a laughable theory of Pangenesis.
Yeah. Nobody bred cattle or sheep or dogs in Darwins day. Nobody noticed that tall parents had tall offspring. Nobody had the slightest idea that characteristics were inheritable.

Are you being serious here? He definitley didn’t know how it occured. And he didn’t need to. But the fact that it occured, which was known to anyone with eyes in their head, was the very basis for his theory. Any suggestion he made as to ‘units of inherritance’ or such like as an explanation for aquiring characteristics of the parent is entirely inconsequential to the fact that it does happen.
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Natural selection, by it’s very definition , is a positive outcome.

Maybe we need an example to put you straight…

If a creature by some genetic hiccough gets slightly better vision than his peers, how on earth is that a disadvantage? In what Bizzaro world could that be described as a backward step?
“Backward Step” is your spin…
Natural Selection is as a slight loss within the averaged Genome of a population…
No ‘better vision’ came about via a loss in the BioInfo of a Genome.
Sounds as if you’re positing a speculated Mutation event?
Like I said, it wasn’t natural selection you were talking about. So your position is that there has never been a case where there has been an improvement in the ability to survive in any living creature at all, anywhere.

Thanks for your (name removed by moderator)ut.
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