I did. Is any of it wrong?
Ha, so the admin agreed with me. Will you now apologize for claiming I was not Catholic.That’s the digest of what the admin said.
A liar was caught in the act.You forgot to add Wikipedia as a source
As I said, we will take it one step at a time.I am open to research, you haven’t provided any research though. Your whole argument seems to be based on this audio recording.
So far I only asked for an apology with regard to the 6th commandment.I will not, you’ve openly rejected numerous aspects of Catholic teaching.
You now have completely exposed yourself to the forum. Anyone can read the posts and see what you did.You apology for me quoting the 6th commandment? Are you kidding?
You well know that was not the complete conversation. You are being disengenuous.What do I have to hide? The fact that I don’t think people should be killing each other? Why is it taboo to say that killing is wrong?
Straw man.Why is it taboo to say that killing is wrong?
I see the discussion is progressing nicely. Put me in the camp of those who want to build a wall between science and religion. I see your point (I think) but as you as you add God to the mix you’re now discussing theology, not science. I thought all this was settled in the 17th c.!We can see this in current biology textbooks: