I saw Buffalo’s website. In fact, he insisted very strenuously that I look at it.
Of course its nonsense - because we don’t know. I also think that dark energy is probably nonsense, but it balances the equations and is a useful placeholder while we work out a better explanation.I have had a discussion with a person who had more information. He is convinced that the ‘we don’t know’ explanation is nonsense. Like the Planck length.
It doesn’t expand into anything.If you say so. I’d like to ask the question: what is the universe expanding into? Nothing? A void without electromagnetic energy or particles of matter and/or dark matter?
New Hubble measurements confirm universe is expanding faster than expected -- ScienceDaily
No argument intended, only clarification. My concern (not worry) is that your comment presents an internal contradiction.I’m not sure why this is turning argumentative. I have explained my position regarding belief in God as accurately as possible. If it concerns you…then so be it.
As regards the article, you will specifically need to detail exactly what ‘any of the claims’ means. Many aspects are debatable. Some atheist scientists and some Christian scientists may well disagree on certain matters. But that would not result in them being ‘fundamentalists’.
Those of a fundamentalist stripe tend to dispute evolution per se. They might quibble over (ahem) micro evolution and claim adaption rather than evolution and demand that ‘kinds’ are a quasi scientific term. They do, it appears (hi Buff and Ed) have beliefs such as great floods and the age of the earth and the universe which can only be described in funamental terms.
And yes, evolution covers more aspects of our existence than it is reasonable for all those interested in it to reach a consensus. Such is science…
Yes it can. As little as a single mutation can form a new species, as with my example of crayfish. There is an example of macroevolution among lacewings caused by three mutations, see Tauber and Tauber (1977).Macro evolution cannot be micro evolution on steroids
I’ve no problem in anyone questioning any aspect of evolution they choose. But the fundamentalists to which I refer are those who interpret the bible literally. Six days for creation, talking serpents, a young earth, a global flood etc. They are not questioning science. They are denying any and all aspects of scientific knowledge that contradicts their fundamentalist views. And for that reason only. I mean, do you know anyone at all that maintains a young earth and denies evolution that aren’t fundamentalist Christians?No argument intended, only clarification. My concern (not worry) is that your comment presents an internal contradiction.
Catholics have fundamental beliefs but are not “fundamentalists.”
Fundamentalism | Catholic Answers
Any of the claims of evolution arrived at by inference rather than evidence are subject to more cogent reasoning and reasonable men may disagree. Macro evolution cannot be micro evolution on steroids because the science has defined specie as the discriminator although the definition’s elasticity leaves much to be desired.
I had @niceatheists comment in mind for my metaphor “micro evolution on steroids”.As little as a single mutation can form a new species, as with my example of crayfish. There is an example of macroevolution among lacewings caused by three mutations, see Tauber and Tauber (1977).
As to the crayfish, the facts are still under dispute in the scientific community.Macroevolution is the accumulation of microevolutionary changes in a population. All evolution really is when it comes down to it is “change in the genetic makeup of a population over time.”
The great variety of species now is a product of billions of years of populations evolving incrementally.
The logic employed to claim a macro evolution event in an aquarium is questionable on two counts. 1) The first time a creature is observed is not necessarily the first time the creature existed, and 2) that these creatures have “identical genomes the world over” makes claiming that all exist as a result of a single event in 1995 difficult to support.Lyko’s team concludes the marbled crayfish likely arose from the mating of two slough crayfish from different regions of the world thrown together in an aquarium. …
Schotz isn’t totally persuaded that the genomic pile-up happened inside an aquarium, versus two slough crayfish meeting in the wild. “It is mere speculation that it originated in captivity,” he says. But the analysis of marbled crayfish DNA from across Europe and Africa, he says, ”shows that all these crayfish are clones—with identical genomes the world over.”
ID, the science is provisionalAll theories in science are provisional. Is ID provisional?
Evolution is falsifiable. Is the designer in ID falsifiable? (Can the designer be other than God)?
The mistake you make it to think the site is only about evolution, though much of it is. It may take a while for you to realize the reason Penrose is quoted.The quote from Penrose has nothing whatsoever to do with anything remotely related to evolution. These guys are your fellow travellers.
These are examples of showing a loss of function once had.Yes it can. As little as a single mutation can form a new species, as with my example of crayfish. There is an example of macroevolution among lacewings caused by three mutations, see Tauber and Tauber (1977).
One mutation or three mutations are hardly “on steroids”.
False. ID says that the designer is intelligent, obviously. By implication the designer must also have existed at some time in the past. I am not sure if ID requires that the designer still exists today or not.ID, the science says nothing about the designer.
Talking of Buffalo and here he is.Pattylt:
ID, the science is provisionalAll theories in science are provisional. Is ID provisional?
Evolution is falsifiable. Is the designer in ID falsifiable? (Can the designer be other than God)?
ID, the science says nothing about the designer.
ID, the philosophy would allow other designers.
I will rephrase. ID, says nothing about who the designer is.False. ID says that the designer is intelligent, obviously. By implication the designer must also have existed at some time in the past. I am not sure if ID requires that the designer still exists today or not.
Irrelevant. They are examples of macroevolution. Evolution can result in a gain of function, a loss of function, both or neither.These are examples of showing a loss of function once had.
Indeed. I encourage everyone here to read the linked reference. It demonstrates precision and accuracy.Say that again? A new species you say? And your definition of ‘idvolution’ links to that quote.
Poor effort, Buff. You put it on the very page which you say defines idvolution. And the other quote, to which you conveniently link, goes on to say:Bradskii:
The mistake you make it to think the site is only about evolution, though much of it is.The quote from Penrose has nothing whatsoever to do with anything remotely related to evolution. These guys are your fellow travellers.
Ponder this for a minute. Really ponder it."The Hox clock is a demonstration of the extraordinary complexity of evolution… Even the smallest change would end up leading to the emergence of a new species.”
What? New species? Please explain!