Evolution is contradictory?

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If hypothetically, let’s say the amazon jungle environment was to changed over to the same climate as Canada’s environment ,do you believe that ecosystem would evolve to cope with that?
How fast is the change? The speed of evolution is related to generation times: thirty minutes for bacteria up to thirty years for elephants and other large mammals. Where change is too fast for a species then it goes extinct. The environment for Passenger Pigeons changed too fast, so they are now extinct.

How can it do that when it takes evolution millions of years to do anything ?
It doesn’t so it can. Antibiotics, insecticides and herbicides have been around for a lot less than a million years and evolution has already developed counters to many of them.

And these random mutations just happen to work their magic perfectly every time to always produce a male and female…how convenient . :roll_eyes:
Someone does not understand how bacteria reproduce. Asexual reproduction is more common than sexual reproduction.

take a stable population of 1000 organisms; on average each organism has one descendant in the next generation. Now let a beneficial mutation appear with a 1% advantage, so the mutated organism will have on average 1.01 descendants in the next generation.
This is what people have been pointing out, that evolution is based on assumptions. The raw data is stated in that metaphor. Interestingly, when the odds of having complex organ structures, or life itself appear randomly, it said that it is impossible to derive these variables. If we are talking about science, present the evidence.
Evolution has no foresight. It tries to adapt organisms to the current environment.
Design does, and that is why there are genetic, epigenetic and instinctive mechanisms where by a creature adapts to or modifies its environment in order for its offspring to multiply.

Evolution is not a thing that it can try to do anything. It is a philosophy, a way to configure what we observe in the world in order to give it coherence.

We are causal agents and can try to alter our environment, and even ourselves to suit our purposes.
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How can it do that when it takes evolution millions of years to do anything ?
What makes you think it takes millions of years to do anything?
Evolution claims it does. I suppose the issue boils down to the concept of final causes. Evolutionary science describes what would be a meaningless universe resulting in diversity and fitness by chance.
Evolution is not a thing that it can try to do anything.
It’s odd how some people speak of evolution like it’s an omnipresent guiding force 😐
Evolution has no foresight. It tries to adapt organisms to the current environment.

Antibiotics, insecticides and herbicides have been around for a lot less than a million years and evolution has already developed counters to many of them.
These minute adaptations haven’t changed what the bacteria, insect, or plant is. They’re still the same species. Also, there’s no proof that these adaptations will be permanent.
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These minute adaptations haven’t changed what the bacteria, insect, or plant i
These are some of the built-in mechanisms that allow the organism to fit in its environment. Bacteria have been found resistant to novel antibiotics in a cave closed off to the rest of the world for more than two million years million years. Moods and bacteria were created to live together in harmony. Molds produce antibiotics to restrict the spread of bacteria, and conversely bacteria produce antibiotics to limit that of molds. This problem is that with the fall, death entered the world and genetic aberrations resulted. There is now disharmony. Every once in a while bacteria with a particular resistance to an antibiotic appear and transfer the genetic material to others. Design messed up by human beings who thought they could do better than God.
How can it do that when it takes evolution millions of years to do anything ?
What makes you think it takes millions of years to do anything?
Evolution claims it does.
No, it does not. Very large and complex evolutionary changes of course take millions of year, but many small to medium sized changes can take place in much shorter time spans, some as small as 100 years.
That’s why I’m not too upset about what mankind is doing to the planet. Benevolent Evolution will bestow it’s magic upon the land and right any of our transgressions.

Surely we couldn’t do worse than the Great Permian Extinction? We’ll get to see the miracles take place before our eyes :crazy_face:
That’s why I’m not too upset about what mankind is doing to the planet. Benevolent Evolution will bestow it’s magic upon the land and right any of our transgressions.
Evolution does not “clean up” pollution. At most it will make species that can better tolerate pollution. There are many species right now that do much better in a polluted world. Our species may not be one of them.
Surely we couldn’t do worse than the Great Permian Extinction?
Is that supposed to be of some comfort? I guess it is like saying “It’s better than a sharp stick in the eye.”
As evidenced by previous Great Dyings, we’ll be fine. Actually, we’ll rebound stronger and more diverse than ever! What happened after the Great Permian Extinction?

Life Found A Way… Er, I mean Evolution…
I don’t think that’s put quite right. Evolution doesn’t try to do anything. It’s a description of the kinds of things that happen when you have a complex system, with different forms varying in persistence.
Yes, actually. The extinction of the dinosaurs left greatly reduced competition for mammals, for example.
Also, there’s no proof that these adaptations will be permanent.
Indeed there isn’t. Because they aren’t necessarily permanent. If the environment changes so that the adaptions are not beneficial, then there will be further changes.

Maybe you should find some threads where you understand the subject matter. Or (and I realise that this is unlikely), you could learn about the matter in hand before you comment further. Education is a wonderful thing. Give it a go why doncha?
I find it hard to believe as a scientist and a Catholic that anyone would still believe in evolution given the evidence against it.
Evolution is part of the enlightenment movement that says men do not need God and all things came about by random chance without God and we should look to men/science for true answers.
I have debated evolution for years and have never found one single fact to prove evolution not a single fact only assumption and forcing theories, Micro evolution is not the same as Macro as micro is observable testable and repeatable, show any of that in evolution of millions of years and you will win me over.
here is a first cause, what came first DNA or Protein? Dna is a genetic code a code is a message and as good Catholics we know that that code was written by God when he created us from the soil a first cause would need to show that dna evolved from random mutations with various causes in the environment to force change, now I find it hard to believe that from slime this master piece of genetics was created over time by such causes, therefor evolution falls down at the very start. We did not evolve from random mutations have you not read that we are wonderfully made? and from the beginning God created man and woman ? not slime pools but living creatures with souls, the Holy Spirit did not breathe life into a slimy rock. Therefor I think father Ripperger is right evolution is not compatible with Catholic teaching on origins in Genesis
These minute adaptations haven’t changed what the bacteria, insect, or plant is. They’re still the same species. Also, there’s no proof that these adaptations will be permanent.
So? These are obvious examples of evolution. If you want a new species, then start with de Vries (1905), who observed the evolution of Oenothera gigas from Oenothera lamarckiana and work forward from there.

Bear in mind that “bacteria”, “insect” and “plant” cover a vast range of species.

many small to medium sized changes
What is it about them that would qualify them as evolutionary and not simply a difference in morphology between a progenitor and its offspring. I’m pretty sure we all agree that happens. What is questionable is the belief that random changes in the genome under the influence of natural selection is the cause of the diversity and growing complexity of living forms.
Maybe you should find some threads where you understand the subject matter. Or (and I realise that this is unlikely), you could learn about the matter in hand before you comment further.
I’ll comment as I see fit and I’ll challenge these absurd notions as they appear. Disagreement and discussion are allowed and I don’t answer to YOU.
Education is a wonderful thing.
Hopefully, yours improves.
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