Yep. Did you read what John Paul II said in his Message to Pontifical Academy of SciencesVern - did you read the article?
October 22, 1996?
Yep. Did you read what John Paul II said in his Message to Pontifical Academy of SciencesVern - did you read the article?
What is the true origin of marriage? That, Venerable Brethren, is a matter of common knowledge. For although the revilers of the Christian faith shrink from acknowledging the Church’s permanent doctrine on this matter, and persist in their long-standing efforts to erase the history of all nations and all ages, they have nonetheless been unable to extinguish, or even to weaken, the strength and light of the truth. We call to mind facts well-known to all and doubtful to no-one: after He formed man from the slime of the earth on the sixth day of creation, and breathed into his face the breath of life, ***God willed to give him a female companion, whom He drew forth wondrously from the man’s side as he slept.*** In bringing this about, God, in His supreme Providence, willed that this spousal couple should be the natural origin of all men: in other words, that from this pair the human race should be propagated and preserved in every age by a succession of procreative acts which would never be interrupted. And so that this union of man and woman might correspond more aptly to the most wise counsels of God, it has manifested from that time onward, deeply impressed or engraved, as it were, within itself, two preeminent and most noble properties: unity and perpetuity.[27](http://www.kolbecenter.org/harrison.eve.html#sdfootnote27sym)
From the Catechism:
There are other threads that show the correct translation of what he said.Yep. Did you read what John Paul II said in his Message to Pontifical Academy of Sciences
October 22, 1996?
Let’s get on the right ground here. And you making a sede vacantist argument? Are you claiming the current Pope is an invalid Pope, or his teachings are somehow tainted?OK then.
This is what Pope Leo said…
And this makes John Paul II wrong?What is the true origin of marriage? That, Venerable Brethren, is a matter of common knowledge. For although the revilers of the Christian faith shrink from acknowledging the Church’s permanent doctrine on this matter, and persist in their long-standing efforts to erase the history of all nations and all ages, they have nonetheless been unable to extinguish, or even to weaken, the strength and light of the truth. We call to mind facts well-known to all and doubtful to no-one: after He formed man from the slime of the earth on the sixth day of creation, and breathed into his face the breath of life, God willed to give him a female companion, whom He drew forth wondrously from the man’s side as he slept. In bringing this about, God, in His supreme Providence, willed that this spousal couple should be the natural origin of all men: in other words, that from this pair the human race should be propagated and preserved in every age by a succession of procreative acts which would never be interrupted. And so that this union of man and woman might correspond more aptly to the most wise counsels of God, it has manifested from that time onward, deeply impressed or engraved, as it were, within itself, two preeminent and most noble properties: unity and perpetuity.27…
Where does it say we as Catholics are commanded to reject evolution?From the Catechism:
371 God created man and woman together and willed each for the other. The Word of God gives us to understand this through various features of the sacred text. "It is not good that the man should be alone. I will make him a helper fit for him."242 None of the animals can be man’s partner.243 The woman God “fashions” from the man’s rib and brings to him elicits on the man’s part a cry of wonder, an exclamation of love and communion: "This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh."244 Man discovers woman as another “I”, sharing the same humanity.
Just what part of:There are other threads that show the correct translation of what he said.
No-one is *obliged *to accede to any conclusion, scientific or otherwise. Science’s ‘authority’ derives from its philosophical axioms (for example the starting point that the universe behaves according to laws that are, in principle, accessible to discovery by observation and reason) and from its success in explaining, describing and predicting the natural world. You can choose to accept that the axioms and methods of science reveal truths about how the natural world works; or you can reject science’s ability to do so. What you cannot do, whilst maintaining an intellectually viable stance, is to accept the conclusions of science that match your preconceptions, religious dogmas, or arbitrary preferences and to reject those that do not. Intellectual honesty demands that you either reject science’s efficacy in revealing natural truth; or you accept it, regardless of whether its conclusions are contrary to the dogma of your faith or your personal whims.Alec,
Thank you for that well-written historical summary that would have taken many more books and years of my time to put into a knowledgeable perspective.
Ok with respect to our “Grand Agreement” (I gave it a name) from previous threads you have clearly demonstrated that you understand the framework and context of evolutionary biology (regardless if evolution actually occurred or not), which I do not call into question.
What I am calling into question is the authoritative underpinnings of which we are obliged to believe any conclusion put forth by scientists with respect to the lack of observed evidence.
Sure, but, it’s a dead end. There is no formal organisation or person or court which decides what scientific hypotheses are accepted and which are rejected. Science doesn’t work like that - my reference to historians of science was because I personally am not sure *exactly when *the neo-Darwinian theory was fully accepted by the scientific community and came to be the foundation of modern biology and the historians will. But historians have no authority to decide *what *hypotheses are accepted.In the American legal system when we have a trial, the authority either rests with the Judge or a Jury. They are the ones who examine all the given evidence and put forth a legally binding decision which is enforced.
Here it appears that you are assigning the authority of accepting a scientific conclusion to a scientific historian.
Can you see where I am going with this?
Dear Socali,Where does that authority origniate? The authority of science is directly related to whether or not we should accept the conclusion of evolution. Please don’t take it personally that I don’t accept your conclusion that it did occur - i’m sure that you would agree that would be bad science.
clmowry said:pnas.org/cgi/content/full/97/13/7360
This link seems to indicate that our “Most Recent Comon Ancestor” could have been 59,000,000 years ago, rather than 6 Million?
Dear Chuck,The key point I was hinting at is that this article shows vastly different time frames for the statistical likely hood of a the occurence of a common ancestor for humans.
It seemed to me on a casual reading it is perhaps less certain that a “Most Recent Comon Ancestor” could not have existed before man was man than some have indicated.
Dear Chuck,Why would results that require the intercession of supernatural powers be less valid, other than the obivous presuposition on the part of the observer that these events cannot occur?
You seem to be saying the if scientific results support the conclusion of supernatural intervention then they must be considered erroneus in some way, but that if they do not then we can consider them valid. True?
Is this an assumption, or are you saying that there is data that “proves” that there are different evolutionary ancestors for various people. i.e. They can’t possibly converge at a single point? Or that we cannot find a “MRCA” for the entire population without testing the entire population?It is essential to realise that MRCA does not mean Sole Ancestor - in the generation of an MRCA there are other ancestors of at least a portion of the extant human population… You cannot equate an MRCA with Adam or Eve.
Welcome back. You and Buffalo are discovering, just as I did, that hecd2 and Vern and others can make statements like: “Theory of evolution” and scientific “fact” of evolution in the same sentence while conveniently glossing over the correct wording which would be ASSUMED “fact” of evolution. Honest science will always say assumed when something cannot be replicated and when it is therefore the best guess of many scientists.Hi,
This is the guy who started this thread.
I’ll repost what was stated in the encyclical.
Pope Pius XII states: “When, however, there is question of another conjectural opinion, namely polygenism, the children of the Church by no means enjoy such liberty. For the faithful cannot embrace that opinion which maintains either that after Adam there existed on this earth true men who did not take their origin through natural generation from him as from the first parents of all, or that Adam represents a certain number of first parents. Now, it is in no way apparent how such an opinion can be reconciled that which the sources of revealed truth and the documents of the teaching authority of the Church proposed with regard to original sin which proceeds from a sin actually committed by an individual Adam in which through generation is passed onto all and is in everyone as his own” (Humani Generis 37).
Focusing on what I highlighted in bold, I don’t understand how I can hold to any other evolution theory other than that Adam evolved from pre-existing matter and that he was the only one of all of these creatures to evolve to the point of the ability to reason. Since the evidence for evolution doesn’t support this it confuses me why evolution is an open issue for Catholics.
Could someone please point out to the parts of Humani Generis that are giving me problems and give me an explaination how I can still hold to evolution given all of the evidence that seemingly contradicts that we all descended from Adam and Eve?
Evolution – that is the descent of present-day species from earlier species – is a fact.Welcome back. You and Buffalo are discovering, just as I did, that hecd2 and Vern and others can make statements like: “Theory of evolution” and scientific “fact” of evolution in the same sentence while conveniently glossing over the correct wording which would be ASSUMED “fact” of evolution. Honest science will always say assumed when something cannot be replicated and when it is therefore the best guess of many scientists.
Which it doesn’t. There is no conflict between science and the teachings of the Church.They also conveniently disregard the proviso in the Pope’s most recent statement that it can’t disagree with the established teaching of the Church.
The question is, are those who would impose a sola scriptura, the-bible-is-literally-true interpretation on the Church Catholic?He certainly didn’t contradict his predecessors nor did he rewrite the Catechism. The pope is Catholic…
The Holy Father has said,It isn’t our faith that has a problem. It is that those supreme arbiters of what is good science and what is ignorant can’t seem to admit that they too are acting on faith - a faith in several unprovable assumptions.
Phil, We are very close to agreeing here.Pius XII – “…the faithful cannot embrace that opinion which maintains either that after Adam there existed on this earth true men who did not take their origin through natural generation from him as from the first parents of all, or that Adam represents a certain number of first parents…”
The key phrase is true men. True men are those with bodies and souls. All those who came after Adam/Eve would be true men, their children, and children’s children, etc. Adam/Eve would be the first “true men,” “our first parents” with body and soul. The other “humans” that may have existed at that time, or even slightly after Adam/Eve would not have souls, they would not be “true men,” and they would eventually die off.
Eventually everyone would have a soul inherited from Adam/Eve, and be effected by the original sin of Adam/Eve. PROBLEM AND OBJECTION SOLVED. I think.
I hope my previous post made it, the PHP script went bad for a second…
Phil P
Phil,Newman60 But I encourage you to keep trying to defeat evolution, the age of the earth, the germ theory of disease, and the theory of gravity.
Phil P
Newman60 << There are on the other hand many people with whom you can discuss something like paleobotanist Jennifer McElwain’s study of fossilized leaves and how they relate to the age of mountains as that is described in the December issue of “Geology”. >>
BTW, read the official statement on evolution from the Botanical Society of America, and tell me what you think. I’ve linked that before as well. But I encourage you to keep trying to defeat evolution, the age of the earth, the germ theory of disease, and the theory of gravity.
Phil P