Not sure what you mean by deeper. Lots of people believe in last Thursdayism, although many don’t know that they do.Then why do you keep using plural pronouns?
Why not try to dig a little deeper than that?
Not sure what you mean by deeper. Lots of people believe in last Thursdayism, although many don’t know that they do.Then why do you keep using plural pronouns?
Why not try to dig a little deeper than that?
Have you really not heard of Last Thursdayism, (or Tuesdayism, or Wednesdayism). How can you debate evolution on-line without being familiar with it?Why not utilize the scientific method to intelligently investigate the question of how old the universe is? Why resort to unfounded conclusions?
Well, Hubble has been dead for 65 years, so he might not be keeping up with recent developments. That said, there has been some weird findings about the Hubble Constant recently - like maybe its not so constant. But none of that suggests a super young universe.I have reason to believe it is a lot younger than advertised. Edwin Hubble told Halton Arp, another astronomer, that his redshift theory might not be right. The speed at which other galaxies move away from us might be wrong. Halton Arp published his observations about high redshift galaxies being linked with low redshift galaxies. And then there is the problem of galaxies moving away from us at superluminal (faster than light) speeds. So, it appears that redshift either has a limit in accuracy or it is measuring something else
Last Thursdayism is the idea that the universe could have been created last Thursday, and just designed to LOOK like it is billions of years old. It is a form of ad absurdum argument used to show that if you believe the various excuses for young earth creationism, you could just as easily pick any day you want and say the universe started on that day.I haven’t, I’m sorry.
That is an interesting question. Some physicists postulate that space time itself is expanding. Not sure we will ever know, but its interesting to think about.If you say so. I’d like to ask the question: what is the universe expanding into? Nothing? A void without electromagnetic energy or particles of matter and/or dark matter?
To each his own, I suppose. I prefer more inclusive over less inclusive language where it makes no other difference, so BCE works for me.I reject the modernist BCE. It’s Before Christ.
Well, Ed and Buffalo have been here arguing against evolution for more than a decade, so they are pretty savvy to the traps you youngsters try to set for them. I actually admire and respect their tenacity. Honestly, after all those years of occasional discussion, I am still not sure if the principle objection is theological or scientific. I am sure you are not going to change either of their minds.I figured as much. I’m not a big fan of irony, it comes off as ingenious and nihilistic.
Anyway, it is interesting that proponents of intelligent design on here are so sure of their positions but can’t give an answer for how old the universe is.
Its not an ideology, at least to me. Its just a choice. I’d rather people feel like I am accepting them rather than rejecting them. Little things like BCE don’t mean anything to me, but they seem to mean something to some folks - so I can accommodate their preference without costing myself anything.“Inclusive.” Another recent addition to the fake ideologies being promoted today.