I’m not familiar with the concept of a lithic soul, and I don’t believe that the primordial forms I’m attributing to “Laws of Physics” are souls per se, so I can’t commit to this proposition. It might be a useful analogy, however.Elements are generally not thought to have animating principles but a lithic soul is, I suppose, possible. You speculate that elements possess in their lithic souls the potentials necessary such that in combinations with other elemental beings, life proceeds from some primordial soup. Is that correct?
I’m not committed to any specific number of substantial forms. My only point previously is that our assignment of specific “substantial forms” to things can indeed be arbitrary, as our perception of what divides like from like can be limited. For example, we might say that a lion and a tiger are different species or the same species depending on our perception and definition. I believe that they have real substantial forms, I’m just not confident in our ability to perfectly discern the boundaries between similar substantial forms. I’m a Realist, but I’m skeptical of our perceptive abilities and man-made definitions.If so, we have but three substantial forms, a lithic soul, an irrational soul and a human soul directly created by God in your speculation.

Peace and God bless!