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What we can do, however, is, through Genesis, understand the MAGNITUDE of what He did…in terms simple enough that we can have some grasp on what He accomplished.
I can definately get behind this statement. What God did is simply awesome, and Genesis clearly shows us that.
…and all in 6 days, truly awesome!
God had no need to use accidents and chance for Creation and this would be against his ‘duty of care’ of the world. “He saw that it all was good” Would raging dinosaurs eating each other and man grunting in the mud be seen as “very good”?
The world was pristine before we, in Adam, bought sin and death into the world.
God has control over everything now so why not then, He has a plan for all of us and the nations so why would he change modus operandi after Creation (by thiestic evolutionary) means.
God bless you all!
God had no need to use accidents and chance for Creation and this would be against his ‘duty of care’ of the world.
I agree. I think again you are projecting onto Catholic evolutionism ideas that aren’t necessarily there.
Would raging dinosaurs eating each other and man grunting in the mud be seen as “very good”?
Why not? I don’t see anything “not good” about dinosaurs eating eachother at all. As for “man grunting in the mud”, that’s your fantasy, not mine, and not of any atheistic evolutionists I know either. The first true man, Adam, was not some hunched-backed grunter, and neither is the atheistic view of the first homo sapiens.
CreosMary said:
…… “He saw that it all was good” Would raging dinosaurs eating each other and man grunting in the mud be seen as “very good”?..

No more or less good than sharks, botulism, magots, leeches, grunting teenagers and other current species.
And that is the point,
There was no death, no animals eating each other before the fall, such a small leap of faith for people to believe this but very difficult for some
In this third millennium those of us now living in most Western countries no longer live in a society that pays heed to Christian moral principles. Instead a “moral liberalism” now prevails.1 This is based upon the philosophy of materialism; namely, that only material things exist. Materialism has gained its predominance in our society through the acceptance of the notion of naturalism, which claims that the universe, the earth and life on it were naturally caused and that therefore nature is all there is, was or will be.2
     Acceptance of naturalism has in turn come from the notion of positivism, which claims that only science, through observation and experiment, can give us the positive truth about the origin of the universe and all that is in it, including life on earth.

     The alleged scientific explanation of the origin of all things is today given in most educational text books and journals and in encyclopedias and the media in general as three hypotheses: the Big Bang, Uniformitarian Geology and Organic Evolution, all of which are falsely claimed to be scientifically factual. However, there is another form of naturalism, which has been called “theistic naturalism”.[3](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote3sym) This is not the contradiction in terms it appears to be, because it not only accepts the way things supposedly came about naturally, but also holds that this way is the way God, our Creator, ordained they should have come about. Theistic naturalism is better known as “theistic evolution”, a term which in the majority of cases embraces acceptance of the evolution world-view.

     As noted above, Pope Pius XII in 1950 gave permission to those who were expert both in science and theology to research and discuss the question of whether the human body could have evolved from pre-existent and living matter.[4](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote4sym) In the final analysis the purpose of that research and discussion was to ascertain whether an evolutionary creation of our first parents could ever become a doctrine of the faith. In terms of theology, therefore, this is a threshold issue.

     From the point of view of the philosophy of science, it would seem that in making the above-mentioned concession the Pope acted upon the belief that this question might be one that fell within the scope of the “positive” sciences,[5](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote5sym) but, of course, he did not exclude research and discussion of that belief or examination of the question of whether the “positive sciences”, so-called, were indeed part of genuine natural science. This last-mentioned question can also be seen to be a threshold issue because, if the hypothesis of human evolution is outside of the scope of genuine natural science, further research and discussion would be irrelevant.

     Unfortunately, neither of these threshold issues has ever been the subject of any study within the institutional Church. Instead, for the most part, it is now assumed there are no theological or scientific objections to accepting human evolution as Catholic doctrine. There is also substantial acceptance of the belief that evolutionist text books contain scientific facts and arguments that must be taken into account in giving consideration to these questions. A consequence of all this is that theistic evolution is now generally accepted by the Roman Curia and taught by most teaching institutions of the Church in place of the Genesis doctrine.[6](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote6sym)
Genesis doctrine.6 There are many within the Church who say it does not matter whether we believe in a literal Genesis or evolution; either method could be God’s way of creating the first man and woman. This, it is submitted, is a very shortsighted view, because if Catholics concede that there is nothing wrong with theistic evolution or theistic naturalism, they are conceding that, apart from opposing chance, there is nothing wrong with atheistic naturalism per se.
     Thus       those within the Church, who have done so, have in a       sense unwittingly aided and abetted the establishment       of atheistic naturalism as the prevailing philosophy       in Western society. It is not hard to imagine that       if in the twentieth century all within the Catholic       Church had, on the contrary, vehemently rejected both       atheistic and theistic naturalism, Christian morality       in Western society would not have been so readily, if       at all, replaced by the moral liberalism of the       materialists.

     In       this essay it will be shown that there are a number of       reasons (theological and scientific *cum *philosophical)       why the hypothesis of human evolution can never become       part of the Deposit of Faith, and therefore, in the       Catholic Church, the *Humani Generis* [1950       encyclical] investigation should now be closed in       favor of the traditional teaching that *Genesis*       (Chapters 1-3) contains **“a narrative of things       that actually happened; a narrative which corresponds       to objective reality and historic truth.”**
whether there are theological reasons why human evolution cannot become part of the Deposit of Faith It is submitted that in the first place human evolution cannot become the basis of any doctrinal teaching because it is “new doctrine” within the meaning of Pastor Aeternus, a document of the first Vatican Council (Vatican l, 1870). This document (inter alia) states:
     .       . . The Roman Pontiffs, moreover, according to the       conditions of the time and affairs advised, sometimes       by calling ecumenical councils, or by examining the       opinion of the Church spread throughout the world,       sometimes by particular synods, sometimes employing       other helps which divine Providence has supplied, have       defined those matters must be held which with       God’s help they have recognized as (being) in       agreement with Sacred Scripture and apostolic       tradition. For the Holy Spirit was not promised to       the successors of Peter, that by His revelation they       might disclose new doctrine, but that by His help they       might guard sacredly the revelation transmitted       through the apostles and the deposit of faith, and       might faithfully set it forth. . . . (emphasis       added)

     (The       above is taken from the English translation by Roy       Deferrari of *Denziger* 30th edition, 1957, B.       Herder Book Co. at paragraph 1836, the full text of       which explains that the “affairs advised” are       matters that have arisen which bishops have referred       to Rome for decision.)

     The       “new doctrine” referred to is obviously doctrine       that is completely outside of divine revelation:       that is, it cannot be said to have been founded upon       the divine revelation contained in Sacred Scripture       and/or the ApostolicTradition, or in a logical       development of doctrine contained in those sources,       which has become part of the Deposit of Faith.       Examples of the latter are Our Lady’s perpetual       virginity, Her immaculate conception and Her       assumption, original sin and purgatory.

     *Lumen       Gentium*, a document of the Second Vatican Council       (Vatican II, 1965), states (with a footnoted reference       to *Pastor Aeternus*) that the Roman Pontiff and       the bishops “do not admit any new public       revelation as pertaining to the divine deposit of       faith.”[8](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote8sym)       What else is human evolution in terms of the       Catholic religion but a new public doctrine       that can never become part of the deposit of       faith?
Moreover, as shown below, the literal and historical meaning of the passages in Genesis, Chapter 2, concerning the special creation of our first parents, are upheld (a) in Sacred Scripture itself, (b) in the opinions commonly expressed by the Holy Fathers, and (c) in the Magisterium teachings of Popes Pius IX, Leo XIII and Pius X. It is therefore further submitted that for each and every one of these reasons human evolution must be rejected by all Catholics. These will now be elaborated.
     **(a)**       **Sacred Scripture.** *Genesis* 2:7 states       that God made man from “the dust of the ground”       (RSV Catholic Edition). The molecules of the dust of       the ground, being non-living matter, are said to be       symmetrical and two directional, whereas the molecules       of living matter are said to be asymmetrical and       right-handed only. In *Genesis *3:19 God told       Adam “In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread       till you return to the ground, for out of it you were       taken; you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”       (same version). It should be noted that when once       living human remains decay to dust, that that dust       reverts to the molecular structure and direction of       non-living matter.

     *Genesis*       2:21 tells us that God took a rib from Adam’s side       and “closed up its place with flesh” (RSV Catholic       Edition). That flesh would have been the periosteum,       the membrane in which bones are enclosed. It is a       well-known medical fact that rib bone is frequently       removed as a repair substance in the cases of       treatment of accident victims and that after the       membrane is “closed up” the rib bone grows again.       (The preceding statements reflect the historical       accuracy of Sacred Scripture.)

     The       fact that Adam was created from “dust taken out of       the ground” is re-affirmed not only in Genesis 3.19,       but also in *Genesis *3:23, *Ecclesiastes*       12:7, *Wisdom* 7:1, *Ecclesiasticus* 17:1       and 33:10 and *1 Corinthians* 15:47.

     **(b)**       **The Common Opinion of the Holy Fathers.** In his       book, *The Theory of Evolution Judged by Faith and       Reason*,[9](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote9sym)       Ernesto Cardinal Ruffini, demonstrates that the Greek,       Syrian and Latin Fathers, whom he names and quotes,       all held the opinion that the description of the       creation of our first parents in *Genesis* 2 is literally       true.

     **(c)       The Magisterium Teachings of Pius IX, Leo XIII and       Pius X**

     **Pius       IX.** The year after the publication of Darwin’s       evolution thesis, the Provincial Council of Cologne       issued the following canon, which was approved by Pope       Pius IX:

     **Our       first parents were immediately created by God (Gen.       2.7). Therefore we declare as quite contrary to Holy       Scripture and the Faith the opinion of those who dare       to assert that man, in respect of the body, is derived       by spontaneous transformation from an imperfect       nature, which improved continually until it reached       the present human state**.[10](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote10sym)

     Pius       IX also approved the following teaching of the first       Vatican Council :

     This       sole true God by His goodness and omnipotent power,       not to increase His own beatitude, and not to add to,       but to manifest His perfection by the blessings which       He bestows upon creatures with most free volition, immediately       from the beginning of time fashioned each creature out       of nothing, spiritual and corporeal, namely the       angelic and the mundane; and then the human creation,       common as it were, composed of both spirit and body.       [11](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote11sym)       (emphasis added)
The emphasized parts of the above quotation were taken by Vatican l from the 1215 teaching of Lateran IV, a Council of the Church. Canons were based upon the Vatican l teaching against materialism, pantheists and materialists. It must therefore be a dogmatic teaching. In order to have achieved that status, it must have been derived from divine revelation either as something explicitly revealed or as a development of what has been revealed. In this instance the obvious source of revelation concerning the creation of mundane creatures is Genesis Chapter 1, which clearly reveals that the various kinds of creatures known to man were created “immediately” and “from the beginning of time”. Many of the Holy Fathers applied the latter expression to the whole of the creation period.
     This       part of the Vatican 1 teaching therefore cannot be       reconciled with any theory of biological evolution       of mundane creatures, which asserts that such life was       not created immediately from the beginning of time but       arose some millions or billions of years after that       beginning and then only as amoeba (a uni-celled       organism), which then took millions of years to evolve       into the kinds of living creatures specified in *Genesis       *1. Nor can it be said that God used an       evolutionary system to create mundane creatures out of       nothing.

     Arguably       also, the last part of this teaching supports the       doctrine of the immediate creation of the first man       and woman at the beginning of time, since it follows       the sequence of creation in Genesis, Chapter 1. It is       also consistent with Christ’s own words where       He used the language of *Genesis* 1.27 to teach       us that “from the beginning” (St. Matthew’s       gospel), or “from the beginning of creation” (St.       Mark’s gospel), God “made man, male and female He       created them.”

     **Leo       XIII.** On 10 February 1880, twenty-one years after       the publication of Darwin’s first book, Pope Leo       XIII, issued an encyclical letter on marriage       entitled, *Arcanum Divinae Sapientiae*,[12](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote12sym)       in which the Pope said:

    **We       record what is known, and cannot be doubted in any       way, that God, on the sixth day of creation, having       made man from the slime of the earth, and having       breathed into his face the breath of life, gave him a       companion, whom He miraculously took from the side of       Adam, when he was locked in sleep. God thus, in His       most far reaching foresight, decreed that this husband       and wife should be the natural beginning of the human       race, from whom it might be propagated and preserved       by an unfailing fruitfulness through all futurity of       time**.
Pius X. In 1909 Pope Pius X approved decisions of the first Pontifical Biblical Commission concerning the historical character of the first three chapters of Genesis. The answer to question No.3 can be seen to conform precisely to the teachings of Pius IX and Leo XIII. Not surprisingly, because it is said by the Commission to convey the fundamental or foundational teachings of the Christian religion, and it also agrees with the unanimous opinion of the Holy Fathers. Irrespective of the status Pius X gave to the teachings of the PBC in general in his Motu Proprio of 18 November 1907, it would seem that this particular teaching, by virtue of what is stated above, already had the protection of the Holy Spirit.
     Stated       in a positive form, the decree teaches that Catholics       may not bring into question the literal and       historical meaning of *Genesis* 1-3, where those       chapters touch upon the fundamental or foundational       teachings of the Christian religion, including (*inter       alia*):

     (a)       the creation of all things wrought by God at the       beginning of time;

     (b)       the special creation of man;

     (c)       the formation of the first woman from man;

     (d)       the unity or oneness of the human race;

     (e)       the original happiness of our first parents in the       state of justice, integrity and immortality.

     Some,       while admitting that human evolution cannot become       part of the Deposit of Faith, might argue that       nevertheless it is part of the valid conclusions of a       genuine scientific theory, which, being valid, cannot       be held to be against faith. However, as shown above,       whatever may be a Catholic’s personal beliefs, faith       requires acceptance of the *Genesis* account of       human creation as being literally and historically       true. Since the majority of Catholic hierarchy       today, who appear to know very little about the case       against evolution, accept it as scientific fact, it       becomes necessary (1) to deal with the second       threshold issue and show why evolution is not a       genuine scientific theory; and (2) to show why, in any       event, it is contrary to the evidence of nature.
The Second Threshold Issue
     —       **whether       the scope of genuine natural science covers historical       hypotheses**

     This       issue is concerned with the true scope of natural       science. Looked at from a traditional theological       point of view it can be seen that God’s creation of       material things, both animate and inanimate, as       described in *Genesis*, Chapter 1, was a once and       for all creation. However, together with those       material things, He also created laws of nature that       would ensure the continuity of His creation. He not       only provided living things with the ability to       nourish themselves in order to ensure their growth but       He also endowed them with a genetic system that would       enable them to re-produce offspring or other forms of       successive life.

     **It       is submitted that God’s creation insofar as it       involved bringing into existence out of nothing the       first animate and inanimate things, involved       unrepeatable acts and so lies beyond the investigative       powers of natural science. On the other hand, the       operation of natural laws that ensure the continuity       of both organic and inorganic created systems are       repeatable and can therefore become the subject of       testable scientific theories.**

     Secular       science actually agrees with the necessity of repeatable       observations for the application of the scientific       method, of which the penultimate step is the       experimental testing of a theory.[14](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote14sym)       Quite inconsistently, however, the propagandists for       atheistic naturalism claim that only science through       the application of the scientific method can discover       the past history of the universe, the earth and life       on earth, even though their hypotheses aimed at doing       so are based upon observations that are unrepeatable.       This situation can be seen to have arisen because the *Genesis*       doctrine of creation was rejected by       “enlightenment” philosophy and was later replaced       by a fallacious “positivism”.
The Rise of Positivism
     The       idea that discovery of our origins lies solely in the       domain of science came from “enlightenment”       philosophy; (i.e., if we extend that term to cover the       rationalist philosophy that followed on from the       philosophy of Rene Descartes (1596-1650). Such a       proposition was first proposed by Englishman, John       Locke (1632-1704), who advocated the philosophy of       “empiricism”. This philosophy claimed that all       knowledge came from sense perception and the paradigm       of such knowledge was science. Locke was a Unitarian.

     Locke’s       ideas influenced the Scottish historian and       philosopher, David Hume (1711-1776), who, as an       atheist, opposed both Christian revelation and       morality. He embraced the notion of (what was later to       be called) “positivism”. Similarly, the Pre-French       Revolution “Encyclopedists”, who followed the       ideas of Locke and Hume, claimed that only science       could reveal the history of our origins. The       “Encyclopedists” were mainly atheists, an       exception being Voltaire (1692-1788), who was a deist.

     In       Germany the “Idealist” philosophers, Immanuel Kant       (1724-1804) and Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814),       believed in a God of morality but rejected the God of       Creation revealed in *Genesis*, in favor of an       alleged scientific explanation of our origins. Fichte       went as far as claiming that “the concept of       creation is the absolutely fundamental error of false       metaphysics.”[15](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote15sym)       He also wrote that this “error” was the first       criterion of all (religious) falsehood and that it was       the original principle of both Judaism and paganism;       thus placing them in the same mould.[16](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote16sym)

     Concerning       the *Old Testament*, G.W.F. Hegel (1770-1831),       who came after Fitche, preferred the speculative       approach of the ancient Greek philosophers to       Christian dogmatism.[17](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote17sym)       With regard to the *New Testament*, he dismissed       Christ’s miracles as being philosophically       impossible.[18](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote18sym)       Furthermore, he proposed a system of dialectics that       was used by the socialist, Karl Marx, and the Tubingen       theology professor, F.C. Bauer, to propagate error.

     Although       German philosophy as a whole wrought great damage to       the faith, the Idealists, who pretended to retain some       vestige of Christianity, did the most damage because       under their influence the nineteenth century theology       schools in German universities introduced “higher”       Biblical criticism, which, *inter alia*, denied       the divinity of Christ and the authenticity of His       miracles. And furthermore, apart from producing an       hypothesis that rejected the Mosaic authorship of *Genesis*,       it also questioned the historical authenticity of the *New       Testament*, including the account of the bodily       resurrection of Jesus.
Positivism Defined
     False       philosophy thus paved the way for the widespread       acceptance of the false notion of “positivism”,       which, although inherent in that philosophy, was not       explicated in the form of words until 1830, when       French philosopher, Auguste Comte, published the first       edition of his book, *Cours de Philosophie Positive*       (“Lessons from Positive Philosophy”).

     Comte       is said to have been a social scientist who at an       earlier stage of his life was a secretary to Comte de       Saint Simon (1760-1825), one of the founders of       Socialism, who himself advocated positivism.

     In       his book Comte claimed that there were three stages of       man’s thought: the first was the religious or       theological stage where man invented gods and devils       to explain his origins; the second was the       metaphysical stage where man (unsuccessfully) tried to       discover his origins by philosophical abstractions;       while the third and final stage, according to Comte,       was the scientific stage where men by scientific       observation and experimentation will reach the       positive truth. This was never anything but a       fallacy because (a) the past cannot be observed and       (b) since the events of past history are unrepeatable,       any hypothesis that postulates such history as science       can never be experimentally tested. Thus Comte       used a fallacy to dismiss the *Genesis* history       of creation as a human invention and the metaphysics       of Aristotle and St. Thomas as having no validity.

     Comte       endeavored to found a “positive” religion, which       he called “the religion of humanity”, with himself       as high priest. Although some Positivist Societies,       which worshipped humanity instead of God, were formed,       the movement as a religion was ultimately a failure.       His “positive” philosophy on the other hand       enjoyed success among atheist philosophers and       scientists. For example, in Britain, Jeremy Bentham,       John Mill and John Stuart Mill accepted it, although       they rejected Comte’s excesses.

     In       the twentieth century the “Logical Positivists”, a       group of philosophers and scientists in Austria known       as “the Vienna Circle”, attempted to restate       “positivism” in a more intellectual way. Pursuant       to this they introduced the “principle” of       “verifiability” and claimed that any       non-tautological proposition, which in principle is       unverifiable by observation, is devoid of meaning. The       targets of Logical Positivism’s attack were theology       and metaphysics. The characteristic claims of those       disciplines concerning the nature of the world and       reality (so the positivists claimed) were unverifiable       and therefore had no meaning.

     However,       the status of the principle itself was suspect. Was       it, itself, either a tautology or something that could       not be verified empirically? And what about purported       scientifically determined historical propositions or       scientific generalizations, neither of which can be       conclusively verified by observation?[19](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote19sym)

     The       type of alleged scientific history the positivists saw       as replacing the theological one was, after all, only       untestable and therefore unverifiable pseudoscience.       Renowned philosopher of science, Karl Popper       (1902-1994), a contemporary of the members of the       circle, some of which he knew personally, believes he       killed off Logical Positivism with a published work in       which he distinguished pseudoscientific theories from       testable scientific ones.[20](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote20sym)

     Despite       the erroneous nature of “positivism”, the Western       World today still accepts the false philosophy that       only science can tell us the truth about the origin of       the universe, including the earth and life on it. In       fact it would be true to say that most of the Western       World is saturated with this positivistic       misconception.
The Distinction Between Science and Pseudoscience
     The fact that untestable hypotheses are not part of genuine natural science has been a traditional concept. Francis Bacon (1561-1677), in advocating the use of the scientific method, stressed the importance of experimental testing of a theory, which is the penultimate step taken in the application of that method. However, such a step cannot be taken if an hypothesis is based upon unrepeatable observations. Isaac Newton also is said to have engaged in ceaseless polemics against what he called “hypotheses”, by which he understood any or all affirmations not derived from sensible phenomena and supported by carefully conducted experiments.[21](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote21sym)

     Philosopher       of science, Karl Popper (*supra*), recognized the       non-scientific nature of untestable hypotheses (which,       *ipso facto*, are also unfalsifiable). He therefore had to admit that Darwinism was not a scientific theory. For example, in his autobiography, *Unended       Quest*,[22](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote22sym)       he stated, **“I have come to the conclusion that Darwinism is not a testable scientific theory but (is) a metaphysical research programme”.**

     In recent years other non-creationists have also affirmed this distinction between genuine natural science and the pseudoscienfic hypothesis of Darwinism. Two biology professors, Paul Ehrlich (Stanford University) and L. Charles Birch (Sydney University) stated that evolution was **“outside of empirical science but       not necessarily false” and that “no-one could       think of ways to test it.”**[23](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote23sym)

     Dr. Colin Patterson, who, before his death in 1994, was a leading paleontologist at the British Museum of Natural History, stated that in asking ourselves whether evolution is a scientific theory or pseudoscience, it should be noted that it is purported to be a single process of species splitting and progress. This part of the theory, he said, was about unique historical events, like the history of England, and unique events are not part of science because they are unrepeatable and so not subject to test.[24](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote24sym)
Neither Popper nor any of the other authorities mentioned above could be accused by evolutionists as having any bias in favor of supernatural creation. But perhaps even more to the point, there is an admission by one of the world’s leading proponents of organic evolution that the hypothesis is untestable. S.J. Gould (deceased) admitted in 1986 that evolution relies heavily upon inference and not on “steel balls rolling down inclined planes in a laboratory”.25 Nevertheless, he criticized creation scientists who claimed that evolution was not part of empirical science.
     In       1992, when Gould was teaching biology, geology and the       history of science at Harvard University in the USA,       he wrote a hypercritical (and most unfair) review[26](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote26sym)       of Professor Phillip E. Johnson’s book, *Darwin on       Trial*.[27](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote27sym)       In that review Gould claimed that Johnson held “a       narrow and blinkered view of science” because       Johnson had claimed that Darwin had “started his       theory on the wrong road” by never proposing an       experimental test for it.

     Gould,       however, admitted that “**...Darwin’s method is       not generally experimental, for singular and complex       events are not so explained by any historical       science”.**

     In       trying to support his claim that evolution was       nevertheless science and not metaphysics (in this       context, pseudo-science), Gould argued that Darwin’s       methodology brought his theory within the ambit of       natural science. He claimed that Darwin **“used       Whewell’s ‘consilience of induction’ or bringing       widely disparate information under an uniquely       consistent explanation.”**[28](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote28sym)

     It       has been shown above that any hypothesis proposing       human evolution (being untestable) can never be part       of genuine natural science. It follows from this that       the type of evidence Gould sees as providing       justifiable arguments favoring organic evolution is no       more than circumstantial in character and as such is       interpreted in accordance with his materialistic       philosophy. It is directly opposed to the natural       theology of St. Paul in *Romans* 1:19-20. Thus       the issue is not one between science and religion, as       the evolutionists would have it, but one between false       philosophy and divine truth supported by sound       philosophy (i.e., natural theology).
Organic Evolution Refuted
     What,       in reality, Darwin actually did, in gathering       information for the purpose of proposing his evolution       hypothesis, was to search for circumstantial evidence       from which he attempted to draw inferences in favor of       it. No small part of the “evidence” (such as the       “horse series” and “vestigial organs”) can now       be shown to have been misconceptions, while his       prediction – that transitional forms would be found       when the fossil record was more fully explored – has       been completely refuted. Moreover, what was once       regarded as the strongest evidence for the alleged       descent of all organisms from a common ancestor,       namely, drawings published by German biologist, Ernst       Haeckel (1834-1919), have now been shown to have been       forgeries.

     Haeckel’s       drawings of a number of different organisms showed       that their embryos in the early days of their       existence looked alike but that their appearances       changed and became dissimilar after a period of       development. However, Haeckel’s drawings of the       early stage embryos were fraudulent. Actual       photographs of relevant embryos at the early stage of       their existence show them to be quite dissimilar.[29](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote29sym)

     If       the alleged similarity of early stage embryos was a       strong argument in favor of the existence of a common       ancestor, then their actual dissimilarity must be a       strong argument against the existence of such an       ancestor.
In his book, Evolution. A Theory in Crisis,30 molecular biologist, Dr. Michael Denton – an agnostic – after a critical examination of all Darwin’s arguments, stated:
     **Neither       the two fundamental axioms of Darwin’s       macro-evolutionary theory – the concept of the       continuity of nature, that is the idea of a functional       continuum of all life forms linking all species       together and ultimately leading back to the primeval       cell, and the belief that all adaptive design of life       resulted from a blind process – have been validated       by one single empirical discovery or scientific       advance since 1859.**

     He       added:

     **Despite       a century of intensive effort on the part of       evolutionary biologists, the major objections raised       by Darwin’s critics such as Agazzis, Pictet, Bronn       and Richard Owen have not been met. The mind must fill       the large blanks that Darwin acknowledged in his       letter to Asa Gray.**[31](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote31sym)

     Denton’s       book contains a mine of information in which he not       only refutes Darwinism but also rebuts the theory of       “Punctuated Equilibrium” proposed by S.J. Gould *et       al* to explain the absence of transitional forms in       the fossil record.[32](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote32sym)       Denton observes (p.194) that with this admission of       their absence it is unlikely that in the future       evolutionists will return to the old comfortable       notion that the fossils provide evidence of gradual       evolutionary changes. However, there are still many       die-hard Darwinists who continue to falsely claim that       this notion is verified science.

     Dr.       David Raup, a geologist and paleontologist, has held       the position of Professor of Geology at the University       of Chicago, and at the time of writing a letter to the       journal, *Science*, in 1981, was the Curator of       the Chicago Field Museum of Natural History, which has       one of the largest collection of fossils in the world.       Law professor Phillip E. Johnson draws attention to       Raup’s letter in his book, *Darwin on Trial*.[33](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote33sym)       In brief, Raup states that people outside of geology       and paleontology have unfortunately gotten the idea       that the fossil record is far more Darwinian than it       is. He puts this down to oversimplification in low       level text books and to some plain wishful thinking.       He said that Darwin and his advocates expected to find       predictable progressions, but in general, these have       not been found – yet optimism dies hard and some       pure fantasy has crept into text books.
Raup is an evolutionist but no doubt he favors “Punctuated Equilibrium” over Darwin’s gradualism. Nevertheless, what he says goes to confirm Denton’s statements (supra) about the mistaken evolutionist notion that there is a continuum of life-forms linking all species and leading back to the origin of life, and about the blanks in the fossil records that still exist. In his concluding summary Denton states:
     **One       might have expected a theory of such cardinal       importance, a theory that literally changed the world,       would have been something more than metaphysics,       something more than a myth. Ultimately the Darwinian       theory of evolution is no more no less than the great       cosmogenic myth of the twentieth century.**[34](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote34sym)

     The       complexity of the living cell with its many minute       parts and multitude of functions, all packed into a       space no more that one thousand of an inch wide within       the cell membrane, is now well known. According to       some estimates, the instructions issuing from its DNA       alone, if written out, would fill a thousand books of       six hundred pages each.[35](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote35sym)

     Moreover,       mathematical odds experts say if an event has only one       chance in 1050 (one chance in one followed       by 50 zeros) of happening, it could never happen,       whereas English astronomer, Fred Hoyle, calculated the       odds against the enzymes in the cell coming about by       random changes to be one chance in 1040000.       [36](http://www.kolbecenter.org/butel_dof.htm#sdfootnote36sym)       H. Morowitz, a Yale bio-chemist, examined the       chances of the relatively simple one-celled E. Coli       bacterium coming about by random changes. When       multiplied out these come to one chance in one       followed by 100 billion zeros.

     Hoyle,       who found the odds against evolution through random       changes totally unacceptable, adopted the suggestion       made by Francis Crick, the famous Nobel Laureate       researcher of the living cell, that life might have       come from outer space – the idea of panspermia.       Hence the name of his book authored with C.       Wickramasinghe, *Evolution from Space*.       Concerning this, Denton commented in his book (p.271):

     **Nothing       illustrates more clearly how intractable a problem the       origin of life has become than the fact that world       authorities can seriously toy with the idea of       panspermia**.
Another intractable problem evolution has with the cell is that certain proteins depend upon DNA for their existence but at the same time the function of DNA has a similar dependence upon those proteins. The only logical conclusion to be drawn from this otherwise vicious circle37 is that they must have been created by God at the same time.
     A       most important study concerning such a situation was       made by Michael J. Behe, Associate Professor of       Biochemistry at Lehigh University in the USA. The       systems in the living cell, he says are irreducibly       complex and if one leaves out any of their parts they       won’t work. At the conclusion of his book, *Darwin’s       Black Box. The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution*       (1996, The Free Press, A Division of Simon and       Schuster Inc., New York, USA), Professor Behe points       out:

     **The       simplicity that was once expected to be the foundation       of life has proven to be a phantom. Instead systems of       horrendous, irreducible complexity inhabit the cell.       The resulting realization that life was designed by an       intelligence is a shock to us in the twentieth century       who have gotten used to thinking of life as the result       of simple natural laws**.

     The       impossible odds against the living cell coming about       by chance through an evolutionary process are only an       initial hurdle that the hypothesis has to jump. There       are many more mathematical impossibilities on the way       to evolution’s supposed summit, the evolution of       man. The human person’s body consists of       75,000,000,000,000 cells and has numerous tissues,       organs and systems. If one looks at only one organ,       the human brain, one can see that the chances against       it being an end of the line evolutionary product of a       single cell are incalculable.

     The       mature brain possesses 100 billion nerve cells called       neurons, as well as other types of cells, but it only       makes up 2 per cent of the body’s weight. It is said       that during every second 100 million bits of       information pour into the brain from the various       senses. The brain handles this avalanche with ease in       two ways. First, there is a network of nerves in the       brain called reticular formation. It acts as a control       centre monitoring the millions of messages coming into       the brain, sifting out the trivial and directing the       essential for the attention of the cerebral cortex. It       is said that this little network of nerves allows only       a few hundred at most to enter the conscious mind.       Second, it is said that every two seconds, by means of       waves that sweep it, the brains scans itself to ensure       that it concentrates only on essentials.

     Finally,       there is the fact that human persons are rational. How       could rationality be passed on from an irrational       organism by means of natural selection, which in any       case is a very weak mechanism to put forward, as       evolutionists put it forward, to account for the       supposed astounding changes (from one type to a more       complex type) that were needed to have occurred for       evolution to be at all feasible? Nor is there any       information in the fossil record of transitional       organisms, which should have been there by the       millions if types of organisms have evolved from       different less complex types.

     Anyone,       therefore, who looks at the facts of life should be       able to see that the evolution theory is truly dead.
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