I believe in a literal Creation in that God created everything, that Adam and Eve were the first humans and they were responsible for original sin.
I’m not sure if the Genesis story is meant to be strictly literal. I mean there’s no dome that separates two bodies of water, one above and one below. I guess you could say clouds are the body of water above maybe, and the dome is the atmosphere. So maybe it is literal (the DR uses firmament instead of dome which makes the literal interpretation more plausible).
No dome? Have you ever seen images of the magnetic field in Scientific magazines?
No bodies of water? Perhaps not as we experience the oceans and lakes, but there is more water in space than there is here on earth. Proof is in the ice which is found on comets and other bodies in space.
The bible also mentions “the spirit, the water, and the blood” as though the “water and blood” were something mystical (i.e. spiritual). Therefore the dome could also be the chasm which exists between us and heaven.
1 John 5
8 And there are three that give testimony on earth: the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three are one.
Luke 16:26 And besides all this, between us and you, there is fixed a great chaos: so that they who would pass from hence to you, cannot, nor from thence come hither.
1 Peter 3:5 For this they are wilfully ignorant of, that the heavens were before, and the earth out of water, and through water, consisting by the word of God.
And apparently this verse from Peter says that the earth was made after the heavens and the earth was made from and through water. Therefore, it would seem that water exists in the heavens even before the earth.
In his confessions, Augustine considered the words of the first chapter of Genesis and was amazed at how many truths could be garnered from each sentence.
I got chastised for this comment on another thread, but I’ll post it here too (hey, criticism is good for me!): evolutionists have a certain chronological order for when certain life forms started appearing on the earth. This seems to be the same chronological order God created life, especially if birds came from dinosaurs (which is a popular theory): first plants, then life in the water, next birds, then cattle and wild animals (mammals), and finally humans.
I mean, I’m not sure if when God created life He made them all poof out of the air or if He formed them from matter like he did Adam. I mean, as the matter was shaped into various animals it could leave evidence of “evolutionary” changes, but this would make the “days” not literal. It’s a tough call. I’ll wait for more information or an official Church declaration I guess.
The days, IMHO, are not literal, but are a literary device used by the author, Moses, to draw attention to one aspect of creation at a time. God, after all, doesn’t have to wait to do one thing then another.
De Maria