The Big Bang for instance, explains scientifically the creation. Where science is limited here is that the Big Bang can only go forward from the moment of creation. Religion can move either way.
Genesis explains in a Sacred manner, the How.
The way I see it, Science may come close to describing the process of creation, but it is in its attempt to explain, that it fails. What we do actually, is go back intellectually in time, discerning what happened before things were as they are now until we reach an end, at what would be the beginning in a possible singularity. To some, it is as if the laws of the universe exist as something separate from and preceded the events that are the developing universe.
What we have in Genesis is an explanation of creation in a manner that can be understood, through the grace of the Holy Spirit, by any person of any age, in any age.
Applying the truth of Genesis to the current scientific understanding, what we see is a progressive creation, where new forms of being are created utilizing that which had previously been brought into being. For example, sub-atomic particles as part of an existing creation, were brought together in the creation of atoms, particular forms of being having relational characteristics that result in the periodic table and the electrostatic shapes of molecules. At that point the universe apparently went from an orange plasma to the dark space which we now know. The bringing of organic life into existence was another step in the creative process. Here we find basic material processes united into new whole systems that interact in a novel fashion with their environment. What is physically other is incorporated into their physical being allowing them to replicate, grow and maintain themselves. On a psychological dimension they instinctively perceive, understand and react to elements in their surroundings. The more physically complex the living being, the more complex they are in along the psychological dimension. And then there we are, at the culmination of creation, between angels and animals.
It may not be that important, but I would propose that the days of Genesis could be actual days. We know from Relativity that change occurs at a fixed rate. Velocity is a type of change: mass is a type of change. If we consider every moment as a bringing of events into existence, we can say that only so much happens, and the faster something goes, the less change will occur in that moving object, clocks move and we age slower. A photon having no mass, travels at the maximum speed. A change in distance is all that is happening; to go faster would entail its disappearance. If a day is the basic unit of change, the less there is going on in the universe the greater the number of simpler events would fit into the day. As more complex being fills the universe, the fewer seconds would fill each day. So from our frame of reference the length of day now, would be the equivalent of many billions of days in the past. I don’t know.