Evolution and Darwin against Religion and God

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I don’t think people should be able to promote their political beliefs on a forum purporting to be about Catholicism.

I see a lot of pseudo-catholics on here promoting American conservative political ideologies.
I will not, you’ve openly rejected numerous aspects of Catholic teaching. Including those on science and evolution.
But if it’s as well supported as you claim, then what’s the wait? Why can’t I see the evidence you supposedly have for intelligent design? What’s there to hide?
What do I have to hide? The fact that I don’t think people should be killing each other? Why is it taboo to say that killing is wrong?

Why are you trying to deflect to this anyway?
What do I have to hide? The fact that I don’t think people should be killing each other? Why is it taboo to say that killing is wrong?
You well know that was not the complete conversation. You are being disengenuous.

I did not bring it up.
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How is that a straw man? That was literally my argument. The 6th amendment says “thou shall not kill”, therefore I will not kill. Anyone who thinks that killing another human being is okay has serious problems.
Show me evidence of intelligent design. I showed you evidence of evolution as requested.
We can see this in current biology textbooks:
I see the discussion is progressing nicely. Put me in the camp of those who want to build a wall between science and religion. I see your point (I think) but as you as you add God to the mix you’re now discussing theology, not science. I thought all this was settled in the 17th c.!
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