Be careful with your interpretations, especially when you cite Scripture to support your position – “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” would equally well describe a pair consisting of an ensouled human and an unensouled hominin. They have the same “bones” and “flesh”.
It is interesting to hear that one should be careful about voicing an opinion. While it is true of all human history that it is wise to do so, I’m feeling confident that I am not at any risk.
The rest of the quote goes:
Woman, for out of Man this one was taken.”
Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and clings to his wife, and they become one flesh.
I believe that this ontological truth has a historical dimension, that Eve was formed from Adam. The original plan for human nature seems to have been as a solitary creature, perhaps on the lines of an angel, one who is a species unto himself, but having a physical form. The purpose would be:
Through his very bodily condition he sums up in himself the elements of the material world. Through him they are thus brought to their highest perfection and can raise their voice in praise freely given to the Creator.
And, one became two.
So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
In the sexual act we are meant to become one, as is the Trinity, two persons joined in a mutual love, from which springs a new creation. Our alienation from this foundation is a consequence of sin, which can be overcome in Christ.
What we have to be careful of is of our actions. Our actions are influenced by how we see our situation. Creation myths are part of a larger world view, telling us who, what and why we are, in addition to providing some understanding of how it is that we are. As a creation myth, evolution provides secular society with a justification for its mores. That it is not sinful to engage in sexual activity without a connection of the heart, would follow from the belief.
I would suggest that there’s no contradiction in asserting that our physical being is “evolved”, but since our souls are created directly by God, therefore we become human by virtue of God’s act.
Clearly our bodies contain much the same information as other creatures. This does not necessitate there being an ancestral connection.
It is our physical structure rather than its being that is the issue. Our body’s being and our spirit are one. The claim is that two nonhuman gametes can produce a human fertilized egg. Obviously there is no way to prove this can happen. What we do is conduct thought experiments imagining solely the material dimension of what constitutes a person and how it comes together. Minute transformations are thought to have occured to produce the more sophisticated brain, necessary for the full expression of the spirit. The reality however, is that body and spirit being one; we are persons from conception and that it occurs only with the fusion of two human gametes. This is my understanding.