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I guess I am one of the lucky ones then.

There are philosophical arguments against evolution, but I am unaware of the scientific evidence you cite.

For example, where are the mammal or fish fossils in Cambrian sediments? Where is the flower pollen in coal deposits from the Carboniferous period? How about evidence of humans in the Morrison Formation?


Where are the fossils that show species-transition?

What is the cause of the big bang?
I just registered so i could reply to this.
I live in N Ireland, originally from the republic, and a catholic since birth, a devout one at that. And to see catholics against evolution, never though it would happen
My fiance is from here and she’s presbyterian and they believe in creation literally
why is evolution so wrong.
evolution so say the how man evolved or changed from simple life bacteria up to fish then amphibians reptiles, mammals primate and man
man did not come from apes
can people not accept that God could make us all like this
its like baking a cake. you have a recipe and u foloow, u mix ingredients and then place in the oven.
did the oven make the cake or was it u
and i prefer to think of the big bang as God clapping his hands
as long as we remember you get your soul from God and him alone and not from evolution or your parents then ur alright
Orogeny said:

Now I answered your questions, please answer mine with something other than another question.

Ummm…I read that article, and nowhere did it say where these transitional fossils are.

That’s because there are none. Take a trip to any museum you want. You’ll never find any. Every so called transitional fossil has either been proven a fraud, or misidentified. I hope you’re not going to use Lucy or Homo Erectus or any other so called ape men.

There is not one scientific proof of evolution. Period. Tell me your best proof that you have for accepting such a ridiculous theory over the reality of God creating the world in 7 days.

To accept such a theory, thereby you would have to deny God and that would affect every decision and every thought you have in the rest of your entire life on this Earth. That sounds like something I would have to have overwhealming evidence to accept.

Evolution is a new liberal Godless theory…yes theory…that evil men have conjured up(just a couple hundred short years ago) in order to deny God, so that they will have no one to answer to, and no rules to follow.

Accepting Theistic Evolution is treading on very dangerous lines, because you are then giving some credence to this conjured up theory. Men have fraudulently used science(and by science, I mean there ridiculously errant hypothesis) to invent their own belief system, and then when confronted with their total lack of evidence, and evidence to the contrary, they then have to reluctantly submit God into the equation, on a passive level.

Please show evidence…scientifically proven evidence. Otherwise, my advice is to research where this theory came from and ask yourself if people gave their lives for this belief, as did our great Saints for the deposit of faith given to us by Christ himself in the flesh. CreosMary is right on in her essay. How can you just throw what she said away, but accept the enormously flawed logic and proofs of the Godless so called ‘scientists’ out there.

Here is a good website for creationism. I warn you not to accept the theology on this site, but the scientific evidence is enough to convince anyone of the Genesis supported creation viewpoint…www.drdino.com
Ummm…I read that article, and nowhere did it say where these transitional fossils are.

That’s because there are none. Take a trip to any museum you want. You’ll never find any. Every so called transitional fossil has either been proven a fraud, or misidentified. I hope you’re not going to use Lucy or Homo Erectus or any other so called ape men.
Your claim is bogus and without merit. I ask you to back up your assertion.
There is not one scientific proof of evolution.
Sir, there is such a large body of evidence, evolution is not in doubt. The actual mechanism(s) may be debatable, but evolution is as true as the sunrise.
To accept such a theory, thereby you would have to deny God and that would affect every decision and every thought you have in the rest of your entire life on this Earth. That sounds like something I would have to have overwhealming evidence to accept.
From the Catechism:
283 The question about the origins of the world and of man has been the object of many scientific studies which have splendidly enriched our knowledge of the age and dimensions of the cosmos, the development of life-forms and the appearance of man. These discoveries invite us to even greater admiration for the greatness of the Creator, prompting us to give him thanks for all his works and for the understanding and wisdom he gives to scholars and researchers. With Solomon they can say: "It is he who gave me unerring knowledge of what exists, to know the structure of the world and the activity of the elements. . . for wisdom, the fashioner of all things, taught me."121
Looks like you disagree with the Church. Sorry about that.
Evolution is a new liberal Godless theory…yes theory…that evil men have conjured up(just a couple hundred short years ago) in order to deny God, so that they will have no one to answer to, and no rules to follow.
Please show evidence…scientifically proven evidence.
If you have been following this or any of the other threads on this topic, you have been provided with a large body of evidence. That evidence only scratches the surface.

Why don’t you try to answer the questions I posed to Brad if you are so sure of yourself?
Otherwise, my advice is to research where this theory came from and ask yourself if people gave their lives for this belief, as did our great Saints for the deposit of faith given to us by Christ himself in the flesh.
There is a difference. Evolution is not a religion, so why would someone give up their lives for it?
CreosMary is right on in her essay.
CreosMary is a man.
How can you just throw what she said away, but accept the enormously flawed logic and proofs of the Godless so called ‘scientists’ out there.
Uh, because he is wrong?
Here is a good website for creationism. I warn you not to accept the theology on this site, but the scientific evidence is enough to convince anyone of the Genesis supported creation viewpoint…www.drdino.com
How can you support this man’s theology on creation while ignoring his obvious anti-Catholicism? Is this what you are willing to stoop to?


Orogeny said:


Now I answered your questions, please answer mine with something other than another question.



Have to know where we stand. You answered God. That’s good. Therefore, you appear to agree with point #1 of evolutionary theory. Unfortunately, the schools mostly disagree with you. If they all agreed that God was behind it, then we could talk about how God designed the universe for life in our schools as well.

I’ll take a look at your link regarding species transition.

Your questions are trying to get me to factually prove a supernatural hypothesis. You and I both know that the supernatural is outside of the scope of natural and therefore outside of the scope of science. What I object to is the implication that point #1 and point #2 are facts. Shooting holes in scientific hypothesis is not the same thing as proving a direct opposit hypothesis. What science can show us of late is that the universe has been fine-tuned for life by a cause that is not material and, as such, must have a mind.
I just registered so i could reply to this.
I live in N Ireland, originally from the republic, and a catholic since birth, a devout one at that. And to see catholics against evolution, never though it would happen
My fiance is from here and she’s presbyterian and they believe in creation literally
why is evolution so wrong.
evolution so say the how man evolved or changed from simple life bacteria up to fish then amphibians reptiles, mammals primate and man
man did not come from apes
can people not accept that God could make us all like this
its like baking a cake. you have a recipe and u foloow, u mix ingredients and then place in the oven.
did the oven make the cake or was it u
and i prefer to think of the big bang as God clapping his hands
as long as we remember you get your soul from God and him alone and not from evolution or your parents then ur alright
We are not so much against evolution as we are against scientific theories that have much doubt taught as fact to impressionable minds.

For example, where is the scientific evidence for the claim you stated:

“evolution so say the how man evolved or changed from simple life bacteria up to fish then amphibians reptiles, mammals primate and man”

As far as theological implications go, you can say that God directed this whole process, but science textbooks in school make no such claim and mainstream science classifies this process as purposeless and completely random, including the evolution of the human mind. That doesn’t fly with Christianity, “reasonable” people would say. One example: Jesus Christ did not arrive on the scene through a purposeless and completely random process of mutation.
There is not one scientific proof of evolution. Period. Tell me your best proof that you have for accepting such a ridiculous theory over the reality of God creating the world in 7 days.
The Church does not require a belief in a 7 24-hour day creation, although you are free to believe in that.
Orogeny said:

Transistion from reptiles to mammals.

It says this: “So far this series is known only as a series of genera or families; the transitions from species to species are not known. But the family sequence is quite complete.”

OK. I can do pattern recognition also. Where are the transitions? Not known.

Transistion from reptiles to birds.

It says this: “On the whole, though, this is still a gappy transition, consisting of a very large-scale series of “cousin” fossils”

OK. A gappy transition. I don’t want gappy. If something is being taught as fact, let’s see the evidence. Gravity has no gaps. It can be demonstrated over and over again.

Of course, it mentions the infamous Archeopteryx, which the majority of scientists recognize as a bird and even the site you referenced talks about how it’s ancestor might be a bird.

I believe in a literal Creation in that God created everything, that Adam and Eve were the first humans and they were responsible for original sin.

I’m not sure if the Genesis story is meant to be strictly literal. I mean there’s no dome that separates two bodies of water, one above and one below. I guess you could say clouds are the body of water above maybe, and the dome is the atmosphere. So maybe it is literal (the DR uses firmament instead of dome which makes the literal interpretation more plausible).
No dome? Have you ever seen images of the magnetic field in Scientific magazines?

No bodies of water? Perhaps not as we experience the oceans and lakes, but there is more water in space than there is here on earth. Proof is in the ice which is found on comets and other bodies in space.

The bible also mentions “the spirit, the water, and the blood” as though the “water and blood” were something mystical (i.e. spiritual). Therefore the dome could also be the chasm which exists between us and heaven.

1 John 5
8 And there are three that give testimony on earth: the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three are one.

Luke 16:26 And besides all this, between us and you, there is fixed a great chaos: so that they who would pass from hence to you, cannot, nor from thence come hither.

1 Peter 3:5 For this they are wilfully ignorant of, that the heavens were before, and the earth out of water, and through water, consisting by the word of God.

And apparently this verse from Peter says that the earth was made after the heavens and the earth was made from and through water. Therefore, it would seem that water exists in the heavens even before the earth.

In his confessions, Augustine considered the words of the first chapter of Genesis and was amazed at how many truths could be garnered from each sentence.
I got chastised for this comment on another thread, but I’ll post it here too (hey, criticism is good for me!): evolutionists have a certain chronological order for when certain life forms started appearing on the earth. This seems to be the same chronological order God created life, especially if birds came from dinosaurs (which is a popular theory): first plants, then life in the water, next birds, then cattle and wild animals (mammals), and finally humans.

I mean, I’m not sure if when God created life He made them all poof out of the air or if He formed them from matter like he did Adam. I mean, as the matter was shaped into various animals it could leave evidence of “evolutionary” changes, but this would make the “days” not literal. It’s a tough call. I’ll wait for more information or an official Church declaration I guess.
The days, IMHO, are not literal, but are a literary device used by the author, Moses, to draw attention to one aspect of creation at a time. God, after all, doesn’t have to wait to do one thing then another.


De Maria
Why don’t you try to answer the questions I posed to Brad if you are so sure of yourself?
It is not up to doubters of portions of evolutionary theory that contradict Christianity to prove that mammals came out of the Cambrian explosion. It is up to evolutionary theorists to factually prove their theory by showing that mammals evolved from some other species.
De Maria:
The days, IMHO, are not literal, but are a literary device used by the author, Moses, to draw attention to one aspect of creation at a time. God, after all, doesn’t have to wait to do one thing then another.


De Maria
God’s day could have been related to a faster speed of light, which science is now showing is slowing down. However, it would still be a “day”.

How do you reconcile these two statements in the same post?
Unfortunately, the schools mostly disagree with you. If they all agreed that God was behind it, then we could talk about how God designed the universe for life in our schools as well.
Your questions are trying to get me to factually prove a supernatural hypothesis. You and I both know that the supernatural is outside of the scope of natural and therefore outside of the scope of science.
How can you argue that God should be used in science class on one hand and then not answer the question by stating (truthfully) that the supernatural is outside the scope of science?



How do you reconcile these two statements in the same post?

How can you argue that God should be used in science class on one hand and then not answer the question by stating (truthfully) that the supernatural is outside the scope of science?


Teach it in another class. By the same thinking, evolution should not be taught in science class, as it doesn’t meet the criteria either.
evidence got be got using genetics
using a molecular clock(idea that proteins evolve in a stocastic manner as in clocklike manner forgive my spelling) u can show the evolution of genes present in amphibians repitiles mammals etc.
there is large portions of evidence. ComparativeEmbryology is one particular field that gives evidence. Look at embryos in the early weeks across the range of mammals and you will see that they all look the same. You can trace the development of parts of your body through evolution. for example your listening to me using some bones in your ear which were originally gill arches in fish( i did genetics in college)
are we going back to the flat earth society and galileo and all that
we can be against ideas like social darwinism and evolution without God, but why be against the idea that God created life, through the process of evolution changing simple bacteria, through other phlyum and arriving at the creature he made in his own image. Us
Teach it in another class.
You and I have discussed this before. I would love to have religion taught in school as either a religion class or a philosophy class.
By the same thinking, evolution should not be taught in science class, as it doesn’t meet the criteria either.
No, that is not the same thinking. That is your thinking and not that of a scientist.


No, that is not the same thinking. That is your thinking and not that of a scientist.
Maybe I am missing something. I thought the scientific method takes a hypothesis and then tests it to see if it can be reproduced with consistency.

How do you reconcile these two statements in the same post?

How can you argue that God should be used in science class on one hand and then not answer the question by stating (truthfully) that the supernatural is outside the scope of science?


I agree with Buffalo’s response. I’m not arguing for bringing God into science class. I’m arguing for teaching philosophy and religion in school and not teaching seriously questioned hypotheses as fact in science class.
No, that is not the same thinking. That is your thinking and not that of a scientist.
You can teach parts of evolutionary theory in science class. You just cannot teach hypotheses as fact nor teach points #1 and #2 that I posted which contradict Christianity. Unfortunately, both of these incorrect things are done in science class all over the United States.
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