I find it hard to believe as a scientist and a Catholic that anyone would still believe in evolution given the evidence against it.
Evolution is part of the enlightenment movement that says men do not need God and all things came about by random chance without God and we should look to men/science for true answers.
I have debated evolution for years and have never found one single fact to prove evolution not a single fact only assumption and forcing theories, Micro evolution is not the same as Macro as micro is observable testable and repeatable, show any of that in evolution of millions of years and you will win me over.
here is a first cause, what came first DNA or Protein? Dna is a genetic code a code is a message and as good Catholics we know that that code was written by God when he created us from the soil a first cause would need to show that dna evolved from random mutations with various causes in the environment to force change, now I find it hard to believe that from slime this master piece of genetics was created over time by such causes, therefor evolution falls down at the very start. We did not evolve from random mutations have you not read that we are wonderfully made? and from the beginning God created man and woman ? not slime pools but living creatures with souls, the Holy Spirit did not breathe life into a slimy rock. Therefor I think father Ripperger is right evolution is not compatible with Catholic teaching on origins in Genesis