Steve Andersen:
You know I try to be charitable but I cannot believe that we are even having this discussion …in the 21st century…and on a computer no less
I think part of the problem is that evolutionary scientists go a step or two too far and the fun and games begin. Creationist’s and Evolutionist’s both seem to have an all or nothing approach.
i.e. Look evolution is true…there is no God. Or…There is a God…so evolution is false.
I have no doubt that living things evolve.
I have temendous doubt that life sprang from inanimate matter all by it’s lonesome.
Now tell me that evolution can’t explain (scientifically) the orgins of life, but that it appears that once life was “created” evolution explains how the different creatures came into exisitance. Then I’m a happy camper.
I also have a hard time understanding WHY a single living common ancestor would ever have evolved into, what would it be milliions, of different creatures that have inhabited the Earth?
i.e. Why would anything in the environment that supported the first living matter (be it a cell or whatever) drive that thing to evolve in not one but several different directions resulting in bacteria, plants, animals etc overtime.
If the direction comes from DNA, then Who directed the DNA?
As far as the science goes, I wouldn’t be surprised that when it’s all said and done that we find not a single but several “common ancestors.” You know…“each created in their kind”.
Finally, when an evolutinist tells me that the only difference between rats and apes and Human Beings is a few genes and that we are all just animals that happen to be here by random chance. That man has no “soul” beyound an evolved self awareness. Tell me that religion is an evolved trait. etc. etc. And then tell me that I’m a moron if I can’t see that evolution “proves” all of these spritual things that can be neither proven nor dis-proved by scietific observation. And well…I’m likely to tell you to keep working on evolutional theory until you’re no longer drawing theological conclusions from it.
Once certain evolutionists stop linking athesim with evolution, it’ll likely be much more easily accpeted.
As long as it means I have to become an aethist to accept evelotion. Well then I’m going to tell you “your” theory of evolution is wrong.