Evolution is contradictory?

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Things appearing before their ancestors are.
Agreed. That is why a 30,000 year old dinosaur bone is not a problem for evolution, it appears after its known ancestors from 65 million years ago. Show us a Cambrian dinosaur bone and evolution will have a big problem.

And the roll of that Dice always comes up with a Male and a Female. 🤔
If you use a two sided die and roll it 50 times for a population of 50 individuals, then yes, you will get some of each. Is that really so difficult to work out?

So if you find carbon…
Your knowledge of radiochemistry is lacking. Carbon-12 is stable, so finding “carbon” is not a problem at all. Coal is carbon, and coal can be a lot older than dinosaurs.

Carbon-14 is not stable, but is present in the atmosphere due to cosmic rays and nuclear testing. A contaminated sample will show the presence of modern C-14, hence the necessity of the correct handling and treatment of any samples for testing, and repeated testing in different labs to avoid a single wrong result caused by contamination.

Carbon-14 is not stable, but is present in the atmosphere due to cosmic rays and nuclear testing. A contaminated sample will show the presence of modern C-14, hence the necessity of the correct handling and treatment of any samples for testing, and repeated testing in different labs to avoid a single wrong result caused by contamination.
Yep - so test more samples free from contamination.
And the roll of that Dice always comes up with a Male and a Female. 🤔
If you use a two sided die and roll it 50 times for a population of 50 individuals, then yes, you will get some of each. Is that really so difficult to work out?

How many transitional male and female stages do you suppose it took for evolution to produce the 10 million different species we have today…is that really so difficult to work out ?
We actually do know this exists and that it is not devolution of genetic material. I could demonstrate this for you in the matter of hours with bacteria population.

I get the feeling that you think that evolution and God are mutually exclusive and can’t coexist. This is very clearly not the case, which is why the Church allows people to believe in it. It seems that what you believe to be evolution is a radical, non-scientific view of evolution.
Why do you think we need new vaccines for the flu every year? The strains evolve resistances to the vaccines that were previously made.
We can see this because viruses and bacteria reproduce at rates much higher than any other living thing
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The same virus/bacteria with resistances to vaccines/specific environments
They don’t “know” anything, those with the genetic mutations that result in their survival against harmful environments/vaccines live to produce offspring of the same genetic makeup (i.e. evolve). That generation then all has a characteristic that only 1 in 100 had the generation before, and only had due to chance
They don’t “know” anything, those with the genetic mutations that result in their survival against harmful environments/vaccines live to produce offspring of the same genetic makeup (i.e. evolve). That generation then all has a characteristic that only 1 in 100 had the generation before, and only had due to chance
Nope - if you had been following these threads you will know that is not the case. I have cited references.
I’m sorry then, because its clear you don’t have a masters in biology like some do. It betrays your incomplete and selective understanding of genetics (of which there are also entire degrees that you can study to attain, but alas, I have not as of yet), systems biology, and ecology. If you can’t accept that 2+2=4 when I display it does, the best I can do is shrug and wish you well. I’d invite you to continue to educate yourself and better understand the world we live in. I’m going to bow out gracefully now, God speed
I’m sorry then, because its clear you don’t have a masters in biology like some do. It betrays your incomplete and selective understanding of genetics (of which there are also entire degrees that you can study to attain, but alas, I have not as of yet), systems biology, and ecology. If you can’t accept that 2+2=4 when I display it does, the best I can do is shrug and wish you well. I’d invite you to continue to educate yourself and better understand the world we live in. I’m going to bow out gracefully now, God speed

Start here:


Antibiotic resistance is a global challenge that impacts all pharmaceutically used antibiotics. The origin of the genes associated with this resistance is of significant importance to our understanding of the evolution and dissemination of antibiotic resistance in pathogens. A growing body of evidence implicates environmental organisms as reservoirs of these resistance genes; however, the role of anthropogenic use of antibiotics in the emergence of these genes is controversial. We report a screen of a sample of the culturable microbiome of Lechuguilla Cave, New Mexico, in a region of the cave that has been isolated for over 4 million years. We report that, like surface microbes, these bacteria were highly resistant to antibiotics; some strains were resistant to 14 different commercially available antibiotics. Resistance was detected to a wide range of structurally different antibiotics including daptomycin, an antibiotic of last resort in the treatment of drug resistant Gram-positive pathogens. Enzyme-mediated mechanisms of resistance were also discovered for natural and semi-synthetic macrolide antibiotics via glycosylation and through a kinase-mediated phosphorylation mechanism. Sequencing of the genome of one of the resistant bacteria identified a macrolide kinase encoding gene and characterization of its product revealed it to be related to a known family of kinases circulating in modern drug resistant pathogens. The implications of this study are significant to our understanding of the prevalence of resistance, even in microbiomes isolated from human use of antibiotics. This supports a growing understanding that antibiotic resistance is natural, ancient, and hard wired in the microbial pangenome.

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it is not devolution of genetic material. I could demonstrate this for you in the matter of hours with bacteria population.
A bacteria that became a multicellular organism with sex organs among those specialized in the coordinated functioning of the body? This isn’t a joke; I would love to see evolution in action. seems all that is ever presented is bacteria expressing their bacterial nature in different forms.
I get the feeling that you think that evolution and God are mutually exclusive and can’t coexist.
Since evolution is an illusion and God is the living Truth, yep, I do believe they do not coexist.
It seems that what you believe to be evolution is a radical, non-scientific view of evolution.
The way I conceive of creation, now and then, might be termed existential, where the Ground, the Cause is Existence itself, the Triune Godhead bringing into existence individual organisms, organized psychophysical unities, formed by the soul that defines the first and last of their kind. I don’t know how He did this, since as God, it would have happened any way He willed. But, there is and was no randomness to this miracle that attests to His beauty, love and glory. And, natural selection is merely the shadow of the fact that each individual form of being, living or inorganic, exists in relation to a whole of which it is a part. This would be as we are one mankind, fallen in Adam and saved in Christ, having a complex psychology of perceptions, feelings, thoughts and behaviours, a diverse collection of cells, integrated into organ systems, which allow for our participation in time and space, and a unifying relational spirit that allows for the possibility of our becoming Love.
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To refute evolution, like refuting the rising and setting of the sun, involves the formulation of a more concise, more comprehensive way of understanding what is creation, that includes the psychology and the spiritual/existential reality of individual living beings in themselves and in relation to the environmental systems of which they are a part.
No, no, no, no, no! To refute a scientific theory you must show that it is false. This is not literature or art where one play or painting is shown up by a better play or painting.
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