Your claim is bogus and without merit. I ask you to back up your assertion.
Ummm…well, to back up my assertion, I would have to then provide to you with a negative proof (i.e. that does not exist) The burden of proof on someone who says there are transitional fossils, is on them to provide where they would be found.
Sir, there is such a large body of evidence, evolution is not in doubt. The actual mechanism(s) may be debatable, but evolution is as true as the sunrise.
Wow, this is so wrong it hurts me. Well, you seem to be more sure than any evolutionary scientist, who wouldn’t dare to have the guts to say such a ridiculous statement as that. If evolution is as sure as the sunrise(and, lets get this straight, the micro changes in organisms to adapt to their surroundings is not evolution…you seem to be using that as proof…I can get micro changes from breeding dogs all day long, but you will never get a dog to turn into a cat…and you will never get a beneficial mutation. Thats fact, my friend.
Evolution is not in doubt?!?!?! Then you should have testable scientific EVIDENCE that would prove that. That’s quite a ridiculous statement, to tell you the truth. Noone has ever witnessed macro changes that would prove evolution. Ever. That is a scientific and obvious fact.
As per your questions…give me a little help in understanding what you’re saying"
Where are the mammal or fish fossils in Cambrian sediments?
Are you saying there are or their arent any? And tell me what your answer proves
Where is the flower pollen in coal deposits from the Carboniferous period?
Again, same thing
How about evidence of humans in the Morrison Formation?
Please, same thing. You have to tell me what this proves before I can give you a rebuttal…give me your logic.
From the Catechism:
Looks like you disagree with the Church. Sorry about that.
Absolutely Wrong. I disagree with the Church on nothing. You are the one disagreeing with the Church. My views of a 7 day creation in no way conflict with Church teaching. Read CreolMary’s post(and Im sorry for calling him a girl)
Nice evidence
If you have been following this or any of the other threads on this topic, you have been provided with a large body of evidence. That evidence only scratches the surface.
I have not seen one piece of evidence…I have no idea where you are seeing evidence. Do you understand what evidence is? Evidence is not people formulating theories based on what they found. Evidence is testable and mathematically certain.
There is a difference. Evolution is not a religion, so why would someone give up their lives for it?
Looks like you need to read the definition of religion. Evolution is a religion. You give this “Evolution” the place of God as your power of creation
Once again, sorry.
How can you support this man’s theology on creation while ignoring his obvious anti-Catholicism? Is this what you are willing to stoop to?
If a pagan came up to me and showed me how 2 + 2 = 4, should I not believe him because he’s a pagan? Please, that is the second most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Because he is not a Catholic, does not make him a bad scientist…what makes bad scientists is people who indoctrinate and deceive based lies of so-called evidence. You need to get some of his debate CD’s…where he challenges any professor, scientist, group of scientists, boards of anything, to debate him. He gets denied 2000 times for every one debate he gets. You will see what evidence evolutionists have for their side…believe me…its none, and they will agree…Its only a theory