
I was trying to insult you discreetly but now you are on to me.Brad, did you insult me somewhere?![]()

I was trying to insult you discreetly but now you are on to me.Brad, did you insult me somewhere?![]()
you have tweaked my tweeter. if evolution were indeed a a fact, it would, by now called the LAW of evolution. how can you explain such gigantic gaps?One reason you may be jeered at, CreosMary, is because you do not know what you say. When you talk about evolution being only a “theory” you’ve got to understand that in scientific jargon, theory is not used in the same was as a layman uses it in his ordinary daily dialogue.
Theory here, means a rigorously tested hypothesis, that has held up under all tests this far. I’ll admit, some of Darwin’s ideas have been proven false. Science seems to believe nowadays that life began in the deepest oceans, not in a shallow pool struck by lightning. But on the whole, Dawin’s ideas have helped science construct a valid, reliable, and predictive understanding of the past.
Now, thanks Be to God for the Catholic church, for if I was part of any other religion, I doubt I could’ve said the above without being branded as a heretic. However, you may still say that evolution, as a theory, brings up problems. And this is true. Evolutionists will be hard pressed to tell you how sex began. Going furtherback, we have unconvivincing theories attached to the development of Eukaryotic cells (you and I are Eukayotes, amoebas are prokayotes, single celled organisms). Remember, science is based on proof, and the theories which talk about sex and Eukaryotic cells are based more on speculation (at least as far as I can see). And this is where we get God coming in. I wonder if those two things are purely naturally possible in and of themselves. In fact, I doubt they are. I think God had to do something there, just as I think he had to do something again when he gave us the capacity for aesthetic experience, morality, and conscious rationality. After all, dogs may dream and whales may sing, but I see no museums of art, temples or codified laws in the kinddom animalia (except for us).
Your difficulty with death before Adam can be summed up like this. Remember, the old Christian story (laid out beautifully by the poet milton) is that the Demons fell before we did. It is quite possible that the demons had been usurping creation from its perfect order for quite some time before we appeared.
After all, what does Genesis say? We were brought in to “tend the garden”. And we do, according to traditional Christianity have authority over the beasts…
I hope this helps, but remember, it’s just my own ideas and ramblings. I love to be challenged and tested. Please, see if you can poke holes in that!
i feel compelled to do this.I thank you all for your interesting and insightful comments. I believe the Church has never made any concrete definations on what we are to believe in this debate…
I readsomewhere on another post that at least one Pope has said that Adam and Eve are the first humans and we all descended from those two.
To me the problem with evolution is that it is;
a/ Presented as fact in schools and documentaries and all secular media
b/ It is still not proven
c/ Why does it seem so (name removed by moderator)lausable to many that Almighty God created everything in 6 literal days; St Augustine actually tried to comprese those six days in an instant!
d/ evolution generally seeks to try and prove non-existence of God, that evreything is by chance (a lot of bloody chances to get were we are)
e/ the fruits of evolutionary thinking are valueless and lacking in the sacredness and dignity of Man and creation.
I choose to have faith and believe Genesis literally and good science has no problem with that.
God bless![]()
Dear Brad,I was trying to insult you discreetly but now you are on to me.
A lancelet is a small worm-like creature that lives under sand and mud. It has a notochord, a precurser to the vertebrae. Some have said that they and vertebrates share a common ancester, but the lancelet would have changed considerably less than the vertebrates.A missing link would be a detailed progression from one phyla to another. A whale like creature that could live on land is still a whale in my book. That’s adaptation, or what is now-a-days called microevolution.
Microevolution is possible; Macro is not. There’s a limit to the DNA code.
In his book, Evolution. A Theory in Crisis,30 molecular biologist, Dr. Michael Denton – an agnostic – after a critical examination of all Darwin’s arguments, stated:
Neither the two fundamental axioms of Darwin’s macro-evolutionary theory – the concept of the continuity of nature, that is the idea of a functional continuum of all life forms linking all species together and ultimately leading back to the primeval cell, and the belief that all adaptive design of life resulted from a blind process – have been validated by one single empirical discovery or scientific advance since 1859.
Thanks CreosMary for such informative and convincing references. The absence of transitionary forms is, as Darwin himself admitted, a huge fatal flaw in his theories. Where are the half horses, half sharks, quarter humans etc etc that we should be surrounded with as we all blunder on through natural selection. The blind dogmatic faith of the evolutionist is impressive only for it’s gullibility. Imagine believing something to be in the fossil record against all the evidence that it’s not… blind faith at its worst.!
Despite a century of intensive effort on the part of evolutionary biologists, the major objections raised by Darwin’s critics such as Agazzis, Pictet, Bronn and Richard Owen have not been met. The mind must fill the large blanks that Darwin acknowledged in his letter to Asa Gray.31
Denton’s book contains a mine of information in which he not only refutes Darwinism but also rebuts the theory of “Punctuated Equilibrium” proposed by S.J. Gould et al to explain the absence of transitional forms in the fossil record.32 Denton observes (p.194) that with this admission of their absence it is unlikely that in the future evolutionists will return to the old comfortable notion that the fossils provide evidence of gradual evolutionary changes. However, there are still many die-hard Darwinists who continue to falsely claim that this notion is verified science.
Dr. David Raup, a geologist and paleontologist, has held the position of Professor of Geology at the University of Chicago, and at the time of writing a letter to the journal, Science, in 1981, was the Curator of the Chicago Field Museum of Natural History, which has one of the largest collection of fossils in the world. Law professor Phillip E. Johnson draws attention to Raup’s letter in his book, Darwin on Trial.33 In brief, Raup states that people outside of geology and paleontology have unfortunately gotten the idea that the fossil record is far more Darwinian than it is. He puts this down to oversimplification in low level text books and to some plain wishful thinking. He said that Darwin and his advocates expected to find predictable progressions, but in general, these have not been found – yet optimism dies hard and some pure fantasy has crept into text books.
Orogeny said:talkorigins.org/faqs/faq-transitional.html
Now I answered your questions, please answer mine with something other than another question.
Hello, kindlylight. Darwin surely didn’t know of these transitional fossils. A vast amount of fossils have been discovered since his time.Orogeny, are the transitions mentioned in this site the same transitory forms that Darwin said he had not found. A lot of this is technical language specific to insiders ie phyla, species, forms etc. Is there a good primer on the subject for us with as yet open minds.
A new species! Homo creosmariens!Hey Bother Tim,
you still at it!!
Hello, Creos. Yep. I tried to stay out, but I just couldn’t!
missing teeth (not needed for eating 2 minute noodles)Just a thought…if, in a thousand years, they found my skelatal remains as a fossil, Science would think that people of our era all had big heads (extra cranial activity),
and floating kneecaps (this type must have walked on his knees)
Just to show up some ridicle of fossil study
Love ya’s
God Bless
Anyone has any take on this:
"Leviathan and behemoth. Have you done an exegesis of this? Besides, there are many ancient drawings that attest to this co-existence of man and dinosaurs. The Palestrina Mosaic dated AD 100 contain men hunting a dinosaur and the petroglyps of Anasazi also portray dinosaur-like creatures that have no resemblance to modern lizards.
Some pre-Incaic people carved the rock cliffs of the Marcahuasi Plateau of Peru into huge representations of lions, camels, and something resembling a STEGOSAURUS."
Now, as Catholics we should believe in the Creation, though we are also cautioned, based on scientific evidence, to not go overboard and ignore science. However, points such as the one I showed above are quite out of it, and would take a lot to even digest. Anyone who knows what refutations there are to such wild claims?
It it very interesting in reading the statements in regards to God’s creation of the earth, etc. These statements are based on the Bible, supposedly was sent down from God. That is a very interesting myth. I am very sad that the people that believe in the bible have not taken any time to question their faith,
nor examine any other religions either past or present, with which the Catholic church believes the other religions are based on myths, or incorrect facts.
The bible is a works of some very wonderful, colourful stories (myths), just like Greek mythology. When are people going to realize this, and quit being so like children? The Catholic church would lose all of their power and money if the bible was exposed as a grouping of myths. There was no world flood, the earth, etc. was not created in a week. Were these stories sent down from God? Was it a fax machine that sent them down to all the people? Or was it one or a small group of people who put the stories together in order to scare and control the people? Just like telling a child that if they do not go to sleep on time, then the monster in the closet will come out, there is no difference.
When are people going to look at the church for what it is, a way a small corrupt group of people can control the masses of the people.
I am not saying that there is not a god, as I believe that there is a god, if not maybe multiple.
We will never know until death.
However, how silly it is that people still believe that the world and everything was made in one week. Why one week, why not less time? Is your god not that powerful that it took that much time? Seems a little bit of a long time, for someone who created everything in the Universe. By the way, how long did it take god to create the rest of it??
If there is other life out on another planet, did god create that as well?? I assume so, but they would therefore have the same bible and the same story, and know of your myths. Please question your faith and realize that the Catholic church and all other organized religions on the planet are corrupt
and are only (name removed by moderator)lace to control the minds of the people. Have you wondered why during mass, you always repeat the same statements during prayer?
Have you ever looked into the workings of brain washing?
They are one in the same.
Please, please, please realize that god is all around use and not is certain buildings that you have to pray in that the church (any religion) owns. Forgo your religions and live a good life and get away from the corruption that is only draining the good on this planet.
hey buffalo,
that is a wonderful quote from someone in history, however, still nothing to do with the topic. It is wonderful to continue to quote people or books, but that still does not address the issue.
That religion is nothing but corrupt. The Catholic church wishes to continue to brainwash you, in order for you to continue to believe in them, and continue to send money. It is a religion invented by men and run by men, hence the massive corruption and attempted control of the people’s minds. The Catholic church has destroyed or attempted to destroy anything that opposite to the view of the church.
Have you not thought of who wrote the bible (both old and new testament)? It was not from God, they are a collection of stories or myths. If it was written today, it would be all it is, a work of fiction.
This is a popular misconception about Darwin. The myth sometimes even includes the claim that he converted to Christianity on his deathbed. What’s clear from reading his writings, however, is that he in fact never entirely abandoned a belief in God’s existence, although he certainly no longer believed in His goodness (or, at least, in His direct involvement in the world). The slow and agonizing death of his precious 10-year-old daughter, Annie, was the final straw for Darwin, and he found he could no longer hold to a conventional faith in the Victorian God of his past experience. As a father myself, I can relate keenly to Darwin’s religious struggles in the face of such personal suffering.…I have a friend who is a “Bible Christian” and though he’s never read Origin of Species nor Descent of Man he still condemns them both, and Darwin along with them. Furthermore, he’s convinced himself that Darwin, on his deathbed (I don’t know where he got this) renounced evolution…
This is a popular misconception about Darwin. The myth sometimes even includes the claim that he converted to Christianity on his deathbed. What’s clear from reading his writings, however, is that he in fact never entirely abandoned a belief in God’s existence, although he certainly no longer believed in His goodness (or, at least, in His direct involvement in the world). The slow and agonizing death of his precious 10-year-old daughter, Annie, was the final straw for Darwin, and he found he could no longer hold to a conventional faith in the Victorian God of his past experience. As a father myself, I can relate keenly to Darwin’s religious struggles in the face of such personal suffering.
On the Darwinian “urban myth” you described, there’s a fine book by James Moore, entitled The Darwin Legend (Baker Books, 1994). I’m not certain if it’s still in print, but I’m sure you can locate a used copy on the net.
God bless.